
A Big Bird

(A/N: Once I finish this semester's school work I'll be able to post more chapters a week. So until then, I'm only going to be able to pump out once a week at most.)


Sweat trailed Fenrir's forehead. As he wiped away the ever-increasing amount, he gripped a knife in his hands while looking at his greatest enemy yet. Heat blasted onto his face as the door opened to reveal... a tray of cookies.

Baking was always a hobby, nothing Fenrir delved into seriously yet still enjoyed. Something to take his mind off well.. everything. It also helped that Evelyn, Daniel, and Ray were all ecstatic about having a 'godlike savior' they called him for baking them sweets on occasion.

Fenrir was a tad sour about the nickname but as much as he despised it, he was never one to deny his roots. The only consolation he received was from the fact that he was only 25% God and the rest of his blood was Jötunn... like his mother. Fenrir couldn't 𝐧𝐨𝐭 hold a smile while thinking about his mother.

However, even with his.. divine roots. Power is only gained through training, and Fenrir was severely out of practice. The only reason he was currently taking a break and continuing his hobby of baking was due to Charles' insistence of him taking a break. Something about it not being healthy for his body. Fenrir couldn't reluctantly agreed as he couldn't just walk up to him and say, 'Hey! I'm pretty much a divine-like being with most of my powers/abilities sealed so I don't really give a shit about lactic acid buildup and muscle deterioration!'

Thus leading to him holding a tray of cookies and other assorted sweets as he sat it down on the table. As soon as the tray left his hands and made contact with the table, all of the cookies he made were gone. Eaten in a rather.. comical fashion by everyone else, excluding Adam as he was busy with Sienna.

Fenrir cracked a smile as he saw everyone enjoying his creations. Maybe practicing his baking skills occasionally won't be 𝘵𝘰𝘰 bad.


(A few days later)

Fenrir could be seen running circles around the orphanage with a basket of stones on his back.

Breathing heavily, after a few more finishing laps he dumped the basket and fell back-first onto the ground. "5-500. Senjutsu *huff* would be wonderful right about now." He managed to groan out as he embraced the ground.

"Fenrir! Someone's here to see you!" Charles voice reverberated from inside the orphanage.

"Hah! Gi-Give me a minute!" He yelled back as he struggled to stand up. "My legs feel like jelly," he muttered to himself while stumbling inside his home.

Standing by the doorway was somebody he never thought would want to see him alone. Adam was leaning against the doorway. He had, from what Fenrir could tell, a very well-made sword hanging from his belt on his hip. Adam's looked around as his one visible eye landed on Fenrir. "Uh- uhm.. Yo?" Fenrir began awkwardly trying to greet the teenager.

Adam's lips quirked up for a second before instantly falling back down to his neutral expression. "...Yo..." He responded, a little less awkwardly.

"Follow me," Adam said as he began to walk to the street. Fenrir hesitantly followed the 'older' teenager out the door.

Fenrir walked closely beside Adam as the two meandered in silence, opting to listen to the people in the streets converse. Walking in the... louder parts of the streets was like nails on a chalkboard to Fenrir's sensitive hearing.

Luckily, after a couple of turns the two made it to a gate into the forest. Mustering the courage to speak, Fenrir began to question Adam. "So.. why are we here?" He asked the most relevant question on his mind.

"Training.. so be quiet and follow me," Adam said blandly as he motioned for a few guards to open the gate. The guards complied silently as the nigh 20ft gates opened via a mechanical system hidden in the walls.

"Why are you taking me training then? I already trained today anyways," Fenrir asked curiously while admiring the nature on the other side of the walls.

"Interest." He said blandly, clearly refusing to elaborate.

"Wow.. that didn't answer the question at all!" Fenrir said as he crossed his arms with a huff.

"Hn," Adam grunted as he continued to dodge the question.

"Well I know who just lost cookie privileges," Fenrir huffed silently.

If Adam heard Fenrir he didn't bother to acknowledge his statement, causing Fenrir to pout in silence.

The duo continued walking down a faded path that has seen better days until they arrived in a clearing. Fenrir looked around for a minute before opening his mouth, "Cool little hideout ya got here." He said sarcastically while looking at rotting trees and patches of dead grass.

"Hn," Adam grunted again.

"Is that the only response you have to.. well everything?" Fenrir asked, slightly peeved.

Adam smile widened by a small margin before falling again, "Hn," he said with the smuggest eyes.

Fenrir deadpanned, "You suck," he said while sticking his tongue out.

"Childish," Adam snorted.

"Well I am a chi-," Fenrir was about to finish before he pondered. 'Does 512 years count as being a child? I mean.. it's pretty young for an immortal. Damn, why's my life got to be so fucking confusing! I literally sat in a cell for all of it and well... they aren't pleasant memories anyways. Still physically 12 anyways..' He thought.

Adam tapped the 'younger' wolf-boy on his shoulder. "You okay there Fenrir? You zoned out for a couple minutes while looking over there," He said with a small hint of concern.

Meanwhile, Fenrir gaped. "You- You can speak more than 5 words?!?" Fenrir said in an exaggerated manner with a look of complete shock.

Adam's facial features scrunched slightly while he looked away. Fenrir had to hold back his snickers while watching Adam.

After a few minutes of awkward silence, Fenrir decided to speak. "So... what are we go-" He attempted to say before he was interrupted by a shrill shriek and feather projectiles.

Spear-like feathers dug into his skin as he watched in morbid curiosity. "Meh," he said before looking at the perpetrator. A huge raven-like creature with bone plating was looking down at him.

As soon as he noticed the figure was a raven he saw red. His lips quirked up into a fierce snarl. Adam noticed the change but was to busy parrying the feather projectiles about to hit him.

Fenrir recklessly charged at the oversized bird as he began to prepare the move he's been practicing the past few days, the first Hymn. Instead of beginning the attack with the standard foot sweep, Gleipnir materialized around his arms. Twisting and coiling around his arms the divine chains shot towards the raven Grimm. Fenrir was to angry and partially afraid to care about how he could explain to Adam.

The bird squawked as it avoided the Gleipnir, causing Fenrir to become even more frustrated. Adam took the opportunity to send a concentrated arc of kinetic energy he absorbed from the impact of the feathers to the Nevermore. The Nevermore's right wing was clipped from the blast causing it's flight path to stutter long enough for Gleipnir to wrap around it's skull.

The bird released a horrid shriek as it's whole body was limited from the affects of Gleipnir. The bird slowly fell to the ground while attempting to keep it's airborne status.

'Bloody Ascension,' Fenrir thought as his feet slammed into the unprotected part of it's beak. The Nevermore's head rolled from the impact as it was practically knocked unconscious. Adam silently appeared behind him as he used his sword to behead the creature.

Fenrir's clouded haze lifted as he saw the decapitated Nevermore. Fenrir's smile widened as he looked down at the dissolving corpse. Before he could celebrate however, he felt a fist bop his head.

"You're.. an idiot. Even if you have aura and that semblance of yours," Adam said as he spared a glance towards Gleipnir which was still tightly wrapped around Fenrir's arm. "You still could've died. I can't go back to the orphanage to Charles with a right mind if you die.. so don't do that shit again," Adam said sternly as he continued to bop the top of Fenrir's head with his fist.

'What the fuck is aura and a semblance?' Fenrir thought but concluded it was best NOT to spread the idea around... yet.

"Why didn't your Aura stop those feathers?" Adam said as he noticed multiple feathers still embedded into his skin.

Fenrir looked back down and grew slightly embarrassed as he forgot about them already due to his pain tolerance. "Uh... wasn't prepared for it?" Fenrir asked.

"Is that supposed to be a question?" Adam interrogated.

"N-no," Fenrir retorted as he looked away.

Fenrir grabbed the feather-spears before pulling them out with barely a wince on his face. "Eh.. I've had worse," he muttered.

Adam pulled some alcohol and gauze out from a satchel and wrapped the gauze around his injuries while dabbing some alcohol on it for disinfectant.

"Alright.. let's go back.. you can't train properly if you're bleeding everywhere," Adam stated as he finished tending to Fenrir's wounds.

"Aye aye Captain," Fenrir said with a mock salute as he began to tread the path the used to get here.

While Fenrir wasn't looking Adam pulled out a small notebook and made a check mark under 'Potential White Fang Trainees'.

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