
A withering flower at devil's mercy

"These bedchambers have missed your scent." He whispered in a raspy voice which made her heart thump louder. Her fears arose knowing no bounds to them. She feared to be trapped her whole life with him once again. He shut the stained glass doors behind him. "Please let me go. I beg you." she begged trembling as he slowly embraced her with every touch that felt too hot for her to become unbearable. "You took the chance to escape this place while you carried my child in your womb. Why did you come back?" He kissed her neck like he always did. "I...don't know..." she nearly choked on her words. Being a princess of the Holy Empire that rules the skies, Luciana Mircea de Amanécer had everything she could ever wish for. A caring father, riches, cheerful sisters, and a loving fiance. Her life was perfect in its own way. Until one day her father personally visited her chambers to deliver her news of marriage. The news delivered to her was not of the happy marriage she dreamt of with the man she always wanted to be with. She could not believe how she was being sold just because of the political conflicts with the enemy Empire. The husband-to-be she was informed of was the ruthless crown prince of the demon's lair; the empire that ruled over darkness, where she was supposed to be wedded to. "Father! Please don't do this to me." Luciana cried helplessly. "My child, it is your duty as the firstborn princess. This marriage is your responsibility." He agonized for not being able to protect every one of them. "Please, Luci. For the sake of your little sisters." He bowed down for the first time in his life. Seeing her father so desperately asking her she gave in to his request and accepted the proposal. Her life had turned upside down where she became a wife and a mother overnight. But who could've thought that the white wedding dress was soon to be dyed red? And how could she succeed in escaping the hellish life she was about to face so soon? Will she be able to accept a demon who finds kindness alienating or will the fiance she wanted to be with will stand up for her? The cover belongs to the rightful owner. The owner may reclaim the cover page anytime.

Akira_Kanesada · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
96 Chs

CHAPTER#13:Severed memories.

The palace looked magnificent ever since it was built during the reign of the first saint emperor and empress. The walls glistened gold under the warm rays of the shining sun.

But the laughter and joy had vanished along with the one who gave life to these heartfelt emotions. As if it were an empty shell without its rightful owner.

The emperor sat in his study with his arms on the table resting his head over it. Every day was a regret to him as he sold his daughter to the devil's lair. How she resembled his late empress as if she were a reincarnation that was sent by their god to ease him from his grief.

His light blonde hair bathed under the warm sunshine. He couldn't bring himself to face the rest of his daughters to whom Luciana was like a mother.

Melody and Avlynn cried each passing day until they would tire themselves and sleep. Aria would do the same but in seclusion. For she vowed to be a better person for both of them in Luciana's absence.

"Why couldn't you refuse it, Father, you not going to regret losing another person precious to you. Or have you forgotten what happened to our mother?" she would shun him now and then.

-"Forgive this father, my daughters. Forgive me for being thoughtless." Helios sighed.

He couldn't let out a thought of Luciana even during the conference meeting with the elite council.

"Helios!" Rudolf barged into the study only to find the emperor listlessly staring at the documents placed in front of him on the desk.

"Rudolf..." He looked up into the eyes of the man standing before him.

Rudolf was not only Luciana's uncle but their father's childhood friend. Their mother was introduced to Helios through her older brother.

Songs and tales claim it was the emperor who fell in love with Aphrodite. But Rudolf was against this agreement.

"I can't have her enter into this royal mess."He would disagree and fight back until his little sister calmed him to an understanding.

"The council has been spewing nonsense about the next crowned heir. And you lay here with that sweet grief that has made you so drunk to your regrets."

The emperor sighed in distress and finally picked up a document resuming his work.

"Let's talk of it later Rudolf. I'm in no mood to participate in baseless argument."

He had deep dark circles beneath his eyes. It was significant that he had sleepless nights for weeks.

"Are you going to dwell over what has been done? Or are you planning on clinging to a false hope of getting your daughter back? "

"Whatever it may take me to get her back. I will not stop."

He signed the document and reached out for the next.

But a hand came before him on the pile of papers.

"Is it going to be the same way as you tried to bring back Aphrodite? "He raged.

Helios could no longer keep back his temper.

"Rudolf... as much of a sweet little sister she was to you. She was my lady wife. My only empress. My only love. Talk any more of it in front of my daughters or me and I won't guarantee a safe place for you."

He knew this would not go anywhere. He summoned Helios' attendant an elderly man in his sixties.

"How may I be of service my Lord? "

Rudolf slowly made their way beside Helios and without wasting another second he struck him at the back of his neck and no sooner did the emperor lay unconscious on the paper he was studying.

"Take the emperor to his bedchambers. He will ruin his health if he continues any longer."

Rudolf said removing the quill pen from his hand as he breathed softly.

The butler took him from one arm with Rudolf lending him a helping hand. Thankfully the bedchamber was just across the long hall.

As the butler took off his overcoat and shoes Rudolf heard him whisper something under his breath.

He closed in to get a better hearing of it.

"Lucia... Aphrodite... Forgive me... "

He felt bitterness in his mouth as his bowels churned in uneasiness.

"How long will you keep on resenting yourself Helios?"He moved away frowning.

-"This is why I never wished her to you."

He knew both Aphrodite and Helios were persistent in their days of youth.

The butler left after filling some water in the silver goblet and left it with some medicine upon the royal physician's recommendation.

He left shortly after taking one last glance at the sleeping man and the large golden framed portrait of his beloved sweet sister.

"Indeed Odite... Lucia is your reincarnation."

He remembered how she would laugh and say during her first successful pregnancy that if it were a boy he would be like Helios with sharp eyes of gold and soft curly light blonde hair. Or if it were the latter she would want a baby girl to resemble her. God was merciful to bless another saintess at least to save face since she suffered two miscarriages before Luciana was born.

When she turned five it was yet another shock when they found out the daughter was different than other of her kind.

"One winged princess" she was called and few took it as a curse over the imperial family.

Until that when Rudolf proved that there was a saintess who was famous for being one winged but was favored by God so much so to receive extraordinary powers to heal people. Since then the royal family members have been blessed with such powers.

He walked across the hall and then stopped in front of the portrait that was last painted of her.

Luciana looked like young Aphrodite, while Aria who was energetic and mischievous like Helios and him in their younger days. Melody who was at time age of five had soft blonde wavy hair resembling Helios and silver eyes a trait of his family and so was baby Avlynn in Aphrodite's arms with silver wavy hair and golden eyes like Helios' and Aria's.

All daughters, who were blessed with a power unique than the other.

It was a relief to see Helios cherish them more than most fathers would care to do for their daughters.

If only he could wed Octavius to Luciana before this grievous news reached their ears. Perhaps he could protect of whatever was left of his sister. In the end either of the princesses would have been a target. Aria for one.

But he know it his heart how she would hate him for it. And his wife would be just as mad at him as Aphrodite would have been considering Aurora's timid and overly kind nature.

When he flew out of the palace into the lush imperial gardens. He could smell the sweet scents of jasmine and roses. There were olive trees that were known to be sacred trees of this empire. Ripe black and green olives hung on branches waiting to be harvested. There were fig trees aswell. And pomegranate trees. In far end there were vines of grapes of all kinds slowly crawling up the stone arches. Just as he was about to pick up a bunch, he saw something fluffy white behind one of those huge marble and stone arch.

He closed in to get a better view of it.

He heard low sound of sobbing.

"Your highness Avlynn?"

The child suddenly looked up with tears rolling out of her eyes.
