
A while away: two sides to a coin

A While Away: Two Sides to a Coin shows the story of three merging with the three, Yemi, Yomi, Kunle, Ayooni, Anike and Asake, six people who tell the story of the dead and find themselves in a fix when they stumbled upon a corpse from the 18th century that hasn't decayed, The King of Utaka and a portal to a mirror world from theirs. Stuck in an unknown yet familiar world. they must find the truth as to why the corpse had a bitter memory and unravel the mystery of the land that was plagued before they can go back to their world. But with love, envy, jealousy, greed, and murder circling them, will they give in to what they are subjected to or will they scale through their ordeal and fight for what is right? thank you.

Aabimisha · Fantasie
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35 Chs

Chapter Twenty Four: Our Journey

Holy shit! Kunle said in an exaggerated tone with Asani and Emman on his tail. Is that... Oh, Asani walked closer looking at the body. Ayooni felt the ground beneath her shake as the body stared at them calmly. 

Dad, she called softly. Ayu smiled at her words. You've grown. You look just like her. I don't have much time he said his face serious. He turned "La fisança pòt semblar tròp luènh mas l'amor a son biais de resòlvre totas las questions(The trust may seem too far but love has its way of solving all questions). Lo destin pòt semblar crudèl mas ton camin es pas interdit(Fate may seem cruel but your path crossing isn't forbidden). Mai daissar anar çò que sabes qu'es pas çò qu'èra(Never let go of what you know isn't what it was). Çò que se tròba dins l'escur es la quita escuretat( What lies in the darkness is darkness itself)... Las illusions pòdon semblar realas mas un còr pur fa pas mai d'error" (What lies in the dark is the dark itself. Illusions may look real but a pure heart never mistakes their path). 

Take heed, he said to them. He turned to Yemi. What you have is more than what the answers are, you have the power to make and destroy. You two are the two sides to a coin none can function without the other. Take my hand he said to him. Yemi put his hand in his, I see the light in you is brighter than what I have. Take good care of my little girl. He reached for a pouch in his chest pocket and handed it to Ayooni. This is your mother's. He looked up in time to see Aiden and Emily arriving. Now you are complete. I forgive you brother he whispered in a way only Aiden could hear then dispersed.

Ayooni watched with unshed tears as her father's body dispersed in front of her. They saw the altar that held his body open like a portal. We need to leave now Aiden said behind them. confused about who had just spoken Yemi looked at his father. No time to explain it has begun and you all need to be there. Aiden took the lead and went through the passage to the other side. The rest of them followed suit.

When Ayooni opened her eyes, she saw they were in a building that looked like the 19th-century French empire. Its grand interior could only portray how big it will look on the outside. There were little angels hung on the dream catcher attached to the head bed. She was lying down on a bed wearing a silk dress. Yemi entered carrying a tray which she assumed the cup in it has water. You are awake he said giving her the cup. Yeah, she said with a not-so-enthusiastic voice. How long was I out? she asked him.

One day, he tucked her hair behind her ear. We are in the home Ayu built for Wura and their unborn child before the incident. This was supposed to be your room. Yemi filled her in. No wonder the room has all she likes. Who changed my clothes? Anike and Asani did, they won't let me touch you, he smiled at her. Ayooni looked down keeping the blush in. You have an uncanny way of flirting I wonder where you learned from but then you didn't girls frolics around you like pests.

Jealous? Yemi teased her. No why would I be, she retorted. I don't know he said his eyes taking in her appearance. He kissed her in a sudden urgency. Since they had told each other how they felt Yemi noticed he had been unable to keep himself at bay where she was concerned. 

He gnawed her lips as she opened to him. tongues fight as each fought for dominance. Glad the cup had been dropped on the table. Yemi pushed them on the bed and began to explore her body. A muffled sigh escaped her lips as he worked on her. She wasnted him and this bed seemed to add to it. She felt his teeth nip her neck and his hand squeezed her breast gently eliciting moans from her. 

Yemi felt starved and she was the only one who could quench it. He wanted her in a way that had his bones aching. He wished they didn't have to wear layers like old English men here but then even in this century girls are allowed to wear lighter clothes but this one is hindering him from having access to her. Unable to keep still Ayooni tugged his hair so their mouth met. Hungry for each other they managed to rid her under garment and he removed his cloak. Still engrossed in each other they did not realise someone else had entered the room.

I guess we have to come back, I can't keep walking into this... Anike said from the door. With ragged breathe Yemi cursed making Ayooni laugh. Thanks for knocking Niks Ayooni said. Oh please, Anike rolled her eyes. You were asleep I had no idea your sleeps includes a very hot session with Mr handsome here, she wiggled her eyes at Yemi who grinned at her. 

Anyway sorry to interrupt you. I wasn't the only one who was that though. Anike winked at Yemi in a way that made him wince. My parents came in with you. This had Ayooni snapping her head to the entrance as Aiden and Emily came in from the back.

Hello! Emily greeted. We just wanted to check on you. Yes, we did we don't know we would be feeding our eyes with a scene Aiden murmured receiving a smack from his wife. Carry on, we will be downstairs when you are done, they tugged Anike's reluctant arm and closed the door behind them. That goes the mood, Yemi muttered annoyed making her grin.