
A Villain In Red

In a fantastical twist of fate, Janet Mcquincy is thrust into a world she never imagined possible—a romance novel she once devoured, now turned into an otome game. But her excitement turns to dread when she awakens not as a beloved heroine but as Veronica Henderson, the dreaded villain destined for a desolate and heart-wrenching fate. Determined to defy the cruel hand of destiny, Janet, now Veronica, embarks on a daring mission: to befriend the captivating male leads and steer her story away from the treacherous path of banishment. Along the way, she forms unexpected bonds with delightful and quirky characters, who prove to be both allies and friends in this intricate game of fate. Just as she starts to feel invincible with her knowledge of the original novel's plot, a startling revelation shatters her confidence. She realizes that the game's universe operates independently from the novel, leaving her vulnerable to unforeseen twists and turns. Panic sets in as she discovers that not only her fate but the lives of everyone in this enchanting world are at grave risk. In a realm where happiness hangs in the balance, Janet must summon every ounce of courage and wit to confront the impending danger. With time slipping away and danger lurking around every corner, she finds herself entangled in a heart-pounding race against destiny itself. Will Janet seize control of her own narrative and forge an extraordinary love story? In this breathtaking isekai romance, where fate holds sway and uncertainty reigns, the battle for happiness becomes a daring quest—one that will captivate your heart and leave you breathless until the very last page. "Discover a world where destiny weaves an unpredictable tale, and love becomes the ultimate quest. Join Janet Mcquincy on a thrilling journey, where her determination to find happiness defies the boundaries of reality itself." Author's Note: That synopsis took me a week to write with help from my English and Literature teachers. Thank you for reading my novel. I apologize because some of my first chapters are really long and jam packed. Please bear with me and don't let it discourage you from reading. The story is good I promise. Though it may take a while for the story to pick up. It might not get interesting until the 68th chapter but I implore you to give it a chance. ( ꈍᴗꈍ) It's my first novel so please support me (٥↼_↼). Vote, comment even an emoji will suffice.

Internet_mouse · Fantasie
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27 Chs

Friend or Foe

The carriage comes to a halt in front of the manor I've recently acquainted myself with. I push open the carriage door and help Sonya get her brother out.

"You" I shout to the coachman who flinches at the loudness of my voice.

"Yes my lady"

"Go to the nearest town get a doctor from the local hospital to treat him. Don't just pick up any quack from the streets make he's someone we can trust. There's money in my purse. Now run along and be quick"

With a quick nod the coachman sets off to do what I've asked of him. By now a few servants have gathered around me.

"You lot don't just stand there help him" I almost scream at them.

They all in a frenzy rush to my side and help carry the injured man inside.

I follow them closely.

"Take to the guest room until the doctor arrives"

I just hope that coachman hurries up.

We enter what seems to be a guest room. The servants carrying the man make their way over to the bed. Pausing for a brief moment and to look at me.

"M.....m..y l...aaady if we...we put him on the bed he'll stain the sheets"

What in the world are they saying.

Is that really their main concern at this moment?!

"Have you all gone mad?! Place him on the bed we can worry about the bloody sheets later"

Forgetting their earlier hesitation they place him on the bed.

Another servant enters the room.

"My lady the coachman has returned"

That was fast. It hasn't even been five minutes. The nearest town should be a good ten minutes from here. Where would he find a doctor out here in the countryside.

As if answering my thoughts the coachman rushes in closely followed by a woman.

She has long jet black hair and is wearing a long navy blue gown beautifully embroidered with gold.

Seeing her I feel a sudden surge of relief. I can hear the servant gasp and whisper among themselves. I can't blame them. The woman in front of us is no other than Leah Knight. An SSS class healing type mage. A doctor and healer to all.

"Lady Knight if I may I'd ask a favor. Please help this man" I gesture to the wounded man on the bed.

Ha! Lady Knight that sounds so funny to my ears.

She pushes past me and rushes to his side.

"You idiot how can you leave him in this condition. You should have taken him to a hospital"

Ugh! That's not what is important at the moment.

"You can scold me later just see to him first"

Turning back to the man in front of her. She lays her hand on his chest and whispers a few words I can't make out. At first nothing happens but a soft white glow travels from her hand into her body. It's no mystery as to what she's doing she's using mana. Since I'm in Veronica's body I wonder if I myself can use it as well.

We watch as miraculously all his wounds heal and close up. Bruised and battered flesh become strong and supple again. Soon the man before us is without blemish and is sleeping soundly on the bed.

Quietly with no cares or worries in the world. Oh how I'd love to splash a bucket of cold water on him.

The servants all gather around Leah praising her and gushing over her. Especially Sonya who's crying and thanking her. Everyone's completely forgotten about me.

Leah turns to me and make her way over.

"Lady Henderson there is something I need to discuss with you"

Looks like playtime's over.

"Everyone please return back to your duties that's enough excitement for one day"

The servants all rush out like a bunch of worker bees.

I turn to Sonya who's still by her brother's side.

"Tell the chef prepare something delicious. I'm sure he'll be hungry when he wakes up"

She smiles at me and nods her head.

I exit the room with Leah. I lead her to the only lobby I've actually seen in all my time of being here.

I offer her a seat and I take mine adjacent her.

"You said you had something to discuss with me"

She gives me a look of annoyance and I immediately shut up.

"How long do you plan on sitting by and doing nothing" she says angrily.

What is she talking about?!

"I don't understand what you mean" I say genuinely confused.

"If we don't do something Darawe is going to become head sage. And as much as you don't carry about the Mage Society and what goes on in it. I believe this is something you won't let slide"

Oh! Now I remember this was a scene in the book. Not exactly the same but she's supposed to be asking the heroine not me. I mean this is an issue that Charlotte was able to resolve so I'm sure she can deal with this too. No reason why I should get involved. Thinking about that brat just makes my blood boil for some reason.

"So what do want me to do" I ask non-chalantly

"I want to you to cast your vote for Desmond instead. If you show that you support him. Then the element type mages as well as a good portion of the  manifestation type mages will follow suit. Then we can stop that dirty rat from doing as she pleases with the society"

Charlotte after gaining her mage powers in what I'd call an unnecessary flurry of chapters. Proves her skill as a spirit type mage and gains the support and trust of many of her fellow mages. She is then offered a chance to be a part of the seven pillars of magic also know as the seven stars of mana. Which is basically an elite organization comprising of the best of the best from each mana department. They make important decision involving arts and experimentations done with mana. Veronica also has a spot on this council but she was more of a sleeping partner than a dominant one.

The only thing more impressive than her leveling up is the amount of plot amour she had. Must be the perks of being the main character. The world just revolves around her. She was practically untouchable not to mention surviving being poisoned numerous times by Veronica. Who surprisingly got away with it scot-free most of the time.

Darawe is an enchantment type mage involved in the dark arts. And according to the novel if she we're allowed to become head mage. She'd bring ruin not only to the mage society but to the entire kingdom.

But Charlotte intervenes and faces off as her political opponent. With the support and admiration of her fellow mages. She becomes the head mage giving her the social elevation she needed to raise her family's fallen status. But now Charlotte hasn't awakened her mana so she's useless now.

"Sure I'll do that so don't worry. Is that all?"

"You're surprisingly complacent today should I be worried"

I flash her a smile.

"No I'm good"

"While we're on the topic of magic what exactly did I happen to walk in on. I saw your carriage and stopped your coachman. He said something about you needing a doctor. Care to explain"

"You caught me at a rather unfortunate moment. I had just returned from an little excursion. What you saw is simply what happens when a noble gets too full of themselves. I had planned on having him secretly treated here until he'd recovered. Thanks to you I don't have to go through that trouble"

"It's a shame that people carry titles that they aren't worthy of.  As I said before why didn't you take him to a hospital. There's one close to Temlock. He could have died if I hadn't intervened"

She gives me a stern look.

"Oh really? My bad! Guess I'll be more careful in the future"

She looked shocked for a brief moment. Probably due to my ignorance on the matter. I don't think this is a world people die in. The book couldn't even kill Veronica off.

"So which noble is behind that assault" she asks.

"Why do you want to know? Not like I care but if you do want to know. That my dear is the handiwork of none other than Baron Kent himself"

Her face tenses as she clenches her fists.

"Absolute scum. I wish I could do something about it. But right now I don't have the means"  she says her voice laced with venom.

"Don't stress yourself. I'll deal with the matter. A man like that is too dangerous to be free and roam around. Is there anything else you needed to say to me"

She shakes her head and stands up to leave.

"We'll be having a meeting at the end of the year. The details will be sent as the date approaches please do try to attend"

Leah Knight a high ranking healing type and enhancement type mage. A member of the seven stars along side Veronica. Though a bit abrasive at first she quickly befriends the heroine. Helping and supporting her whenever she could.

She was a character I grew fond of while reading the novel.  She was a brave and strong warrior who fought against the demon hounds in the hunting games arc. She helped Charlotte form all the necessary connections she needed to become a well known aristocrat After that she was rarely mentioned.

She did come up a few times when she helped Charlotte break off the engagement between Damien and Veronica after that the novel completely downplayed her character.

I would be nice if I could get her on my side. But I can deal with that later I have other things that require my attention.