
A Villain In Red

In a fantastical twist of fate, Janet Mcquincy is thrust into a world she never imagined possible—a romance novel she once devoured, now turned into an otome game. But her excitement turns to dread when she awakens not as a beloved heroine but as Veronica Henderson, the dreaded villain destined for a desolate and heart-wrenching fate. Determined to defy the cruel hand of destiny, Janet, now Veronica, embarks on a daring mission: to befriend the captivating male leads and steer her story away from the treacherous path of banishment. Along the way, she forms unexpected bonds with delightful and quirky characters, who prove to be both allies and friends in this intricate game of fate. Just as she starts to feel invincible with her knowledge of the original novel's plot, a startling revelation shatters her confidence. She realizes that the game's universe operates independently from the novel, leaving her vulnerable to unforeseen twists and turns. Panic sets in as she discovers that not only her fate but the lives of everyone in this enchanting world are at grave risk. In a realm where happiness hangs in the balance, Janet must summon every ounce of courage and wit to confront the impending danger. With time slipping away and danger lurking around every corner, she finds herself entangled in a heart-pounding race against destiny itself. Will Janet seize control of her own narrative and forge an extraordinary love story? In this breathtaking isekai romance, where fate holds sway and uncertainty reigns, the battle for happiness becomes a daring quest—one that will captivate your heart and leave you breathless until the very last page. "Discover a world where destiny weaves an unpredictable tale, and love becomes the ultimate quest. Join Janet Mcquincy on a thrilling journey, where her determination to find happiness defies the boundaries of reality itself." Author's Note: That synopsis took me a week to write with help from my English and Literature teachers. Thank you for reading my novel. I apologize because some of my first chapters are really long and jam packed. Please bear with me and don't let it discourage you from reading. The story is good I promise. Though it may take a while for the story to pick up. It might not get interesting until the 68th chapter but I implore you to give it a chance. ( ꈍᴗꈍ) It's my first novel so please support me (٥↼_↼). Vote, comment even an emoji will suffice.

Internet_mouse · Fantasie
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27 Chs

A Delicate Balance

The ship has finally reached Assenav. I'm so nervous. I bid farewell to Jake with the promise to share any future information related to the Baron. I've finally escaped the swarm of nobles commending and praising me on my actions concerning the missing child. The old man accompanied by the boy once again thank me and we both part ways.

We left the boat and headed to a nearby town to get a carriage that'll take us to the marchioness.

I'm incredibly nervous, maybe it's just me but everyone seems to be staring at me. It's kinda nerve-wracking.

"Hermione Is it just me or is everyone staring at me"

"It's probably because of your hair and eyes. My lady"

My hair and eyes?

I mean the rest of the townsfolk do look like NPCs when compared to me. It doesn't help that I'm head to toe decked in red. I look like a red marker or crayon. Damn Veronica and her insane love of the color red. A small crowd had already gathered around us.

Hurry up! Javis I can't take anymore of the odd stares I'm receiving. I feel ike an animal at the zoo or an odd attraction at a carnival.

As if he had heard my desperate cry for help. Javis came back with a coachman who'd agreed to take us to the marchioness.

We entered the carriage and set off. The small crowd followed the carriage. With some people running ahead of us. And others trying to peer into the carriage window as it moved.

What's with these people? I get that I look a bit odd but I'm not some sort of circus attraction.

"I guess it can't be helped given the lady's appearance it's only natural that you'd attract attention" Hermione said as she smiled at me.

"What does that mean" I asked her.

"I didn't mean anything insulting. It's just that the lady's hair is so colorful and bright that one can't help but be captivated by it"

"I understand now. You make a valid point," I remark while gently running my fingers through my soft and silky hair. Indeed, my hair boasts a beautiful shade of red, shimmering brightly in the sunlight, showcasing its luster.

The perfect shade of Ruby Red.

"Javis you said it'd take us three days to get to Assenav. But we're already here and it took us two days"

"When I was organizing this trip, I never anticipated that there would be any first-class tickets left for the ship. However It seems that I may have misjudged the situation."

Assenav: The kingdom of riches and wealth. I wonder what lies in store for me.

I'm nervous and excited at the same time. I hope Veronica's relative is a nice person.


Adelio held his breath as he stood in front of the door to his father's study.

He stretched his hand towards the door his mind going over his points.

He knocked on the door and waited.

"Come in"

He stepped into the room. His father merely glanced at him before returning back to his work.

"What is it that you want. I'm busy"

"An engagement of all things. You and I both know that this is taking things too far"

The count stopped his work at looked at his son. But avoided eye contact with him. He was right this was taking things too far. But he'd been too tired to protest.

"She's a noble all her peers have fia...."

"Yes they do but I don't remember any of them being engaged to someone three times their age" Adelio replied cutting him off angrily.

The count rose from his chair and walked towards his study window. He gazed out the window contemplating how he should respond.

"For the four years that she's been here she's been mistreated horribly by mother and the servants here and all you've done is just watch. You've have done absolutely nothing good for that child"


"You've what! You've what! I'm curious as to what exactly do you think you've done. I have to say you've out done yourself. By allowing this to actually happen, With this single action of yours you've managed to out do mother and all the servants in their maltreatment of Isabella"

The count sighed he knew his son was right. What he was doing wasn't fair. But he'd been fed up with the countess' s constant nagging and bickering concerning Isabella.

"If you've ever felt even an ounce of love for that child you'll call off that engagement. Now that mother is away. Please don't do this father I'm begging you" Adelio begged his voice faltering.

"Even if I do cancel this engagement. What comes next, she'll be trapped in this mansion without you to protect her. This engagement you're so desperate to cancel is her only way out of here" the count answered.

That was what Adelio was waiting for. He waited for some time to pass so that it would appear as if he hadn't had it on his mind the entire time.

"Send her to a boarding school"

"That's not a bad idea but it's only just a temporary solution"

Good! His father didn't object to his suggestion which meant he could go forward with his next suggestion.

He had stayed awake until the late hours of the night, pondering and crafting this idea.

He suggested that Isabella did attend school, but not as a boarding student. Instead, she would go to her classes as usual but have her own house, accompanied by a personal maid who would cater to her needs. This was where it got difficult. This was quite the expensive idea. And if his mother found out she'd surely lose it as to why they in her words were 'wasting money on a half blood'

The count went silent as he pondered over Adelio's suggestion. For this plan of his to work, the school would have to be far away. A place where the Countess couldn't reach her.

Adelio studied his father's face with joy. The fact that his father hadn't outright dismissed him and was actually even considering it was a win. All he needed to do was to push his father some more to get him to completely agree with him.

"I'll consider it leave me I have work to do. I call for you once I've reached a decision"

The count went back to his table and resumed his work and Adelio left the study. 

"I'll consider it" was his father's way of saying "I'll do it just give me some time"

Adelio felt happy. At least that was one problem solved. Now all he needed to do was look for a suitable school for Isabella.