
Terms and Conditions

You're just trying to get me to participate in that competition of yours aren't you?" the girl asked with an amused look on her face.

The self-proclaimed god in front of her looked astonished and cocked his head in apparent panic, "I-".

"Well no matter, your bet...it seems interesting. Fine, I'll accept it. What are your terms and how do you want me to prove it to you?"

"Wow you're convinced just because I reworded it as a bet? You shouldn't give your word out so lightly you know. Especially to supernatural beings, and that naturally includes gods."

"...Well no matter, I've already accepted so there's nothing I can do about it." The girl frowned, "But I hope you'll explain the terms properly to me. I've read many stories where the mysterious being disappears after some cryptic words. That is really annoying."

"Of course", The kid rolled his eyes, "I'm not an idiot. I honestly don't know how they expect their champions to actually act as they would need if they don't bother to explain anything to them. But I suppose some people like the thrill of that too."

"Champion?" The girl asked in a questioning tone. "You keep using that term. What exactly does it mean? Am I supposed to fight others or something?"

"Well you could say so...but don't worry there won't be any physical fighting involved. Atleast not for you. I'm the God of Wealth not the God of Combat. My style would be to hire someone to fight for me", the kid grinned at her. "No you just have to make and spend money...lots and lots of it. Leave the fighting to the barbarians, I want someone with brains"

"I'm guessing you'll provide me with the necessary resources to get started and then sit back and monitor my progress. And I'll have to succeed or die trying. But what's your incentive here? What do you get out of this?"

"Trying to gather as much information as you can huh?" The kid smiled, "Really my style." He did a little twirl in mid-air and said "Now if you'll only learn to be a little prudent you'd be perfect."

"Keep talking like that and I'll hit you with some pepper spray," the girl said with a frown, "now answer my question."

"Sure, sure, basically it's a game y'know?" the kid stopped fooling around and floated a little higher, "It's a game the gods play." He said with a serious expression."We grant our blessings to our champions and our champions prove themselves to be worthy of that blessings. And we bet on whether the champions can actually live up to their blessings."

"What happens if-"

"If you fail naturally you must face the repercussions of your actions. And a champion of the gods deals with high stakes."

"I see, I suppose it's natural. One must be willing to pay the price and the deterrence of a divine punishment would keep those who would otherwise walk-off on their toes." The girl said with an understanding look.

"You're taking this a lot more calmly than I thought you would," The kid looked surprised, "Most people would freak out and try to get out of this you know?"

"It's not that I am calm but rather that I've accepted that this is either a situation I have have recklessly agreed to become a part of, or on the hopeful side, this is a dream." She thought wryly. Aloud she said, "Panicking isn't going to help me. So I'd rather not waste my energy on that. Is there anything else I should pay attention to?"

"Well not really i suppose…", the kid seemed to be thinking hard, " I believe the situation would be pretty self-explanatory once you get started. You just have to pay attention to your helper and everything will be fine."


"You'll understand once it begins", the boy grinned mischievously.

"I really want to give him a smack", the girl thought in annoyance, "Would it kill him to explain things properly so that I can be prepared? I thought I was supposed to be his champion. Good god I feel like face-palming, why couldn't the God of Common Sense or Reasonability find me? Sigh...I'm stuck in this situation, in the future I must pay attention to not recklessly giving my word to others, it will surely lead to troublesome situations."

"Alright fine...what else can you tell me?" she asked the kid god in annoyance.

"That's pretty much it", he shrugged, "Do you want me to come explain things to your parents?"

"It's fine", she could feel a headache coming on just from imagining that meeting, "I'll figure something out."

"You should cherish the ones who love you, after all life is short for you mortals and by the time you reckon you finally have time you will realize that you really don't." the kid had a serene and dignified look on his face as he said these, looking almost wistful.

"...I-" , the girl opened her mouth uncertainly but was interrupted by the kid snapping back into his normal tone, "That's what I heard my Big Sister once tell a mortal, how is it? Sounds pretty deep and philosophical right?" he asked brightly.

"Goddamit I was almost tricked by the little twerps acting, he doesn't even know what he's talking about. I bet he ran away from his home and is messing around outside." the girl cursed silently, "I hope he gets a spanking once that Big Sis of his finds him" she thought rather unkindly.

"Anyways I have to go now, I really hope you succeed."

Her inner fantasies of the kid crying and begging for mercy was interrupted by those words.

"Oh...okay.", she said rather confusedly, "I guess I'll see you around...or not?"

"You'll see me around for sure, I think it'll be far more interesting for me to play an active role in my champions life." he was beginning to disappear, his legs turning into little particles of light that was flying away with the wind.

"Please don't play an active role in my life." she thought sincerely with a grimace.

"Oh I forgot to ask, what's your name? I could only get a vague sense with my powers." the kid suddenly said as if he had just remembered.

"You twerp!", she cursed, "I bet you were just waiting to ask so that you could dramatically disappear after telling me a parting line.", she cursed.

"Athena. My name is Athena Lancelot.", she replied rather unwillingly.

"Well Athena Lancelot," the kid had completely disappeared now, only his voice reaching her as it seemed to brush past her ears along with the light grains, "I hope you have fun."

Well...here it is, we've set parts of the backstory now, next chapter will be going back to the present. Please let me know your thoughts in the comments.

MisterLeafcreators' thoughts
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