
A Town Called Middel

It was curiosity that keeps people moving. Questions like, where will we go after dying, or is there heaven and hell, are the reasons people search for deeper meaning—perhaps, curiosity is the means of living. I was a toddler when I first asked my mom, 'What will happen if I die? Will I still be with you?'. She went explaining things regarding religion, prophecies, ang principles of life, but my childish question was never answered based on my capability to comprehend. It doesn't matter now. In just a short time, I have come to figure out what will happen when people die.

HA_Beth · Fantasie
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10 Chs

Town ball and jealousy

"You should've let me change my clothes first," Auden stomped her foot to show great annoyance.

They just reached the evening dance that the town locals prepared. All the few people she knew were there. And all people were wearing formal attire; All ladies were in their best gowns, and all gentlemen were in their best suits. Auden never thought of this dance as glamorous as this.

"You'll do just fine," Noah said as he pulled her towards the crowd. She reluctantly followed until she saw girls her age wearing elegant dresses looked their way. They do look ravishing in their complementing tones.

Auden leveled her sight towards the ground as they near the group. If not for her dress coat, she would really look stupid amongst these well-dressed people.

The ladies giggled the moment they reached them. Looks like Noah has been their eye candy for a long time. Never thought that the afterlife includes dating and flirting and that sense. Apparently, it is.

There was this tinge of annoyance that filled Auden's cheeks. But its reason was not clear. It could be because she's clearly underdressed, or perhaps it was the fact that beautiful, well-dressed girls were circling Noah while she looks like a chaperone.

"Oh Noah, you look dashing. Would you mind being my prince for tonight?" Auden watched the sight as it unfolds.

A slender young woman dressed in a black skimpy long gown anchored her arm on Noah's left arm. Auden felt Noah's right hand that is holding her twitched at the intrusion. Slowly, she tried taking her hand away from his grip, but instead, his hold tightened around her wrist as he brushed the other woman away.

"I'm sorry ladies, I have my queen with me tonight." Noah bowed like a gentleman and pulled her, urging her to walk with him closer. Embarrass, the young lady curtsied out of the scene, followed by her friends.

"What was that?" she questioned in a low tone. "What? I can't ditch you, now that you're here." Auden narrowed her gaze at him.

So, if not for her uninvited appearance Noah would've thrown his self to those wolves? Elegantly dressed wolves at least.

"Aud, you're here." A woman's voice stopped their staring contest and separated them. "What are you wearing, seriously?" Olivia hysterically commented as she draws near. "Noah? You asked Aud to be your date?" she then turned to Aud, "And you said yes?"

Auden looked at Noah with visible shock in her eyes while he returned the gaze with uncertainty. "I uhm…actually, I was…I forgot to ask her. Auden, will you be my date for the dance?"

Olivia laughed her heart out as she watched her friends with awkward faces. "Too late for that. I just came to say hi. Enjoy the night, dear." She kissed Auden on her cheek and turned to Noah, "You better take care of her." Olivia then proceeded to strut away in her backless burgundy gown towards a man in the same colored suit.

"A date, really, Noah?" Auden laughed a bit and smiled. "That's the reason why you were looking for me. You even asked Marquise and followed me to the train station."

Noah unconsciously scratched his nape and looked at his feet. "I just thought that you'd enjoy the night more if you're with someone you already know and an old town resident to be your tour guide."

Auden smiled in return and anchored her arm on his left arm. "Shall we start the tour then?" Noah reciprocated her smile and obliged.

They both walked around the decorated town plaza. Auden suddenly felt a slight tug in her heart. She smiled from ear to ear at the feeling. The townspeople indeed did plan for this night. Lanterns of every color gilded all posts. On one side is a band playing smooth jazz while people were dancing in the middle. Kiosks were even offering free indulgencies.

"You want anything else?" Noah handed her a big burger and fries platter, which she heartily accepted. "Iced tea, please." Auden watched Noah walk away towards the drinks section.

A man in his forties walked past her. It caught her attention and followed him through her sight and observed him; he's a tall, pale man wearing a trench coat and top hat. His appearance exudes authority and fear. Suddenly, the people he's passing by fell into silence.

Auden continued watching until the man reached a group of high-looking people, including the inspector from a few days ago. They chit-chatted for a good minute before the man left the party. By this time, Noah placed two large cups of iced tea on their table.

"What were you busy looking at?" Noah asked. "Those people? Who are they?" Auden pointed at the group of people she's been watching. The old lady inspector took a sip from her chalice while the other two gentlemen continued talking.

"Oh, that old lady is the sanitary inspector, I guess you know that already. The two men are gatekeepers," Noah explained as he took a seat.

Auden just frowned at the new term she heard. "What are gatekeepers? Does Middel have a gate?" she unconsciously blurted out.

Noah chuckled before sipping on his iced tea. "Actually, Middel doesn't really have a gate or anything. However, they are anointed to watch Middel at all times, like servants of peace."

"Why would Middel need that? You said that people here all live in peace. Was there an instance which needed intervention from the gatekeepers?" she prompted.

Noah fell silent for a good couple of seconds before answering, "There was. It's has been a millennium since that last happened, but there are few attacks from uncleansed souls that are happening from time to time."

"Uncleansed souls?" she curiously repeated. She never thought that there were uncleansed souls.

Noah gave a small smile, "It was really a sad story, and tonight is not the time to be sad. Maybe, ask me tomorrow, but now, we enjoy." Auden smiled shyly in response and accepted the toast Noah offered.

The music turned from jazz to a classic sweet piano interlude. The townspeople gathered towards the center of the plaza and danced in a slow, intimate motion. "Gentlemen, I encourage you to bring your lovely ladies of the night to the center. Give them the best dance of tonight." The bright moon and stars scintillated around the place. Every gem shimmered under the sky.

"May I have this dance?" Noah, with a slight bow, offered his hand to her. His emerald eyes sparkled like the ladies' gems.

"I don't really dance. I can't remember dancing before," she awkwardly answered.

Noah chuckled and took her hand instead. Auden sprung up from her seat. "Let's dance. Let me guide you." With much care and tenderness, he guided her towards the very center. He put her hands on his shoulders and put his on her waists. "Just let the music flow in you. Close your eyes, Aud."

Auden did as told. She closed her eyes and went with the flow of music. Slowly, her feet moved in a familiar rhythm. She clasped both her hands around Noah's nape, drawing him closer to her. His sandalwood and vanilla aftershave invaded her nostrils.

Noah slowly put his hand at her lower back and dominated the dance. He held unto her tight as they sway with the breeze. They both felt at home that very moment—a feeling Auden couldn't explain.

"Look, who can't dance now?" Noah taunted after some time. Auden grinned in return. "I must have had some dance lesson back in my old life. Or maybe, I was a great dancer. A ballerina perhaps?" she kidded.

"I guess you were a good dancer. I just know it. I can feel it. You can even make the stars dance with you once you move your feet," Noah added that brought them to sheer laughter.

"Thank you, Noah," Auden voiced out, full of emotions. "Thank you for guiding me through this new dead-living thing." Noah chuckled. "Thank you."

"All pleasure is mine, Aud."

The moon grew brighter as they danced the night away. Auden was taken to another world by just a simple dance. She liked the feeling of flowing mid-air as they move their feet left and right. A moment later, the music faded into thin air, a signal of an ending song.

They walked back to their table. Auden sighed in relief and stretched her feet the moment her body touched the seat. "That was good," she uttered.

"Yeah, that was great."

The big clock near the library struck twelve. Most of the locals had gone home, especially the aged. However, the dance is still continuing. Auden watched a young couple dancing. "Noah, do people fall in love here?"

"We are still human, Aud. People are made to love and be loved." Noah followed her straight gaze and watched.

"What happens when one needs to leave? You know, for reincarnation." Auden looked at Noah, who's sporting a serious face. He sighed and answered, "We break our heart if that happens."