
1st Floor Boss.

It was currently the day after the boss meeting and we were walking in a group through a forest to the labyrinth. Me, Kirito and Asuna were at the back of the line as Kirito went over some things she needed know about fighting with others.

"I don't know why you're bothering to teach her all these terms and gaming talk, when we can literally fight around her. Besides as we've seen she's not so helpless. Also it's only the first boss, this should be a cake walk for us."

I interrupted Kirito's explanation of pulling agro on monster so other can hit them from behind. Asuna looked relieved and Kirito just sighed.

"Shinji, just because you pick up things quick doesn't mean others will. And don't write off this boss just because it's the first floor, we can still die here."

Kirito reasons, but I just shrug it off and thank whatever god rules this world. I guess that would be Kayaba, or is he technically the devil? Either way I was just glad to see the entrance to the labyrinth.

"Right, right. I understand Kirito." I wave him off and he frowns at my nonchalant attitude.

We easily made our way through the labyrinth to the boss room, as the people at the front of the line did most of the killing. Once in front of the door we followed Diabel into a safe area right beside the door.

"Alright everyone remembers their role?" He walked between each group until he reached us and smiled a smile that I wish I could punch off his face.

"Thank you 3 for taking the critical role of making sure no kobolds slip through. Good luck in the dungeon." Kirito smiled and I remained neutral, but even the game newbie Asuna seemed to realize we had been relegated to basically just stand at the back and not get in the way. She also seemed to get quite a bit angrier than even I felt, but Kirito calmed her with wave of the hand.

"We look forward to the fight. Good luck raid leader." Kirito replied with a smile on his face and Diabel flashed a smile before heading back to the front.

"Ugh, I barely know that guy and he already annoys me." I breathed out and Kirito laughed softly.

"Everyone annoys you." He retorted and I gasped in mock shock.

"Not true, you and Argo don't annoy me. And Asuna hasn't yet, we'll I guess that's not exactly true but she's not as bad as Diabel." Asuna looked to me with surprise and her mouth slightly ajar.

"Wh-what have I done to you?" Kirito looked back and forth seemingly distressed that an argument was about to break out.

"Er, he didn't really mean it like that. He just doesn't really like stupid people." I could see Asuna's eye twitch and the gears turning in Kirito's head as he realized what he said and desperately wished he could take them back.

"Hahaha! Kirito you really need to learn how to talk to girls. I can't believe you said that." I was doubled over laughing at him and his face turned to scowl towards me and Asuna even began to chuckle at him.

"How did this backfire on me?" Kirito whined and I just patted him on the shoulder.

"It's okay Kirito, you still have me." He shrugged my hand off and walked past us as the raid group began to walk to the boss doors. I looked to Asuna and shrugged. She laughed slightly but turned serious as we followed Kirito.

We entered into the boss room and once we were about halfway in the room lit up revealing the Kobold lord sitting upon the throne. It stood with glowing red eyes before letting out a roar and charging towards the group. The raid group charged in as well and the kobold sentinels spawned as we grew closer.

The 2 groups of tanks were on the front line defending blows from the boss, and 2 high damage squads were backing them up and switching when the tanks needed to heal. That left the 2 support groups dealing with the kobolds only the 3 sentinels didn't gang up on the groups. They seemed to target a separate party each.

Meaning our little group got face a sentinel on our own. Me and Kirito allowed Asuna to lead the charge.

"Just like before in the labyrinth, and don't worry about mistakes we'll cover you." I said with my daggers drawn, she eyed my daggers with skepticism.

"Don't look down on Shinji and his daggers, he's just as lethal as either of us with our swords." Kirito said as he stepped up beside Asuna and me. Asuna just nodded and drew her rapier and charged toward the sentinel.

Her movements were quick and precise, me and Kirito followed right behind as she started with a linear sword skill. As her sword hit and she went into a cooldown me and Kirito struck. Our movements seemingly coordinated without a word or signal as we sliced and stabbed with great fluidity.

Asuna seemed stunned and didn't attack immediately after her cooldown ended, but soon snapped out of it and charged another linear. I heard it whizz past my head as I slid in front of the sentinel as it's made tried to hit me. Her linear hit and Kiritos own sword skill connected right after and I followed up with a rapid series of stabs in weak spots before burying both my daggers into its head.

The sentinel exploded into polygonal shards and we all stood up and used potions before the next kobold spawned. According to Kirito the kobold would spawn in waves with the decreasing of the boss's health bars. Like clockwork as the first bar disappeared a second kobold spawned and charged towards us. Me and Kirito looked at each other and nodded before looking to Asuna.

"Again." We both said and she was confused only briefly before running toward the kobold similar to the first with her linear charging. I couldn't help the smile that crossed my face as we entered into a near identical pattern that only sped up as we became more comfortable with each other. We slayed the second kobold in half the time it took us to kill the first.

We had just finished the 4th kobold when Diabel yelled out.

"Stand back. I'll go!" Kirito had a confused look on his face and noticed that Diabel caught his gaze as he ran toward the boss.

We watched Diabel as he paused to charge a sword skill and that's when Kirito's eyes widened as the Kobold lord drew a sword from his back.

"That isn't a Talwar. It's a No-Dachi!" He said only loud enough for me and Asuna to hear. He began running as he yelled out loud this time.

"No! Jump back as fast as you can!" But his words came too late as Illfang let off a sword skill if it's own and hit the first swing, but as the second in the skill came Kirito deflected it with his own. Only it wasn't a full deflection and Kirito was sent sliding on one knee, and as Illfang came to attack him again I deflected the sword away as best I could.

Diabel was shakily propping himself up on one knee, but me and Kirito had other plans.

"Let's go!" I yelled to Kirito and he nodded as he stood before running with renewed speed. To my surprise Asuna joined him and I felt a smile creep onto my face again. Illfang swung his sword towards me but I leapt over it and rolled between his legs where I let off a flurry of slashes.

It turned to me and Kirito led the assault on its back with Asuna as they traded skills and I kept the attention of Illfang as they cooled down. Dodging its slashes and sneaking in my one when it was frozen from the attacks by them. Honestly this wasn't the ideal set up as I wasn't able to stun Illfang with well timed sword skill deflects, but I was also the one with highest likely hood of dodging it's attacks.

It raised its sword high and I waited until it began to swing down and that's when I charged forward until it's guard. The sword screeched as it passed my head, I jumped one foot on to its right knee and pushed off as hard as I could. The force carried me to its head where I delivered several rapid slashes before stabbing my daggers into its eye sockets as I hung off the back of its head.

Illfang roared and it began to try and away at me from my spot and flaked its sword wildly.

"Now Kirito! Finish it!" I yelled and Kirito charged his sword skill a 2 hit one he had unlocked recently.

Horizontal Arc, a skill that slashes left to right horizontally as the name implies before returning back the way you came for 2 strikes. With the second slash the last bit of health drains away from Illfang and it dispersed into particles. Moments later everyone erupted into cheers.

I had thought with Diabel not dying that the whole beta tester argument wouldn't happen but was wrong. Someone still pointed out the fact that Kirito knew the sword skills of the boss. I had went to say something but Kirito raised a hand for me to not say anything, so I relented as he went through his "beater" spiel to save other beta testers.

As we were walking away I put a hand on his shoulder.

"That's some real martyr type shit you just pulled. You may have lessened the target on other beta testers, but you increased the target on yourself." He shrugged before glancing at me.

"You're free to distance yourself from me so that you don't get caught up in my problems." I frowned at him before smirking.

"And leave you to have all the fun by yourself? Ya not likely, looks like you're stuck with me." He smiled as he let his head fall while we walked before looking straight up with a sigh of relief.

"Thanks, Shinji. I- I don't know what I would have done had you left." I keep my smirk as we reach the door that leads to the second floor.

"You would be a hopeless loner with no friends, but no worries I'm here for you. Kazuto." He seems unimpressed by my response but eventually smiles and nods his head thankfully. The darkness of the labyrinth of the cave is pushed back as the the door opens to reveal a cliff with a staircase carved from stone leading down.

"There's a bit of wilderness we'll have to pass through before we reach the city. Are you ready, Shinji?" I nodded to his question.

"Always." I responded.

"We're coming too." A feminine voice called from behind and when we turned we were met with Asuna and Agil. Kirito's lips curled into a smile as he nodded his head and we all stepped out onto the 2nd floor.


Author's Note

Wasn't too happy with this chapter, but hopefully you all like it more than me. Next chapter I'm trying to decide how many floors I'm going to skip. Maybe I'll just skip until the dark elf section? I don't know I haven't decided yet. Honestly I'm leaning toward only using anime moments to get through the Aincrad arc a little faster, but I don't think I want to do that either lol.

I'm sure I'll figure it out and you'll probably realize my decision when the next chapter releases.

Until then.