1 Typical Scenario

I came from a middle class family with two siblings, a sister and a brother. Mum and dad separated when I was just three years old and since then, mum's been raising us three to the best of her ability. My mum's a government employee by the way and my dad... well, he's a cop.

A lot of people especially our neighbors and my classmates when I was still in school thought that because my parents has stable jobs, we don't lack in anything that money can buy. I mean we're not poor and all but we aren't rich either.

Why does my parents part ways you may ask? Well, mum just got fed up towards my dad that is. Dad wants my mum to quit her job and be a full-time housewife and just manage some business while waiting for him to come home everytime. Or as you may know, a cop most of the time go hiatus and change location every now and then so he doesn't want mum to have a permanent job that may hinder their chances on getting anywhere when opportunity drops. Sadly, mum doesn't want any of that thank you very much. First, she's not keen with business. Second, she isn't the type who drops everything and follow dad wherever he goes. Third, knowing dad who happens to be a total playboy just doesn't want any chances that he may drop us and she won't have anywhere to go just because she doesn't have a permanent job. And lastly, she caught my dad having an affair with some sl*t and that's that. 😏😏😏

In all actuality, I never have any recollection with regards to my dad when I was still a kid. All memories that I have was based on whatever they told me. My siblings said that I was the favorite child of my dad. Mum even told me that whenever dad was at home, he never fails to cradle me and brought me to where his amigos are and flaunt me to them. I am his beautiful little princess they said. 😂

His youngest who happens to inherit his wits, height, intellect and oh! Let's not forget his face. 😒

As you may have guessed. In a typical household with three children with no father figure and a mum who seems to bury her pain with work, the one who will don as a mother figure would be my eldest sister. She was the one who took care of us three whenever mum's not around. Resigned to her fate of taking care of her younger siblings. Sadly, she died too early before I could fulfill her wish. 😢😢😢 But that's another story in another chapter.

And then there's my brother, older than me by four years. My childhood tormentor. My punisher and loves seeing me cry whenever mum spank me for being too hardheaded. 😂

Yet, years will pass and these tormentor of mine will be the most awesome guy I will ever have in my life. 😍

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