

They reached in front of her house. They looked at each other thinking what to say when Bhavna said.

"Come inside father will be happy to meet you."

"No its alright I have to go somewhere with Advik right now, I will come some other time. With all the rights."

Devesh said and muttered the last words to himself.


"Umm nothing you go inside."

"Hmm bye and thank you. Be careful and message me once you reach."

Devesh smiled at her and nodded. Bhavna climbed out of the car and was about to turn when Devesh called her.



"Papa and tauji are uncle's boss not me."

Bhavna laughed and shook her head. She said a quick bye and ran inside her house. Devesh kept looking at her with a smile and left when he saw that she had entered her house safely.

The month passed by quickly with all the shopping and pre-wedding rituals and it was Chhaya's engagement tomorrow. Bhavna and Chhaya's families were going to the hotel where the ceremonies were to be held.

It was a beautiful hotel. All the wedding functions were to be held there. All the relatives from both the sides were staying there.

The entire past month Devesh and Bhavna had gotten a bit more close. Sometimes he would message her asking the most useless questions like which outfit should he wear on which occasion. And sometimes he would call her to ask for some doubt which his sister had in her studies in the subject he didn't understand.

They were a lot more comfortable with each other now. They even had video called each other a few times. Bhavna was slowly falling for him. Devesh knew that he was already in love with her.

They reached the hotel. Advik's family along with Devesh's family were already there waiting for them. They went towards them and greeted them. Advik introduced Devesh's family. Karan Singhania and Advik's father, Anuj Malhotra were friends and business partners.

Chhaya and Advik greeted each other and she smiled shyly at him whereas he was beaming with joy. Bhavna also greeted him and Devesh. Dhriti suddenly came forward and hugged Bhavna tightly.

"Wow! You are so pretty bha- i mean di."

Dhriti started but quickly corrected her blunder when she saw Devesh glaring at her. The Singhania siblings knew about their brother's little love story and all the four of them had decided to play cupid in their story.

"Please don't mind her she gets over excited sometimes. Dhriti leave her."

Bhavna was then introduced to the rest of the family and also told them about her family. Saroj had seen how her son was looking at the girl and made a mental note of talking to him after the wedding. She knew her son had something for her. She had also liked Bhavna but wanted to make sure that she was perfect for her son or not.

The helpers came and helped them with their luggage and everyone went inside. They were given their rooms. Everyone had decided to rest for some time and then meet for dinner.

After about 2 hours everyone was gathered downstairs and having their dinner. The engagement ceremony was scheduled at 5pm next day. Everyone adviced Chhaya and Advik to take rest as tomorrow will be hectic for them and they also went to take rest.

Chhaya and Bhavna were sharing a room and Devesh and Advik were sharing a room. They entered their room when Chhaya said.

"Listen I want to spend some time with Advik we were not able to talk properly due to the wedding preparations. Do something."

"His room is just here go and talk to him. Elders are already asleep. But yes no funny business."

"Yes I know."

Saying so she slowly crept out of the room looking here and there to see if anyone is around. Bhavna shook her head at her antics. She just sat on the bed when someone knocked on the door.

"You here?"

"Yes bhabhi wanted to spend time with Advik so she kicked me out of my room and sent me here."

Devesh shrugged. Bhavna told him to get inside and closed the door.

"So what do we do. We cannot just sit here and stare at each other."

"I can look at you my whole life."

Devesh muttered. Bhavna asked him if he said something and he shook his head and thinking something he said.

"Let's play something"


"Umm 20 questions?"

"20 questions?"

"Hmm hmm"


"Okay you go first"

"Okay. So.......your favourite colour?"

"Green. My turn. Your favourite dish?"

"I am a foodie. I like everything except vegetables. Okay my turn. Aapki favourite destination?"

"I have not been to many places but I think Alaska. My turn. What is your dream place."

"Greece. Once in my life I want to go there."



Devesh shook his head. Bhavna was about to say something when the someone knocked on the door.