
Welcome back to Earth

In a shaded alleyway, there is a small five years old child with black hair, sleeping. Soon he woke up, revealing his black eyes. Looking around, he thought,' new world, huh.'

Then he noticed his ragged clothes and boney hands. Looking at them, he frowned. But before he could do anything else, something interrupted him.

[Master is out of stasis. Please brace for a moment sorting of this body's memories will commence.]

Hearing it, the boy positioned himself as he felt a little sting in his head shortly after.

As the memories got shorted, he found out few things.

1. His name in this world is Ray Sanders, and he is a commoner.

2. He is on Earth but back in time, like 18 century, as he ran away from home to Landon at four years old.

3. He is a street child. As he slept in the streets, begged, or sometimes stole food for the past year.

Sorting all the memories, all Ray could think, 'Damn!!! Rita. From rich to regs!!!! I can only salute the randomness of the system.' (at little sarcastically.)

[Don't worry, Master. The more you travel to different worlds, the lesser the random selection will be.]

"So your saying, as long as I traveled enough worlds, I would able to choose the next world," said Ray to ensure himself.

[Yes, Master.]

"Nice!!!!" said Ray with a look of excitement. Thank god any passer-byes were passing from here. Otherwise, they would think he was mad.

Remembering where he was and remembered which state he was in, he calmed down a bit. Then he said, "Rita do a full scan over this body."

[Yes, Master. Scanning the body. ...]

[Scan completed. This body is severely malnourished, dehydrated, and weak. Requires a large amount of food with nutrients to treat it.

Some physical wounds and scars, half-healed broken bones, diseases are spotted. But your innate ability is taking care of it.]

[Important note, the body doesn't contain any mana trace. As the body or the world has no mana, a modification took place on the innate ability that requires mana. Instead of mana, they will take your stamina until your body can have mana again.]

"Thanks for the heads-up, Rita. Now let's do a little make-over." As soon as he said that, the changes started appearing on his body.

His dirty looks became clean and fresh. And his rugged clothes became back to normal and clean.

'Now this is much better.' thought Ray as he inspected himself. Then he heard a grumbling noise from his belly.

'Wow! I never felt this hungry before.' thought Ray as he heard and felt the hunger.

Ray then inspected his surroundings for any people. Finding no one, he took some food from his inventory and munched them down with gusto.

After helping himself for three servings(which he usually never does), he released a sigh of satisfaction while rubbing his belly, 'Ah! it feels much better.'

Satisfying his hunger, Ray thought about what to do next. But making any plans, he first needs to find out about his situation.

Reaching this point, he asked Rita to brief him about this world, "Rita, tell me about this world."

[Please wait a moment, Master.]

Ray then felt a little pull in his Stamina as Rita started briefing him about this world.

[Master is in 19-century Earth, more precisely in 1870. But this is an alternate world as they have advanced in steam technology, created early computing machines, and successfully build robotic machinery.]

"Wow!!!" exclaimed Ray as he walked out of the alleyway while Rita continued her briefing.

[But the downside of it is that they are over lenient on coal energy. This world will soon reach a technological bottleneck if it doesn't make a smooth transition to fuel energy or other renewable energy within the next century.

Another thing, the climate of this world is a bit unstable. There is a sign of temperature cooling happening all around the world. There is a high possibility for the world to plunge into an ice age if catastrophic events like multiple large volcanic eruptions occur with a short time frame, like within ten years.]

Hearing what she said, Ray paused for the massage to set in his mind. As it did, he said, "You're telling me there is a possibility of an apocalyptic event to occur! And if something happens so, how long will it last?"

[If the world enters the ice age, the event will end within 20-30 years in a best-case scenario. But it might stay for a century or more at worse. But don't worry, such a world scale even to occur is highly unlikely.]

"Great, why do I feel like you have opened a flag," said Ray in a deadpan voice.


"Anyway, I will deal with it when it occurs. It is of no use thinking about it now," said Ray as he resumed walking while looking around the city.

He had come to London once in his previous life. And looking around the same city of this timeline, he can see some resemblance to that of the modern city he once toured in previously.

Walking for a while, he reached the riverside. Going there, he saw a seat beside the river bank.

After sitting there, his eyes fall on the hundreds of steam factories billowing smoke across the river.

Looking at the scene, he marveled and sighed while muttering, "Although the scene looks a bit stunning. But if the government doesn't relocate these factories, London won't be a good place to live."

Then he remembered something, "By the way, Rita, you didn't ask for any title or ability quest while you were transporting me here."

[Thanks for reminding me, Master.]

"Since when you require a reminder." Ray retorted.

Rita avoiding his retort continued,

[You see, after ARK leveled up, the restriction on the title/ability quest has reduced. Now you can ask for it after coming to a new world. So that, instead of random quest requirements, it will accommodate according to the world you live in at that time.]

[So, do you want to initiate the quest?]

"Wait for a moment, let me think what type of quest I want," said Ray as he maid a thinking pose.

He was thinking about what quest he would do, then his thought suddenly diverted towards a favorite character in the fate series. The moment it did, an idea started forming in his mind.

'Right now, my inventory can only collect items if my body touches it or bring it out in my hands(if they are small) or in front of me(if they are big). It can also collect and bring out multiple items as well.

Hmmm, now I have the idea what to ask for the quest.'

As his thought reached here, his eyes gleamed a bit as he asked Rita,

"Hey, Rita, is it possible to ask for multiple missions or quests."

[It is possible, but the quests' difficulty will increase for each new quest/mission you ask. Also, remember it will not only increase for the old one but also the new one.]

'I see. Well, it's worth the try.' Ray thought, hearing Rita's warning, and said, "Alright Rita, I want mission for adding functions 'Remote collection/ emerging', 'Partial emerging' 'Remote luncher' and finally 'Weight Transfer' to the inventory."

[Accepting four quest requests.]

[Increasing quest difficulty four times.]

[Processing the quests]

[ Quest similarity found. All quests are for increasing functions of the present ability.]

[Possilbe to merge quests]

[Merging the quests]

[ Quests merged, readjusting the diffucuty]

[Processing the Quests]

[You have a quest, please check the mission panel to see the detials]

"Wow!! So, there is a loophole in it as well," said Ray looking at the notifications. 'I need to look for other system loopholes.' Ray thought as he put a mental reminder for future tasks.

"Anyway, open Mission panel," command Ray.

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