
A symphony's harmony

A symphony's harmony is a fantasy fiction novel based on the story of Priscilla. She is renowned for her achievements in her war of being a successful musician. Therefore, she relates every single moment of her present life with her past junctures. But things get more interesting when she starts liking someone and shuffled herself in love triangle scenes that attain the attraction of a whole story. To be continued!

AyeshRay · Teenager
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12 Chs

Deceptive moment.

Suddenly all the lights of the music hall turned off and Everyone became quiet.

Shein: "Hey, The performance has been started. let's talk later."

Priscilla and Esme chuckled a bit and maintained their focus on the stage.

There were two groups divided into teams.

All the orchestra students (From the first team) appeared on the stage and played the classical symphony orchestra.

Everyone was amazed by the performance of the first team but the second team was facing some issues during their performance.

When their (second team's) performance ended, everyone was quiet and disappoint.

but those students were facing some issues with their instruments.

Priscilla was deeply attracted to that team and she stood up and clapped with smiling facial expressions in the entire hall.

Everyone was confused but Esme and Shein smiled at stood up while giving the company to Priscilla.

Priscilla wanted to cheer those students.

Priscilla looked around to sign every single guest to cheer those students. Everyone stood up and clapped.

Those students smiled at each other and bowed their heads toward the audience.

Esme leaned her head towards Priscilla and whispered, "May I ask you the reason for being happy at their performance? I mean they didn't perform well."

Priscilla chuckled and responded, "I think they did their best and we are here to enjoy their performance, so let's enjoy that."

Shein: "This child (Priscilla) is amazing."

Priscilla smiled at Esme and Shein.

Priscilla thought about a moment while looking at the floor.

***Fifteen minutes before starting the performance of the second team***

Priscilla headed the way towards the bathroom but she heard the conversation of two girls.

Those girls were the students of the second team.

A girl with a bangs haircut said, "Our conductor is worried. I think we are going to lose the chance to get the winner's trophy."

Another girl: "I think someone from the first team did something worst with our scripts and instruments."

A girl with bangs said, "Yes I also think so but what should we do now? Our performance is going to get started within ten minutes."

Another girl: "I hope our leader and conductor would not be disappointed."

A girl with bangs, "Let's go. We are getting late."

Priscilla stepped out of the bathroom and thought of something. While putting her arms in a crossing manner.

***That was the only reason for Priscilla to cheer the second team happily***

Priscilla head out of the hall and went to the dean's office with Esme and Shein.

Both Esme and Shein were unaware of Priscilla's actions.

Priscilla entered the dean's office and discussed the whole situation.

The dean called the leaders and conductors of both teams.

They arrived at the dean's office.

The dean looked at the conductor of the first team and raised a suspicion, "I have watched your team's performance before. Your team was the best. So what exactly happened in the last performance?"

The leader was also a student. The leader replied, "Sir, Our instruments were out of order and our conductor's script was changed."

The dean nodded his head in an understanding manner and looked at the conductor and leader of the first team.

The dean: "Does this situation has to have something to do with you?"

The leader of the first team glanced and responded, "What? Dad, Are you blaming us?"

He was the son of the dean.

He was behind all the scenes that happened to the second team.

The dean: "Yes, You made me doubt you. I know my son better than anyone else. You hate losing."

The dean's son was rude, proud, and arrogant. His name was Peter.

Peter: "Wow, you are doubting your son."

The dean: "I don't need to doubt you, even I am sure that you did that."

Peter: "Is that so? Okay, I did it. Now, what would you do?"

The dean stepped forward and slapped his son.

Everyone in the dean's office was shocked and Peter ran out of the office without apologizing.

The dean looked at everyone and bowed his head towards the floor while saying, "I am so sorry for this situation."

The conductor of the first team responded, "I also apologize I didn't know about his plan."

The conductor and the leader requested the dean to permit them to perform again.

The dean permit them and they performed very well and won the first prize.

The dean and the conductor (of the winning team) thanked Priscilla.

The leader of the winning team invited her to dine together.

She didn't want them to get bullied or disgraced by their performance.

When the ceremony ended up, Priscilla joined the winning team for dinner with Sasha and then reached her resort.

She changed her clothes into a night suit and lay on her bed.

Priscilla remembered her memory.

***A memory of her high school***

Three and a half years ago,

She was studying in the orphanage high school. She (Priscilla) was already turned 18.

Priscilla was fed up with living in an orphanage, so she decided to do a part-time job so that she could take care of her living expenses and rent a room or small apartment for herself.

Priscilla started a part-time night job of being a janitor at an internet café.

[Her job was to clean the bathroom and flooring.]

On those days, her final exams started but she didn't study properly. She just wanted to graduate and she cheated on her exams. But she got caught cheating in her final exams and she was expelled from the school.

While seeing that moment, Priscilla fell asleep.

*A new bright day began*

Priscilla woke up.

It was a weekend.

Priscilla had a specified plan for hanging out with her friends (Courtney, Dylan, and Noah).

She freshened up and met her friends in the lobby of the resort.

Priscilla was wearing a jeans shirt. She was binding her hair in the Dutch braid style. She was covering her face with a black-colored face mask.


*Chapter's quote*

"Best time teaches the experience!"

To be continued!!!