
A Switch in Time

Tobin got more than what he bargained for when he decided to switch worlds with his look alike out of curiosity and his love for Magic. He found himself in a world where magic rules and everyone is expected to be a custodian of one form of power. He is expected to pretend to be Lord Harold a young great Wizard of Ozir. What will he do when he discovers it would not be purely adventure for him because being Lord Harold places alot of responsibilities on his young shoulders for his land and his BETROTHED. Yes during the switch his look alike kept tight lips on a lot of details. Will Tobin get a to the end of this adventure by accepting his new identity as Lord Harold and marry Naomi his bethrothed or was there going to be a way of escape for Tobin to return back to his world ? EXCERPT Tobin paced around the large living room confused on how to go about the proposal befor him. His hands were sweating and his legs could hardly carry him. The people of Ozir have been challenged by another kingdom into a deadly magical competition and the people have rushed down to him to see what he would say about the challenge. The people of Ozir have never been known to refuse any challenge as it has always been their desired to be known as the strongest kingdom with magic. "I think it is time for me to come clean. I cannot risk my life knowing fully well I have no powers of my own. But then who would even believe my story and not call me a coward instead? " Tobin asked himself as he looked around in confusion to the faces of people waiting for his reply. The people have never seen Lord Harold ponder about any challenge. It has always been a straight yes from him From the corners of his eyes he could noticed Naomi taking calculated steps towards him. She was his betrothed and he knew what she was coming to do. She was coming to persuade him to take the challenge for the sake of the people.

Delta_Line · Fantasie
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29 Chs

Some piece of action

There was a thick silence for sometime after what Lord Zeko said. He was now suddenly interested in Tobin carrying out the tag team contest as it woukd afford him the opportunity to get rid of Lady Naomi in the best possible way without drawing any attention to himself. Naomi's proposed marriage to his son is something he has never been in support of. It was an arrangements made by Harold's grandfather just befor his death. As a mark of good friendship between their family and that of hers. So he had always treated her like trash, the same way Harold have been doing too. But since today they have been a change, a massive change that he wasn't comfortable with at all. How Harold suddenly began to show affection and care towards her was a big question on his mind.

Meanwhile Tobin was studying his father with confused thoughts in his mind. First of all he knew his father wasn't happy with the arrangements as he didn't want her working with him but all of a suddenly he was beginning to support the idea, which was a suspicious move for him.

The other elders sat helpless, none of then actually have the powers to make Tobin take the contest,especially in the presence of his father only his father was capable so they were leaving the job to him.

"Harold, I think you will need to think this over and unfortunately you don't have time to think about it. We have already told Logus we accept their challenge and the contest starts a day after tomorrow " Elder Zeko spoke out, his voice sounding like he was giving an order.

Tobin didn't like that tone one bit. Harold had told him no one should be able to order him around, why was Elder Zeko trying to do so?

"Father, there is nothing to think about. I have already said I cannot do it. And why will you agree to a date without consulting me. That's an infringement on my own right as an individual " Tobin responded sounding upset but trying not to be disrespectful due to the presence of the other elders. But even at that it didn't stop the elders from having a shocked look on their faces.

They have never heard Harold speak such words and in such manner to Elder Zeko who everybody feared and respected. The look on the face is his father was that of anger which he was trying desperately to hide.

"We cannot really force him, if he decides to turn it down then I think we should give the opportunity to another person " Elder Ruphus spoke out although Tobin could tell he said that with a shaky voice.

Elder Zeko stared at him with a serious look on his face. The evil aura around him suddenly become intensed. Tobin didn't know if this was magic but he could feel a charged atmosphere around him that made him shiver a little.

Elder Ruphus was hardly able to maintain eye contact with him after making that statement. He kept looking outside like a kid that have just offended an elder. Tobin wondered why fellow elders should be scared of Elder Zeko..

"Do you wish for your son to get this opportunity? Elder Zeko asked looking at Elder Ruphus without an expression on his face. Tobin watched with interest from this moment.

"I mean if you son doesn't want to return, why not give it to another person instead of trying to force it on him" Elder Ruphus replied as he looked liked he was going to swallow his own tongue.

"You won't dare " Elder Zeko barked as he sprang up on his feet. Befor Tobin could think of what next he saw Elder Zeko standing right in front of Elder Ruphus in a swift movement that took Tobin by surprise. Tobin was shocked at what he just saw. It was something someone like flash from a movie he saw in his world could do, moving with such speed. He truly marvelled at what he just saw. He noticed that all the servnats and apprentices around have suddenly disappeared from the living room leaving just the four of them.

"I dare you to repeat those words " Elder Zeko dared him looking directly into his eyes with his hand formed into a blow. Tobin wondered what will happen if Elder Ruphus repeated thise words.

Elder Raphael just sat down watching hopelessly as he wouldn't dare interfere in such a situation.

"I am sorry, I should never have said that" Elder Ruphus apologized after some seconds of intense look from both men.

Tobin was disappointed, he had wanted to see some action. He wanted to see what it woukd have felt like to see peoole fight with magic. Now that Elder Ruphus have apologized the ball have returned to his court.