
Chapter 4

2 months later.



During this period of time, not many events happened to me, although still a couple of them stand out. But about everything in order.

Firstly. My finances have increased. Thanks to this, I am now the owner of 1,300,000 Valis. If you think that this is a lot, then you are very much mistaken. The cheapest gear costs 600,000 Valis, and that's just one fucking leather breastplate. Although, the Hephaestus family did. By the way, this brings me to the next event.

Secondly. Because of my raids in the dungeon, other families began to take an interest in me. Many of them are unknown to me, but I know a couple of them.

Loki's family. Well, this family was naturally interested in me. How could they not be interested in me? I beat up one of their family members. Although this MUTT is to blame for this.



In a distant country. On the throne sat a man with golden hair and ruby eyes.

Suddenly, a vein popped up on his head.

???: What mutt dared to use this king's phrase?



I don't know why, but it gave me the creeps. This is strange. Okay, go ahead.

The Ishtar family. This is one of my least favorite characters. Ishtar is like a more open and more greedy version of Freya. So also a whore with a hundred years of experience. Besides, I hate her family because of her connections to the slave market, and you wonder where she gets so many of her family members from. At the same time, she bought many of them. Of course, she has men in her family, but she and all the other Amazons use them mainly as meat dildos, and pump them only for the sake of making them last longer during sex, since after increasing the level all the magical and physical parameters are enhanced. So I'll stay as far away from this family as possible.

Here's what happened to me. This is Leila. No, don't think about it, there's nothing between us. The relationship between us can be described as friends or brother and sister. It started when I accidentally met her during my dungeon raid. When I killed the hellhounds. I accidentally missed one. Of course, I realized this thanks to my Will of Observation, but the next time an arrow flew at her. It turns out that she is very good at archery. And she has fire magic, so well that she can use it along with her arrows. We often began to meet and talk about ourselves. She told me about herself and her sister Belle. And I realized that she really cares about her little sister. But she had to go first. Since Belle was still too young. I also found out that she is level 5. One level below Aiz. I told her a little about myself and my adventures, but I didn't tell her about Trafalgar Lo past.

By the way, I thought about opening my own pharmacy and offering my own medicines and medical care. But for this I need 15,000,000 Valis. But because I didn't join the family. The guild charges me 50% of the Valis I earn from selling my monster cores. And that brings me to the last topic.

Which family should I join?

I realized that I don't have the connections to buy resources.

And that brings me to the choice of my family.

I chose the Hephaestus family. First, they are directly related to production. Not only weapons and armor, but they also have pharmaceutical stores. So I decided to join her family.

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