
A strange pond story

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What is A strange pond story

Lesen Sie den Roman A strange pond story des Autors Md_Akbor_Dewan, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel.Once an old man woke up early in the morning and went to his field. I went and saw that the soil had been dug up from their hooves. He thought it was because he woke up to see it like that but after a...


Once an old man woke up early in the morning and went to his field. I went and saw that the soil had been dug up from their hooves. He thought it was because he woke up to see it like that but after a while he found that he was not. By now, the soil of the land has gradually become very deep and it has passed for a long time. Hastily he saw that the water was flowing there. He was surprised when he touched the water and it stopped flowing. Later in the morning the villagers went there to see. The villagers were surprised and named it God's Pond. Since then, that pond is still called Allah's Pond. The interesting thing about the pond is that if a poor person in the pond was talking about dishes for someone's marriage during the day, then at night! A golden boat used to float from the north-east corner of the pond. It used to have earthenware pots and these were brought and used in marriages. It would have been good for the villagers. But a poor man did not wash the dishes well and brought them back to the boat. By doing this, the boat will not sink again, after a few days it will completely sink, which will never float again. Which is located in Dewan Para, Bachari Village, Bakhtarpur, Naogaon Police Station, Naogaon District, Bangladesh.

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