
A strange love story

Sakin_Abdullah · realistisch
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2 Chs

Chapter 1 The beginning

Story – A strange love story

Episode – 01

Writer –Rafi khan

fairy kingdom

Gnani (Teacher): My dear students... Your exam is starting now...

Everyone started taking the exam.


After 30 minutes...

Gnani noticed that someone on the back bench was sleeping with his head on the table. He is no one else. He is the most mischievous of this fairy kingdom. Who is the most beautiful fairy in the kingdom. As well as the little princess. whose magic is never fixed. His name is Marine.

Gnani: Oh my god, this girl used to write something even if she didn't write all the answers in the exam book during the exam. At least Akibuki did the rest. If nothing else, he would draw a caricature of me. But today he fell asleep. How to pass it now? 😖😖😖

Gnani went in front of the Marine and stood up. With utmost care he began to call out to the marines.

Wise: Princess Marine....get up mother....look it's exam time....

Marine did not rise. Gnani is calling Marine. There is no longer a name for the rise of Marines. Meanwhile, the exam time is also passing.


Marine woke up after 20 minutes.

Gnani: Get up mom take the exam.

Marine: What kind of elephant halwa made my sleep..... ??🤬🤬🤬.

Gnani: Mago I am Gnani. Yours, your teacher.

Marine blinked.

Marine: I don't have any son but why are you calling me mother sir? 😒😒😒

Gnani: No mom, that's it...

Marine: Mom again??😒😒.

Wise: No, Princess Marine, why are you sleeping during the exam?

Marine: God!!! Why does anyone sleep? Is it because he sleeps? Don't know that much? Can you tell me which goat your name is wise? And which horned Hanuman made you sir of this school???🤔🤔🤔.

Kabir: I am. This is the horned Hanuman.

Everyone looked at the door. passed out

All: May the King win. May the king win.

Marine thought: oh my dear God, where did this executioner father come from??😕😕😕.

Jnani: Victory to the Maharaja.

Kabir: Hmm. How is everyone's exam going?

All: Alhamdulillah good.

Kabir went to Marine.

Marine swallows.

Kabir: What were you saying wise sir?

Marine: What were you saying? 🤔🤔🤔 He remembers yes. I was saying how good wise sir...😅😅😅.

Kabir: So? So Hanuman cut the horn Hanuman Hanuman what I heard say?

Marine: No...

Kabir: 😠😠😠👿👿👿

Marine: Oh yes, I remember. I was saying that Hanuman cut the horn that made the wise sir a teacher? He needed to be made a scientist. And it was necessary to name Guni...😅😅😅.....

Kabir: shut up.....

Everyone got up.

Marine: 🤫🤫🤫

Kabir: Does anyone talk to Sir like this?

Marine: ...

Kabir: Wise sir….

Jnani: Jee Maharaj….

Kabir: You are the teacher and Marine is your student. If you are rude, you will be disciplined and punished. Kill if necessary.

Marine: Why kill me? I'm not a princess...

Kabir: I will give 1 slap. Don't know how to deal with teachers. Tenetune passed the exam. Can't do magic either. She is a princess again by magic.

Marine: 🙄🙄🙄 .

Kabir: Wise sir….

Jnani: Jee Maharaj.

Kabir: I've said it before and I'm still saying that don't show any favoritism as my daughter. And you girl... If you don't pass the test, whether it's a written test or a magical test, if you don't pass and if you don't go well, if you're not good, if you're not mischievous, I'll send you to earth ... I mean exile.

Marine: What is deportation? And more importantly, what is the world??🤔🤔🤔.

Kabir: Marine….

Marine: 🤫🤫🤫.

Kabir: Come home today... and listen to what I said but the truth. If you do not pass the test, I will send you to exile in the world. mind it...

Kabir left in anger.


..after the test.....

Marine went out.

Marine: Eki... where did my bird king go??🤔🤔🤔 bird king... bird king.....

Pakhiraj appeared.

Marine: Where have you been all this time?

Pakhiraj: Went for a walk.

Marine: Huh..... now you turn into a car.

Pakhiraj: Why are you asking to be a car?🤔🤔🤔

Marine: I feel like grazing in my car.

Pakhiraj: You and your mind...

Pakhiraj changed from horse to chariot. Marine sat down.

Marin: Listen to the palace...

Pakhiraj: Why?

Marine said it all.

Pakhiraj: 🤣🤣🤣 You are no longer human.

Marine: shut up….

Pakhiraj: So where to go now??

Marine: Let's go to Grandma's house...

Pakhiraj: Come on….

Pakhiraj is going to Ure.

Marine: That bird king, dara dara...

Pakhiraj: What happened again???

Marine: Look at that mango tree...

Pakhiraj: So??

Marine: Let's go down and eat a mango.

Pakhiraj: But how? How to buy?

Marine: Hey, why do I have to buy my princess? Later the guard or someone else will give it.

Pakhiraj: But….

Marine: Nambi??😒😒😒.

Marines went down.

Marine: oh my dear god how am...


I want to eat mango. All the mangoes come to me please ili gili fus.


Then the mangoes started pelting him and Pakhiraj as if someone was pelting them with stones. Dirim hurled at her and Pakhiraj. They are not suffering from severe pain... they are running away to no avail. Because wherever they go, Am Ure comes towards them.

Pakhiraj: What do you do magic for?

And Mago... I died..... What kind of fairy are you.... I doubt that you are a fairy??? Ah..

Marine: Will you shut up?? So... Mom..... I will kill you. sh....ah....mommy....


After 5 minutes.....

Pakhiraj: This marine... oh this marine....

Marine: What happened.... Why are you humming like a frog??🤬🤬.

Pakhiraj: Look around...

Marine saw.

Marine: Ahhh….

Pakhiraj: Shut up.

In fact, all the mangoes on all the trees are gone. There is a flood of mangoes around 2 people.

Marine: I think we're in the Sea of ​​Mangoes now.....

Pakhiraj: All the mangoes in the whole kingdom are gone. What will happen now??😭😭😭. If Maharaj knows, I will be finished with you.

Marine: Don't know anything. I am not...☺️☺️☺️....

Pakhiraj: All fear is because of you...

Marine: Shut up... I will wear the mantra.


Forget all the mangoes on the tree are gone. I want all the remaining mangoes to go back to the tree except for a few mangoes. Ili gili fus.


Pakhiraj: No.....

When doing marine magic, instead of going back to the mango tree, all the trees came up from the ground and fell on them.

Marine: Bird king .... let's run away.....

Pakhiraj: Come on.

Marine: Don't have some mangoes...

Marine jumped on Pakhiraj's back.

After some time... the gardener came. And come and see what the story is.....

Mali: oh god what will happen now....

Mali began to cry. The guards saw.


On the other hand Marine is going Urei on Pakhiraj's back.

bird king Hey where to go? I'm going to Urei since when...

Marin: Hare... You can't go to Nanima's house. Bishan is hungry and sleepy.

Pakhiraj: Even though I eat mangoes, you say you are hungry.....😱😱😱.

Marine: Yes, he got it.

Pakhiraj: How do you eat so much?

Marine: Why by mouth.

Pakhiraj: oh really... I thought eat it with your ears.

Marine: Emma you don't even know you eat with your mouth. what are you So...

Pakhiraj: Forgive my mother….

Marine: When did I become your mother?🤔🤔.

Pakhiraj: Won't you keep quiet or I will throw you off your back.

Marine: Huh... Look at this empty space by the river.

Pakhiraj: Yes.... 🙄🙄🙄.

Marine: Name below.

They went down. came down

Marine: Oh...what a beautiful place....I'll stay here for the rest of today. If you go home, the executioner father will slaughter you today. So I will stay here.

Pakhiraj: I will stay here.... 🙄🙄🙄... How can I stay under the open sky?

Marine: Why stay under the open sky? I will build 1 palace now.

Pakhiraj: Don't do that for me.

Marine: Huh...


I want 1 Rajmahal for sleeping and staying. Which will be made here. Ili gili fus.


Then there was a very beautiful palace.

2 people: 😱😱😱.

Marine Pakhiraj was pinched 1 very hard.

Pakhiraj: Ah. Why tweezers?😤😤😤.

Marine: To see the dream or reality.

Pakhiraj: So don't pinch your hand.

Marine: Oy Dhinga Chika my magic is fixed.

Pakhiraj: There must be some trouble.

Marine: Shut up, come in.

They went inside. The neighborhood is very beautiful. So 2 started looking around. In fact, it is the royal palace of mermaids. They panicked when Mahal suddenly disappeared. The guards saw.


After a while...

The guards took the news to Kabir. After hearing everything, Kabir realized whose work these could be. Still checked on P.cctv (P means Porirajjo...🤣🤣) to be sure.

Kabir: Marine....

Kabir's chillani made the whole house go crazy. Hearing Kabir's chillani, Maharani Kanika and the eldest princess came running.

Kanika: What happened?

Kabir: Tell me what happened.... Look at your daughter's manipulation. At the time of examination, this story is such a big loss for Mali and the entire empire. 😤😤😤 😤😤😤 Come back home today. No, you will not return. I have to bring him. Today is his 1 day or my 1 day.....

Tara: Baba Baba... Don't get angry. and small How old is it?

Kabir: Sometimes you were equal to him. Till today I have not received any complaint against you.

Tara: Father is a bit of a boy. don't skip It will be fine when it grows up.

Kabir: No mamani can't accept such a mess every day. If only I were her father I would gladly accept. But I am the king of that kingdom. All sides have to be seen.

Kanika: Don't do that to her.

Kabir: Kanika….

Kabir fixed the mango and the tree with magic and then brought Marine back home. Marineto is going to sleep at home after eating and drinking

Sing Sing:


I am so innocent

But the executioner is my father...

how good i am

Still my father's face doesn't light up.....

Why does he not understand that he sent 1.

Sometimes I want to make him a bed...

Oh how innocent I am

But the executioner is my father...


Marine has no idea where he is. He is singing with his eyes closed. When the song ended, Kabir clapped.

Marine: I understand that you like my song so much...

Marine opened his eyes and saw that the poet was there.

Marine: Ahhh...



In the world...

in Bangladesh.....

Ima: i love you..... i love you a lot.... i just love you nerd.....

Neer: thank you but sorry .... because I don't love you. bye... & nice flowers .....

That's why the nest went away.

Akash: What did you do😒😒😒

Nest: What did I do? 😒😒😒

Akash: Why did you reject Emma?

Neer: You are saying as if I have rejected someone for the first time in my life....

Rabbi: Is it the same as doing it to someone else?

Nerd: Why? What is there in Emma???

Surya: She is not only the best beauty of this area. I can guarantee that there is no one as beautiful as her in the whole country.

Nerd: 😂😂😂. good jokes...

Akash : it was not a joke...its true...

Neer: shut up.... she is not my type....

Iman: What kind of girl do you want?

Neer: perfect ..... not for everyone but for me. These are just nonsense. rude Want stylish girl but not vulgar. I want the one whom I don't want to love but will fall in love without knowing. When you see someone, you just want to hug and caress. i don't want any hot & sexy girl.... i want 1 cute girl..... who will be the 8th wonder of the world.

Aakash : Hey brother, if someone doesn't send Pabna, someone send me to the hospital..... I will go crazy.

Everyone: 😂😂😂

Emma: Dara is also a nerd.

The nests are sharp. He turned to Emma. Ima ran and grabbed the nest.

Emma: I love you so much nerd. Give me some space in your heart.

Neer's mood has deteriorated to that level.

Iman: oh no..... this girl has news.

Neer slapped Ima.

Everyone: 😱😱😱

Neer: stupid irritating girl.... how dare you catch me? If you never touch me again, you will never have these two hands. I will break it. I didn't say anything as a girl. mind it....😡😡😡....



[Rest in next episode.....]