1 Birth

One out of eight .Being one out of eight children isn't that special ,especially if you are the only one with no talent. Her name Alice Magnolia her destiny and her death had already been written and ,unfortunately for her the author was sloppy.From the time she was born she was like a petal in the wind in spring .no one would notice a petal or would they ?

Her mother and father where both abusive drug attics and she was there sixth child .even though she was her biological dads fourth .her mother would flip flop between her dad and his brother and unbeknownst to him only four children were his . Her oldest sister had cancer so even though at the time she was the baby she was far from the center of attention .nor would she ever be even in her story.

At the age of two her oldest sister aged eleven died . Her parents got sent to prison for drug reasons got out went in and got out and so on .in the time they were gone she had been molested beaten abused and her view on the world so twisted that she had no sense of love except that of her lovely grandmother Hazel lozoya a elderly Hispanic woman who had tried to keep the child safe but couldn't for she herself struggled through life .

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