
Night Hunt II

The squeals were soon paired up with three boars. One was slightly smaller than Jeffy. The other two were the size of ponies, the two of them gazed at the pit hungrily before they jumped in after the tasty morsel inside.

The width of the pit was working against the hogs Joe had managed to be crushed under the porcine menace that had fallen from above. The two boars had begun to chomp and saliva was splattering Joe's face. Joe had completely forgotten the advice of Jimbo earlier, he was jabbing the marlin spike into any piece of flesh he could forcing blood to erupt from the flesh of boar as it sought to end his life. "Pain is weakness leaving the body. To piss excellence one must firat piss blood. Thirst is a distraction. A distracted mind cannot conquer the body." Joe chanted as he stabbed allowing some of the pig's blood to accumulate in his mouth before he swallowed. This time the blood made him gag and the odors he was experiencing in the pit were threatening to make him pass out from offilicatory overload, but stab he did because he had no choice. The chant set his mind into a peaceful place far from the stress of battle he endured underneath the mountains of flesh.He had finally gotten lucky and scored a strike in the main artery running along the outside of one of the pig's throats. The second one reached out to bite his arm off and with almost astronomical intervention he had managed to wedge the spike in between the upper and lower jaws of the pig. The spike was driven into its brains from the force of the bite. In it's death throws it managed to trample Joe underfoot stepping right onto his groin. He pissed himself then almost bit his tongue in half.

Jeffy was also having a bit of a tussle himself. He charged the younger boar fully intent on overpowering him, however the other boar veered off to the side. Jeffy's left tusk had scored a deep gash from the left shoulder of the other boar to his flank. The blood cascaded onto the green grass in the twighlight. The two boars circled around for another pass. Like two knights in the lists they continued their mortal joust. The intensity was palpable.

The Elder and the others had raced after the pigs that they had attempted to bay and spilt. They followed them back to the trap that had been set. The Elder looked over at The Scholar and he spoke.

"Crane your nose still working?"

"Yes Elder. Although the smell of blood pretty much masks anything else at the moment."

"Any chance of that blood being Grubworm's?"

Jimbo was somewhat worried but his instincts were telling him that the boy was still alive.

"Only one way to find out. Do we ait for the big boys to stop fighting or do we wade into it?" White Tides spoke with a bit of trepidation in his voice.

"Just wait it out I think it will be decided soon enough." The Elder was watching the battle as it came to it's final conclusion.

The boars made another pass at each

at this point the smaller boar's sides had been shredded into tassels, the bloody ropes of flesh were dragging along the ground and the hip bone was visible on its right flank.

'Hams are ruined on that one. I wonder if we can kill the bigger one too... More meat the better but it's going to be a long night trying to brine and smoke this all. It's a good thing it's cool outside that's going to save us some headache. Maybe I can get Jimbo to weld us up a few A frames to process the carcasses.' The Elder's gears were turning. 'I should just run over to the nunnery one day to get that cauldron they owe us.'

The last pass of the pigs resulted in Jeffy flipping the other boar over and crushing the windpipe with his snout. Jeffy finished off the other boar by biting it's throat and eating the meat from its face. He sent a thought down to his little friend in the hole.

'You must be alive down there because I can still reach you it's a shame I couldn't record this I might have gotten more views but business is business. Look forward to another night of fun later.' He smelled the other humans that were trying to lay in the grass downwind of him. So he knew that Joe would be fine. He ran off into the woods to claim a few sows to add to his sounder.

The Tinker walked to the pit and yelled down into it. "Grubworm if you are alive give us a sign!" A pig barely shook it's head Jimbo figured that was good enough for proof of life.

The Elder was looking over the dead boar on the grass. 'Sausage meat that's all this is good for. I suppose I better get around to digging out the boy from underneath all that meat.' He walked over to the bike to retrieve his spade then set to work.

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