

The Tinker and the Scholar brought back the dumptruck as requested by The Elder. Jimbo and Bi each took two legs into their hands on a boar they drug it to near the opened back bay door of the off road hauler. Then with great effort they leveraged the hog up into position to throw it from their shoulders into the back of the truck. They took a breather in between loading each of the lesser damaged boars. The Elder lit his pipe, he then looked over at the mess of the meat on the larger boar. "What are we going to do with that lump over there?"

"I don't care, I want the oysters to take with me. Look at the size of him I bet they are huge." Joe said excitedly, the testicles might be the best tasting thing he had to eat without counting his welcoming feast.

'That was something special. Why did I marry a demon who would feed me quail eggs?'

"My boy is entitled to share of the kills and he chooses the sweetmeats." Jimbo was grinning while shaking his head. "Why not the heart? That's where all the power is, I think you should start eating different organs."

"Why would I want to eat the heart? It's too tough to chew, It would spoil before I could eat it all anyway?" Joe was curious as to why he should make that choice.

"Bone marrow might be the ideal choice in this case." The Scholar spoke up as he took out a hacksaw and hammer from the jobox on the back of the bike.

"Marrow boil? I haven't done that in a very long time.We might invite the Abess over." The Elder was practically floating on a cloud as he envisioned all the beautiful Sisters.

'I wonder if I can convince them to bring that pot over. We could just do a big boil in that. It would definitely save a trip.'

"What makes you think the Sister would want to come over here? Three made sure they were down more than a few jars this past winter they had a hungry one." The Scholar figured Three had managed to pilfer about 20 gallons of sauerkraut.

"Because it's a marrow boil. Nobody would turn down a marrow boil. I might be able to talk her into bring some delicious vegetables over. Nothing but bbq pig everyday does become somewhat boring." The Elder was nonchalantly making conversation as he pondered about what to do with the last boar.

Joe surprised him by taking the initative to ask for a knife. Jimbo proffered his falchion.

As the older cultivators were chiewing the fat, Joe had already spilt open the pig's scrotum and scooped out the treasure inside.

"I don't really care what you guys decide to do. It's my wedding night we need to hurry up I need to try to do something nice for my wife. I owe her at least that much." Joe spoke while holding the soccer ball sized testes close to his chest.

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