
A Shinobi on the High Seas! (One piece x Naruto)

Uzumaki Naruto after Akatsuki's attack on Gaara, the container of the sand spirit Shukaku, the village decides to hide Naruto from the Akatzuki since they cannot lose their only Jinchūriki, which Naruto is warned of the decision of Tsunade the Fifth Hokage of the village and the clan leaders along with the respected elders of the village. Naruto was about to protest but he is subjected to a trap in which he is completely immobilized and it is immediately explained to him what will happen to him and where he would go. Naruto, horrified that they are forcing him to leave his home, tries to destroy the trap in which he was but he was quickly subdued by Yamato and without further delay Naruto was prepared to take him to the place where he would probably spend the rest of his life. A plan where he is involved in hiding Naruto, Inoichi Yamanaka with his mind ability and Kakashi Hatake with his sharingan, so that Naruto does not try to return in any way, both devastated by what they did to Naruto but it was for the best. for everyone and especially for him or at least that's what they thought. What will be Naruto's fate in this new place where he is supposed to be safer. (NOTE: THE STORY IS NOT MINE, I'M ONLY TRANSLATING IT FOR ME TO READ LATER IN ENGLISH, IF YOU WANT TO SUPPORT THE ORIGINAL AUTHOR, GO TO: https://www.wattpad.com/story/193099730-%C2%A1un-shinobi-en-altos-mares-one-piece-x-naruto KEEP IN MIND THAT THE FAN-FIC WAS ORIGINALLY WRITTEN IN SPANISH!!!!!)

ZackDKaizo · Anime und Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter. 3 Cocoyasi Village

Nojiko was on her way to the village to talk to an old friend of her mother to talk about Naruto and who can be their salvation at best and if they are unlucky enough is more than enough to keep the village safe and its inhabitants.

Nojiko (thoughtfully): 'It's been 3 days since that weird kid woke up and told me everything, he was capable of and what a blessing it can be for us to have someone like him around to protect us from Arlong and his companions, especially his abilities to hide and spy undetected.'

(sighs and looks at the sky) 'Who knew the guy I saved was actually a ninja, a fucking ninja, something similar to an assassin but better trained, skilled and eventually more dangerous and also having abilities I've never mentioned anyone could have like the ability to walk walls and even over water, it's fucking impossible but I still can't believe that it could have been cloned and that all of them are real, each one of them was 100% real, and what really makes it perfect is that later he explained to me how the scrolls work and that it can store objects as big as a person and still fit in something as tiny as those scrolls that looked similar to books'.

(sighed again) 'No doubt this is a messenger that our mother sent us Nami to finally end our suffering' (Smiles).

Nojiko arrives to the village and goes directly to the house of an old friend, she prostrates in front of his door and begins to knock lightly and after a few seconds someone behind the door.

Unknown (serious): Who is it?!

Nojiko (serene): Stop shouting Genzo and open the door I have something important to talk to you.

Genzo a man of medium height, short hair and black mustache. He always looks like a Sheriff because of the way he walks; a brown police suit with golden shoulder pads and many buttons, brown pants and a brown police cap and on it was a small grinder, he has a body full of scars, from his face to his legs in the form of cuts. Behind the door he hears the seriousness of Nojiko's voice he rushes to open the door, as he opens the door, he looks at Nojiko somewhat serious.

Genzo (Serious): What is it Nojiko, has something serious happened in the village or is it Arlong causing more havoc?

Nojiko (Serious): No, it's something I found abandoned on the beach and it's something that can help us solve our problem, but we can't talk about it in public let me come in and I'll tell you everything.

Genzo takes the hint and lets Nojiko into his house, when he does, he locks the door and closes all the windows and the blinds.

Genzo: Alright I'm listening.


Naruto collected the tangerines in perfect condition to pack them in sacks that would be taken by unknown ships which would be sold to them at Nojiko's request.

Naruto was internally upset as he did not expect such a task, but in the end, he said nothing and accepted happily that Nojiko allowed him to stay for a while until he knew what to do with his life.

Continuing with his work, Nojiko had ordered him to take a bath since he reeked of sweat and salt from the ocean which Naruto had not noticed until he was told which could only embarrass him and immediately Nojiko gave him a change of clothes, a pair of pants similar to his own in brown with a simple blue t-shirt.

Nojiko came out and indicated him where was a place to wash his body that he could use, Naruto thanked the clothes that had been given to him and went immediately to take a shower and put on the change that Nojiko gave him starting the routine of work for these 3 days.

Nojiko has put him to work on similar things for that time, Naruto could only sigh at what he was doing, but he had nothing better to do so he continued with his work and think what he would do with those scrolls and find the way to open them.

It was strange to him that he could remember all the things he can do to defend himself and among other things and not remember how he got them or how he got them, he cleared his mind and finished his work.

Returning to Nojiko and Genzo...

Genzo (serious and thinking about what he was just told): I see, it's really amazing this guy you saved, especially that he can do all that without a devil fruit, but I still don't understand how he could help us banish Arlong from this island forever.

Nojiko: (Serious and confident)Naruto has ninja training which means he can hide steal and even assassinate without being discovered in addition to the aforementioned, without taking into account that he doesn't seem affected by not remembering anything, it's more than clear that he lives in today, and if we play our cards right he could save us from Arlong and if not at least make our life dealing with Arlong lighter since if my deduction does not fail I think he will also know how to counterfeit money in a way that Arlong will never do and even save someone from death and make Arlong believe that he has killed him without him knowing what really happened.

Genzo (unsure and tense): I don't know Nojiko, this could be too dangerous and we could put everyone's life in danger by trying something we don't know if we can succeed in.

Nojiko (serious): I know Genzo but we need to have more options than what Nami is being for us, and if those bastards don't keep their word what else will we have left? We will have nothing left and the hope of the people will die, is that what you want Genzo? Besides, the boy in spite of the things he can do seems to be good and you can tell he is a kind person because in these 3 days that he has been in my house he has been a cheerful and really grateful person so I don't doubt that he will help us with this problem.

Genzo (agreeing): That's fine Nojiko, we will continue with your plan, I just hope it works and that if there is a God, he will help us to make it work.

Nojiko somewhat happy that Genzo agreed and says:

Nojiko (cheerful): God doesn't need to show up to save us, I know it will work and we will be free and free Nami from her suffering.

Genzo just nods his head and gives her a small and sincere smile, after that he says goodbye to Nojiko opening the door for him and

Nojiko said goodbye to Nojiko which she left the house and did the same, then Nojiko did some shopping before going back to the house with Naruto.

2 hours later Nojiko returns home to see how Naruto had finished the work of 1 week in 3 days for which Nojiko was happy since apparently the issue of money and especially the fatigue of doing the work will no longer be a problem for her, she enters her house and looks at Naruto sitting in a chair at the table observing calculatingly the rolls that came with him.

Nojiko (calmly): Hello Naruto, I have returned with supplies for lunch and dinner.

Naruto (a little surprised as he hadn't noticed Nojiko's presence as he was concentrating on

Nojiko as he was concentrating on how to open the rolls): Oh, hi Nojiko-chan, sorry for not noticing you earlier I was concentrating on the rolls and how to open them.

Nojiko (quietly): That's what I noticed, any luck or hints? (as she puts the supplies down on the table and sits next to Naruto).

Naruto (Sighs and shakes his head): No, I can't find a way to open it without destroying the scroll in the attempt so it must have some trick.

Nojiko:(understanding the situation) I see, would you like some


Naruto nods his head and thanks Nojiko's offer with a small but happy smile and Nojiko laughs at Naruto's happy and a little childish look and somewhat blushing because she hated to admit that his eyes were beautiful as it was rare to see men with that kind of eyes and more so on this side of the ocean and she thought she could get used to seeing those eyes.

Nojiko got up from the chair holding onto the table a little, but one of the purchases made was somewhat on the edge of the table

causing it to fall, but Naruto caught it before it fell to the floor, but while grabbing the goods he inadvertently pricked his finger and put it back on the table.

Nojiko (cheerful): Good catch.

Naruto laughs a little at the praise and thanks her, Nojiko goes to the kitchen with some goods to make food for the two of them since it seems Naruto wasn't a good cook, he wasn't bad, but he only reached the average cooking rank, most likely simple and quick meals that he could make while camping or hiding in places where there isn't normally a kitchen so he found sense in having his food be quick and simple.

Naruto returns to his business with the rolls and picks up one of them with the hand that pricked his finger and without realizing he put that finger on the swirl logo and it emitted a glow in which it disappeared, Naruto was surprised of what happened and looked at his hand where he realized his wound and that apparently it takes blood to open the roll.

Nojiko:(a little surprised and confused) What happened Naruto? and what was that glow?

Naruto:(realizing what happened) Apparently it takes blood to open the scroll and I guess it's the same with the other one.

Nojiko:(a little surprised and a little intrigued) And how did you discover it?

Naruto:(attentive and looking at the scrolls) Apparently there was something sharp from what I picked up in the air from the errand and I pricked my finger without realizing it, without wanting to pass it over the logo of the swirl and without warning it began to glow, disappearing immediately allowing me to read it.

Nojiko found it strange the way in which the scroll was unlocked since she had never heard anything similar, but coming from a guy who can walk on surfaces, clone himself and store objects in papers, it didn't seem strange to the events around Naruto.

Nojiko:(a little anxious) Well, what are you waiting for, what does it contain?

Naruto nods his head and opens the scroll and begins to read the first lines of the scroll.

"Naruto if you are reading this is that somehow you are alive, really forgive me for not being able to do more for you, but they are orders and we were forced to fulfill them after all we are ninjas and to this we are dedicated, I'm sure you do not know what is happening especially for your memories, but I can only tell you that this we did to you was for your own good and those around you.

I hope that, although you don't remember us you forgive us for our wrong and inhuman actions, but we had no other choice, the scroll contains ninja techniques and practice method to learn them, I'm sure you can understand them and become familiar with them since it was quite explicit when writing them so you will understand them quickly so without further ado, I say goodbye you who are my favorite student, just remember that it was for your own good.

P.S.: Here is also my complete collection of icha icha paradise I'm sure you can get a lot of money from it if you market it after all my series of novels is the best of all JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA"

Naruto was surprised about the note that came at the beginning of the scroll, which means that he committed a serious offense or he was planning to do something or someone is looking for him and they had to get rid of him and apparently they took his memories, Nojiko also suspected the same thing which worried him since he could be a threat to his village but he was not too worried since if the note is true, the one who wrote it seems that he referred that they took his memories and it seemed to be written by a teacher since he referred to him as his favorite student.

However, what confused both of them was the postscript about his book collection, if it was the one who wrote it why would he be giving the author properties to his student if someone is supposed to have already read them since he confirms that it is one of the best or it would just be the arrogance that he is supposed to be his teacher so for the moment Naruto and Nojiko left the topic of the novels aside.

Nojiko (curious while still in the kitchen): Is there anything else coming from that teacher of yours?

Naruto (a bit confused): Apparently not, what follows after

the text is Ninja training instructions that apparently has to do with manipulating elements.

Nojiko (puzzled): Manipulation of elements?

Naruto:(reading the scroll) um yeah, according to this, it's to learn what affinity I have with some element whether it's earth, fire, air, lightning and water and which one I could control.

Nojiko sighs with what Naruto said since, if in that scroll they come from how to control an element of nature, no doubt Naruto comes from a very well-hidden place so that not even the navy knows of such abilities without relying on the fruits of the devil.

Nojiko (a bit resigned to the subject): Okay, no doubt Naruto no doubt you and your people are strange people with strange abilities.

Naruto laughs sheepishly while rubbing his head with his right hand at the comment to his person, which apparently, he is and furthermore the note confirmed that he was a ninja i.e., some sort of

assassin trained in the art of stealth; Naruto's thoughts are interrupted by Nojiko's question.

Nojiko:(curious) Well, what does the other scroll say?

Naruto remembered it thanks to Nojiko's question about the second scroll, he picks it up right away and emit the procedure of the first scroll and open it, Naruto started to read the first lines.

Nojiko:(curious) What does it contain?

Naruto (attentive): "If you are reading this is because that pervert gave you the two scrolls and you are in a healthy state or so I hope. First of all I want to apologize for having failed you as your leader, I should have protected you, I should have done everything I could to stop this from happening to you but this was out of my control since the orders came from above and I had no voice or vote to oppose it, I only hope that if you somehow remember the things that were eliminated from your memory I hope that deep down you forgive me for having failed you as a leader and as your mother and grandmother figure, that you know that this was for your good and that you really live happily wherever you have stopped.

You really deserve to be happy since you gave me back the will to fight and to live and I will thank you all my life, this scroll contains sealed many ninja tools such as kunais, shurikens, explosive bombs among other things and besides my own knowledge, a number of medical techniques to help you heal any injury of yours or someone you know, the instructions you have to follow to practice chakra control so you can learn and control them.

And from my student who also apologizes for not being able to help you he gave you a cookbook of your favorite foods plus instructions on how to make tools if needed and several changes of ninja clothes to make you feel more comfortable, we really cannot do more for you I hope you forgive us, remember we love you and may you be happy in your new life."

Nojiko was somewhat puzzled with this message as it had similarities with the other scroll and was left wondering what Naruto had done or who would be looking for him so that they even had to erase his memory and leave him in who knows where.

Naruto was confused by the words since it was obvious who wrote it a woman and according to the letter his grandmother figure and also his supposed leader, but that was not what confused him but when he read it, he was really hurt by what the message said so much that a tear escaped him since the message seemed to express his pain even though it was only the text of the one who wrote it.

Nojiko (worried): Hey, Naruto are you okay?

Naruto (wipes his tears and calms down): yes, it's ok, I just somehow feel the pain of the one who wrote this message, it really meant something to me and it frustrates me not to remember who it was.

Nojiko (understanding how she felt and sympathetic): Don't worry if those memories are still in your mind somehow or another you will remember them.

Naruto (cheerful): I hope so, Thank you very much Nojiko-san.

Nojiko (sulking): Naruto, what did I tell you about the san, just my name or with the chan, got it?

Naruto laughs shyly and apologizes nodding his head, Nojiko approaches the table with two plates of food already finished and consequently puts a red wine on the table.

Nojiko (cheerfully, putting the food on the table): Very well, no need to think about it anymore, now go eat, you've earned it.

Naruto smiles big and thanks Nojiko for the food and starts to eat calmly, Nojiko starts to do the same and after about 20 minutes they both finished eating, Naruto thanks for the food, but before he could get up Nojiko wanted to talk to him.

Nojiko (Serious): Naruto, we have to talk about something very important about what is happening on this island.

Naruto feeling the seriousness of the matter sits down and gives the word to Nojiko, Nojiko understood Naruto's gesture and began to write what has happened in this island the last 8 years, with the arrival of Arlong and what his sister is doing to save the island, after 1 hour she finished her story and waits for Naruto's answer.

Naruto seriously reflects on what Nojiko told him and the Natural hatred towards Arlong for doing that to a little girl, he didn't know why he felt that way but he couldn't help it, something inside him told him to go cut that guy's throat once and for all.

Naruto (Serious): I understand everything perfectly and what exactly do you want me to do with them?

Nojiko (smiles seeing that he understood the message): I want you to use that

I want you to use your ability to make each one of the fish-men of Arlong disappear and replace them with your clones, little by little you will take over Arlong Park and when you least expect them, they will be surrounded and alone.

Nojiko is watching Naruto to see what he will do next and if he is willing to help them and Naruto's reaction made her very happy. Naruto:(cheerful) I would do it, even if you didn't ask me, something inside me tells me that I have to help you and that are and Naruto never breaks his promises Dattebayo!!!!

At those last words she was very confused as she felt something similar to Deja vu, but she put it aside.

Nojiko (very happy): I can't be grateful enough for your help Naruto after all it was a good omen to save your life, we will start tomorrow I will tell you everything you have to know about what I have learned from Arlong and his men during these years, but at this moment it is already very late and it is better for us to rest.

He yawns and prepares to go to sleep, Naruto laughs at Nojiko's sleepy gesture and nods his head and prepares to go to sleep, as he knew that the next few days will be very long for him.

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