
A Secret Affair With The Butler

A devastating car crash that led to the death of her parents right before her eyes has entrapped Miranda in a traumatic state that she herself is oblivious of. Her true self starts to creep in when she is adopted from the orphanage home she had spent most of her life time. While she struggled to understand herself and the situation she was in, Miranda falls in love with Zach, a butler for the family she was adopted into and a secret lover to Sarah. It slowly grew from Love to obsession and from obsession to wanting to do anything to have him by her side and from the claws of Sarah, her adopted mother who she sees as her competitor. Will she be able to get what she wants Or will the burning fire of obsession consume her?

Alemoh_Victory · Urban
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20 Chs

Still In The Outing Spirit

"Anything that you think would fit her, is perfect '' Sarah said, a smile still playing on her face.

"Prepare for an amazing journey of transformation, Miranda" Jay said grinning as he left where they were to sort out the things he would be needing for Miranda's hair from the different shelves around the shop.

"You haven't told me how your trip to New York was" Sarah said, when Jay returned back to them, with a tray filled with the things he would be needing for Miranda's hair.

"You should know by how all my trips are always awesome, and this one wasn't an exception" Jay replied happily. "It was a lot of fun."

Sarah and Jay continued chatting excitedly about Vacation and the positive effect it leaves on one's mind. Sarah went further to tell her about how she is also planning on going on a trip with Andrea this coming summer.

Miranda who had her ears peeled in their conversation thought about what her fate and Mara's would be with the trip Sarah was planning on going on. She was feeling that they would likely be left at home in the care of Grace and the other Nannies since Sarah didn't say anything about her or Mara coming along with them.

In a short while, Jay finished up Miranda hair, leaving everybody in awe with the final look of the hair except Miranda.

Jay gave her a fringed hairstyle that lay a little just above her eyebrow in a straight line with the rest of the hair resting perfectly on her shoulders just like Bridget's hair, just like the shadow that was in her dream.

This was of course the reason why Miranda was not pleased with the hairstyle but had to lie, nodding her head in an affirmative way when Sarah asked her if she liked the hair.

Sarah chatted a little more with Jay after she had paid him for his services, and promised him about coming back the following day or the next to do hers.

"I would be expecting to see you soon," Jay said, blowing kisses at them as they walked out of the store.

"Such a lively soul, girly soul" Miranda muttered to herself.

Their next stop was the ice cream store. Again, Sarah went on and on about how their next outing was going to be more robust than the one they were on now.

She talked about how they were going to engage in more activities like going to the park and going to see a movie.

She went further to explain how spending time with each other helps to strengthen their bond as a family which left Miranda thinking about why Andrea wasn't a part of the outing if the reason why she was talking them out was to strengthen their bond.

The ice-cream shop wasn't far from the hair salon, it was a couple of blocks away and it took them less than twenty minutes to arrive.

As Sarah drove into the yard of the ice-cream shop, looking for a place to park the car in the parking lot, Miranda mind took her back to the orphanage home.

She could vividly remember the last time she had ice-cream, it was on Easter Sunday, Lady Vanessa had called for an ice cream truck that was positioned in the playground. After a while of running, shouting and laughing, they were each served a cone of any flavor of ice-cream you wanted with tasty muffins.

Miranda could remember how Roselyn tripped a girl she had always wanted to have a fight with, making her ice cream drop on the floor, like a bag of rotten bananas.

She could also remember the girl slapping Roselyn's ice cream out of her hand before the fight ensued. And at the end of the day, she had to share her portion of ice-cream with Roselyn to console her. It was really an exciting day to be remembered, a bright smile appeared on her face as she thought about it.

When Sarah finally got a space to park her car, they all alight from it, with Sarah bringing out Mara from where her carrier was securely strapped to in the backseat, they headed straight inside. A waitress approached the table they were seated on when they settled in to take their orders.

"We would like to have four scoops each of sneakers, mint, bubble gum and chocolate ice-cream with iced cupcakes and butter cookies" Sarah stated, with the waitress nodding her head as she scribbled down their orders on a small notepad of hers.

"I would be back shortly with your orders" the waitress said before walking away.

"Do you mind telling me about your past life?" Sarah asked when the waitress left. "It is completely fine if you are not ready to talk about that," Sarah spoke up again when Miranda didn't say anything, giving out a smile that seemed reassuring.

"We can talk about something else, like…" She paused when she felt her phone vibrating in her purse that she placed on the table. "Give me some seconds' ' She said as she brought out the phone from her purse, staring at the screen.

"Hello" She greeted the caller in a calm, charming voice as she picked up the call.

Sarah asked for a second to take her call, but she ended up using the whole time of their ice cream date. The waiter brought their orders, Miranda dived right into it, ignoring Sarah who still went on with her call, taking little spoons of ice cream at a time. Miranda, who was feasting on her ice cream and butter cookies was still trying to detect who Sarah was with on the phone.

She thought at first that it must be another close friend of hers, not Grace, with the way she was going on with. talking about her day and where they were currently in at the moment, but further into the call, Miranda started thinking it wasn't a female she was talking to but a male, because she said sweet romantic words and giggled at the slightest chance to whatever the person on the other end of the call was saying.

"She is talking to Andrea '' Miranda thought, but she still probably had doubts about that conclusion of hers because she didn't mention his name all through their talks, which was unlike her.

Sarah finally ended the call when she noticed Miranda was done with her ice cream and her focus was now on her. She thought Miranda now had the chance to pay attention to her call since she was done with her snacks, unknown to her that Miranda has been paying attention to every detail of her call right from the start.

"Your face is glowing with satisfaction, you obviously had a good time" Sarah said as she put down her phone, beaming with a smile.

She played a little with Mara who was giggling and trying to have the popsicles Sarah ordered for her along the line before signaling to the waitress to come over so she can settle the bills.

Sarah bought extra scoops of ice cream and cupcakes for Andrea and the rest of the people they left at home before they were finally ready to go home and retire for the evening.

"I would have to leave my phone back at home on our next outing, so I can give you both my undivided attention" Sarah said as they walked out of the ice cream shop.

Miranda nodded her head in agreement, but deep down inside her, she was glad that Sarah got carried away with her call because she got to enjoy her ice-cream to the fullest without getting to answer a thousand and one question Sarah asks within a split second.

So on Miranda's part, she would do everything possible to make sure Sarah comes along with her phone even if it means sneaking the phone into her bag. Miranda chuckled at resolution.