
Chapter 1

There he was. Lying on his 60 coin bed in a flat that reeked of sweat, starving. A typical day for Evander.

He looked to the right side of the bed to find some leftover pizza. Half asleep, he took the pizzabox to him on his bed and opened it. There were two slices left. As unappetising as they looked, Evander didn't mind and finished them off nonetheless.

The sun was shimmering from the window on his left side. He looked outside the window, squinting his eyes, brightened by the sun, while having breakfast in bed.

From the 5th floor of his flat he could see the hovering vehicles hitting traffic, surrounded by some more dirty apartments. Evander despised those litte vehicles, because it always meant that the driver, the owner of this silly little vehicle, had the ideal life he was always told to dream of, since he was a little child. No one ever asked him what his own dreams were. He wasn't the kind of guy, who wanted to live an unmeaningful life. Here he is, though. In his small spaced flat, living a cheap life.

Another reason why he hated floatvehicles, was because his hovercar broke a week ago. It slightly broke his heart, because it wasn't cheap with the coins he had.

Evander looked at the shop across the street and saw a homeless person holding a cardboard sign, begging for money. Atleast he didn't have to sit around like that anymore, he thought to himself.

He finished the pizza and had to admit, that they weren't so bad afterall. There was still some of the flavour and the texture wasn't just fine. Of course, not as crispy, but not soggy either.

Two cold slices of pizza weren't enough, though, as his rumbling stomach indicated. As much as he wanted to lay in bed all day, he knew the food wasn't just going to come by itself. He closed his eyes for a moment, hoping to catch some more energy.

Finally, he decided to stand up and start the day by checking what the fridge had got.

He opened the fridge and noticed it was completely empty. All he could find were two bottles of some juice. One of them was empty.

He realised he needed to get some more food quick. He grabbed his jacket and went hunting for food at the local supermarket.

Nothing much caught his eye, except for some soup and an energy drink... and maybe some rock-candy, his favourites.

While waiting at the cash register, he checked his wallet to discover he didn't have enough money. Damn it! He was already on the line, too.

"That'll be fifteen coins, sir.",

said the cashier.

The broke man had to improvise. He gave all he had, which was five coins.

The cashier looked at him with his dead eyes, raising an eyebrow.

"FIFTEEN coins.",

he demanded, pressuring the "TEEN" in fifteen.

Evander looked at the ceiling, thinking to himself.

What was he going to do?

He looked back at the cashier and sighed.

"Oh, well, you see,",

he started.

"it's a coincidence, that my wallet also happened to cost just as much."

The cashier wasn't entertained.

"I'm proud of you.",

he said in an ironic tone.

"Now fifteen coins or nothing."

"How about I give you my wallet, that cost just as much, for my supplies?",

Evander proposed, feeling like a great salesman.

The cashier looked at his wallet, that didn't have the best consistency.

He denied the trade.

"We have a strict policy here, where the customer has to pay coins for their supplies. EVERYONE, even you, has to follow this rule."

"Alright, Alright.",

Evander replied.

"But what if I told you,"

The cashier began losing his patience as Evander was playing salesman.

"What if I told you, that I am willing to exchange my jacket for my supplies?"

"No. Fifteen coins."

"But you see, my jacket is fairly new and it cost me 20 coins, actually. So that would be more than fair."

The cashier was done.

"Sir, I'm going to ask you to leave"


"No. I'm kindly asking you to leave."

Evander sighed and looked at the ceiling again. That's how Evander always did his thinking, by looking at the ceiling.

The cashier was waiting for the money.

After a moment, Evander knew what to do.

He looked the cashier in the eye as a grin immerged on his face.

He shot his hand forward grabbing the supplies before he blasted out of the supermarket.

As he was running, he could hear a faint "Hey!", but he was obviously not going to stop.

Stealing wasn't so new for Evander, but every now and then, he knew he couldn't steal at all times. He actually felt kind of guilty this time, since he wasn't going to steal that day.

Still sprinting, he looked back to see if anyone was chasing him. The cashier was there, that's for sure, but Evander couldn't tell if he was still chasing after him or not. He squinted his eyes, scanning the area. Suddenly, he smashed his face against what he thought to be a brick wall, on the ground he looked up to find that it was a police officer.

"Where are you going, young man?"

Evander looked at the cop, pale.

"He was stealing!", said a voice behind him.

Evander looked around to see a bunch of people surrounding him, including the cashier. He stroke his hand through his hair, stressed, making his bolt-shaped birthmark more visible.

The crowd was full of disturbed faces.

There was although, there was one man, a tall figure, that slightly stood out. He was dressed fancy and tidy, unlike the others. The preppy man looked like the kind of guy, that'd have quite a range of a vocabulary. That wasn't the odd part, though.

While everyone looked disappointed, he looked rather surprised... Or perhaps confused.

He was just staring at Evander, as if he was trying to recognize him.

Evander didn't think much of it, because he was about to get arrested anyway. He surrendered and turned himself in. Atleast he'll get free food in jail.

Jail surprisingly didn't feel so much different from his flat. He actually made himself pretty comfortable.

Evander was also lucky not to have an inmate, which meant he had the whole room for himself.

And the food was free, too, as expected.

He layed on the squeaky bed, comfortable and actually quite happy.

Evander suddenly heard a strange sound, looking around to inspect the source he found that the laser bars were gone.

Someone, who wasn't a warden, but not an inmate either, stood at his cell. He was tall.

"I have come to help you.",

said the tall figure, with a deep voice.

Evander stood up and looked at him.

It was the preppy guy, that stood out from the crowd.

He noticed that he had a monocle that kind of made him look like an old man, but with the lack of wrinkles on his face, he must've been around Evander's age.

"Do I know you?",

Evander raised a brow.

"No, but that doesn't matter. Come with me and I'll show you your life's meaning!"

Evander hesitated.

After a long time thinking, Evander decided: "Nah, I'm good. I like it here. Sorry."

"I DID NOT COME HERE FOR NOTHING. THIS IS IMPORTANT. You're coming with me.", the preppy guy yelled in a frustrated, strict tone.

Before Evander could say anything, the tall figure grabbed his arm.

As he escaped, dragging Evander, he pulled out a device, that looked like a compass. Then a bright flash blinded Evander, his eyes slowly adjusting to the light.

"Woah,", Evander's eyes were wide open. "Is that a teleporting compass? Only the richest of the richies have those."

"Listen to me!", interrupted the mysterious man strictly.

"Have you ever noticed anything bizarre about that birthmark on your forehead?"

Evander looked confused.

"You mean this?",

he asked, pulling his curly hair back, making his birthmark visible. Is that what the tall man stared at?

"Funny shape, right?", said Evander, chuckling proudly.

"Exactly. It looks like a bolt.", the tall man started, "Listen here! That bolt isn't just a coincidence. It isn't just a strange birthmark."

The man looked at him with a serious look on his face.

"It's a symbol. It has a meaning."

Evander couldn't help, but look at the ground, barely taking any of this.

"YOU, chosen one! You are the reincarnation of Zeus...!"