
A Rogue In Gotham

Deathstroke's former apprentice, William is living in Gotham trying to go to school while working part-time as a bodyguard/goon for the penguin. He is getting tired of the goon life and doesn't know if things will ever change for him. His past is shrouded in mystery until one fateful night he is working for the penguin everything seems to change for him.

TheRealestWangLin · Anime und Comics
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32 Chs

Ch. 20

[Will Pov]

The next day, Will got up early and began his usual routine. Alfred and Bruce had gotten him some brown-colored contacts that he could wear that would hide what seemed to be a now permanent change in his eyes. He had checked his phone last night and saw he had damn near a hundred missed calls and texts from all sorts of seedy characters in Gotham. He told Penguin he would report to the Iceberg Lounge at some point this week. They were only able to salvage one of the promethium bowie knives that Slade had given him years ago. He was a bit upset about it. However, when he thought about it he used them less and less as he improved in the demonic technique. He brought Barbara her medicine and breakfast, grabbed his backpack, and then was struck with a thought.

"Shit I can't ride to school with them today, it could put a target on the Waynes' backs."

"Ugh, so annoying," he said under his breath.

He threw on his backpack and ran down the stairs to let Alfred know what his plan was.

"Hey, Alfred goons from all over Gotham will have eyes on who I go to and leave school with today. I think that I should go to school alone today. I don't want to put a target on your family's backs, even though I know you all can handle yourselves. I don't have a license, but I can drive pretty well, just let me borrow one of Mr. Wayne's bikes or something for now." Will said.

"Ah, Master William, that sounds like a good idea. Although, I cannot condone you driving one of Master Wayne's bikes without a license out of costume. You will have to go on foot, I'm afraid. You might be able to use a zeta tube to get into the city faster." Alfred replied

"Dang, alright man sounds good." Will said, then walked down to the Batcave and hopped in one of the zeta tubes. "Take me to Gotham Heights," Will said aloud.

"Accepted 007, William." The tube rang out.

Will popped out in a phone booth in Gotham Heights, around a thirty-minute walk from school. He stepped out onto the street and began to walk to school. "Ah, at least I'm going through one of the nicer areas of Gotham to get to school, unlike if I were coming from my apartment." Will thought to himself. He briskly walked through one of the nicer areas of Gotham. When, not even 15 minutes in, he felt eyes on him. He immediately felt the wrath inside of him begin to bubble up. He was absolutely furious, "Whoever these dumbasses are, they are absolutely fucked." Will said under his breath, clenching his fists in rage as he felt people come out onto the street trying to catch up to him. Will just stopped walking and waited. Soon, he was surrounded by four huge scary-looking Italian men dressed to impress. 

"Hey boy, Don Falcone wants to speak with you, we need you for a job. You're gonna have to come with us." said the largest goon, trying his best to look as menacing as possible.

"Oh really? If I say no?" Will asked with a cocky smile on his face, he was humoring these men, but in his mind, they were already in the fucking hospital.

"Don Falcone wouldn't take too kindly to that sort of disrespect." Said the biggest one of them as he reached down and put his hand on something under his tan-colored suit jacket. The man towered over William, but he didn't really give a shit.

Will merely snorted, and before the goons could even react, Will's fist was already firmly smashing into the large goon's jaw. Loud cracking sounds rang out, and the strike sounded like a bowling ball hitting a pin. Blood sprayed all over Will's face, and before the man could fall to the ground, he had already grabbed him by the collar and thrown him at one of the other goons reaching for his gun behind him. The two slammed into each other at a high speed. When they collided more cracking sounds rang out from the arm of the man who tried to shield himself from the unconscious flying man. The other two men seemed startled and began fumbling for their weapons, but Will had already jumped up and hit the closest one with a powerful spinning kick. Blood flew out of the man's mouth as Will felt the man's jaw shatter. He flew back like a kite with its string cut and slammed face-first into the hard metal pole of a street lamp. The final goon had managed to pull out his pistol and fired two shots, but to Will, he was moving in slow motion. Will easily sidestepped the two bullets and flashed in front of him, connecting with a powerful front kick. Will felt the man's ribs shatter under the force of his kick as the man flew back several feet. Blood flew out of the man's mouth before he hit the ground and rolled several times. Will was absolutely furious, and he wasn't sure these goons had had enough. He wanted to send a message. He wanted them to pay. Will slowly walked up to the goon on the ground with the broken arm, trying to shove the much heavier goon off him. When he saw Will staring at him like he was a dead man coming his way, he began to panic and tried to wiggle out faster. When he reached the man, Will kicked the unconscious man off the man on the ground, causing him to go flying several feet away. Will viciously stomped the man's femur cracking it. The man cried out, screaming in pain.


"Sorry bro, you shouldn't have come to my school dawg. It's not just you, I'm gonna do the same shit to every motherfucking one of you who came up here to find me." Will said nonchalantly, each word filled with a pure cold rage. 

He watched the man trying to crawl away with his one good arm, tears began to fall from the goon's face. Will reached down and grabbed a fist full of the goon's hair, then dragged him straight to the curb. Will grabbed his head and lined up the goon's front teeth on the curb. Before the man could roll away, Will slammed his foot down on the back of the man's head. Blood poured out of the man's mouth as Will applied enough force to take out the man's entire top row of teeth. Will flicked some of the blood off of his hands and began to walk away, leaving the goon groaning and crying on the side of the road. 

As he walked away, he felt less and less angry having finally gotten to take some of his wrath out on these dumb fucks.

He pulled out his favorite pack of cigarettes and began to burn one. The boy continued on his way to Gotham Academy with blood splattered all over his hands and face.

Eventually, he made it to school around 17 min later. Will crossed the carpool line. He looked around and saw several students getting dropped off and people in Gotham Academy's uniforms milling about chatting first thing in the morning. He cracked his neck and yawned at the other side of the carpool lane. 

"I need to get to a bathroom so I can wash all this dried blood off of me. It's gonna be a pain to get out of my uniform." He thought to himself, as he looked down at his hands with a satisfied smile on his face. The blood from the goons had dried and covered them. 

Suddenly he heard a car skid to a stop directly behind him. He turned around and saw it was a very nice black Lincoln Town Car. The window rolled down and a white guy with a huge scar on his face, in a white suit, said, "Hey kid, hop in, we been looking everywhere for ya. Black Mask wants to hire ya for a job, said he'd pay top dollar." The scarred goon said.

Will merely cocked an eyebrow at that. Will looked over and saw the Campus Security Guard heading his way. 

"Black Mask wants to see me?" Will asked dumbly and started to laugh.

"You're joking, right?" Will said.

"No, we aren't hop in. Otherwise, we won't be responsible for what happens to the mall cop over there." The goon said seriously.

Will began laughing in a fake but aggressive manner once he said that. "Yo, the fucking mall cop. Man, that's funny. You're a funny guy." 

"If it were Two-Face, it might have been a legit proposition, but over the years, I've been a thorn in Black Mask's side. It's definitely a trap of some kind." Will thought in his head as his rage began to spike once again.

"Alright, man, I'll get in the car, but you gotta shoot the rent-a-cop regardless. It would be too funny." Will said letting out a sinister smile

The scarred man rolled his eyes and rolled up the tinted window, as Will slowly approached the door. He heard a click and the car door unlocked. Will acted like he was going to open the door, and then flitted so fast to the front passenger side window by the time the scarred man was even able to comprehend what was happening, Will had smashed his fist through the tinted window, causing glass to fly everywhere. He reached in and grabbed the scarred man by the lapel of his suit jacket and yanked him out of the black town car. When he was out Will dropped him on the ground, grabbed him by the head, and smashed his face through the back passenger side window. The man lay there, his neck resting on the side of the car unmoving. Blood dripped down the side of the car.

"You think I'm fucking stupid or something Black Mask wants to see me!" Will screamed as the car began to spin out. Will unleashed a powerful spirit-crushing front kick onto the side of the town car. A loud boom echoed out as the side of the car warped around his foot. Then the black car sped off leaving the scarred man bleeding on the ground clutching his face. 

"PISS OFF!" Will screamed at the car driving away.

Will looked down at the man on the ground angrily and kicked him in the stomach so hard that the man vomited. He gasped for breath on the ground. 

"Fucking disgusting." Will said, then he looked over at Campus Security who was now running towards him.

"Oh good, more trouble," Will said.

The guard had a taser out aimed right at Will. At this point, a lot of the surrounding students had made their way over to see what the commotion was about. 

"HANDS IN THE AIR, PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR!" The security guard screamed as he pointed the bright yellow Taser at Will. 

"You're joking, right." Will said as he made to turn to walk away. 

As soon as he did, he felt the prongs from the taser stab into his left shoulder and the crackling sound of thousands of volts. If Will were normal, it might have actually done something, but it barely hurt him.

Instead of falling down, Will just sighed and rolled his eyes. He turned back to the security guard and pulled the prongs out of his shoulder.

"Come on dude, I just saved you." Will said calmly.

The guard seemed stupefied.

"Gget on the ground now." Said the guard

"Fine jeez, I'm getting on the ground now. Make sure you put cuffs on him too, jeez." Will said as he began to lay down on his stomach and placed his hands on the back of his head. Will looked over and saw Tim and Stephanie watching among the crowd of students.

"Please let it just be detention or something." Will said under his breath as the guard placed his knee in Will's back, pulled his arms down, and cuffed him. Then Will watched out of the corner of his eye the guard handcuffing the scarred man as well as a couple of other security guards showed up. Will felt two security guards help him up off the ground, and they began escorting him to the Principal's Office in handcuffs. Once they made it to the front office, he saw Miss Fultz talking to one of the ladies in the front office. 

"Morning, Miss Fultz, you look lovely today." Will said

She turned around and frowned, "What the hell did you do this time?" She asked

"Defended myself from gangbangers. Then this asshole tried to taser me." Will said, tilting his head in the direction of the guard who was struggling to drag Will into the office. 

"DAMMIT MOVE!" The guard screamed, but Will was firmly planted in place, despite the two guards trying to move him. The guard from earlier pulled out his taser again.

"Dude, you are way too trigger-happy with that thing. I'm coming jeez leave me alone. If you poke me with that thing again, I'm gonna hit you." Will said, staring down the slightly shorter, overweight African American security guard.

The man seemed startled, and said, "Just come on."

"Was all this necessary man?" Will asked

"Yes it was," said the other guard who was an older white guy.

Will rolled his eyes, "Alright man. Bye, Miss Fultz." He said winking at her.

He began to comply and was led into the Principal's office. The guard knocked on the large wooden door, and said, "We got a student here for you mam." 

"Come in." Said a stern voice

The guard opened the door and shoved Will inside. Will rolled his eyes at that, and looked at the older white woman with light brown hair and icy blue eyes. She was wearing a dark purple pantsuit. Will walked in and sat down in a chair across from her. 

"Mrs. Fristch it's a pleasure to see you again." Will said smiling 

"I'm not sure I can say the same. Because of you, gangsters have been harassing students at this school, looking for you. I've given you a lot of chances here, and I will give you one chance to explain yourself to me and why you seem to be covered in blood." She said icily.

"Look, mam, some goon came at me at school, so I put his head through the window of his car, mam. I was defending myself." Will said

"I'm sure… Unfortunately for you, we had discussed your situation prior to your dramatic return. We cannot have people approaching the school harassing our students for your whereabouts. I'm sorry, but we are going to have to ask you to leave. Due to your outstanding academic performance, we will give you the chance to gracefully withdraw from the school without an expulsion on your academic record." She said

"Are you kidding me." Will said as stood up and broke the handcuffs he was currently in with a furious expression on his face. Both of the security guards pulled out their tasers ready to zap him.

"Am I arrested, or can I go home?" He said dangerously.

The principal seemed nervous, "Um you can go." She said.

Will flipped off both of the security guards and walked out of the building.

Damn y'all our mutual friend goin crazy out here. I wonder if batman can get him under control and he can learn to control his emotions after the wrath state.

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