
A Quiet Life (Ghost Hunt)

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I've Kinda gotten used to this whole reincarnation thing. Generally, my exciting lives are spaced out by average ones. Death, that bastard, decided to throw me for a loop, because now I'm suddenly a paranormal investigator chasing ghosts. I think there might have even been an intro episode, it was really suspicious.Whatever, the money is good. How bad could it possibly be?

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Chapter 1An Intro Episode!?


"Come on, Mai. Get your ass up, Girly. We've got school soon." I say, shaking my best friend and roommate awake. I hesitate, but decide to tell her anyway. "Something big will happen today."

Mai, who had buried her head under her pillow, peeks out, "You saw something?" I nod, silently. "Is it bad?"

I pause, tilting my head, as images flicker through my mind. Soul deep grief in blue eyes, a falling bookshelf, a man with crutches. A shift, family found, new paths- I blink away the images. "Something that will change our lives forever. I'm not sure how though." I see Mai sit up, nervous energy spilling off her, so I pat her head. "It's not bad, I don't think. What do you feel?"

"I don't feel anything bad either, but we both know I'm not near your level of ability. I could be wrong!"

I huff, leading her out of the room, and back into our living area. "Your abilities grow everyday. We only started training you this last year. Additionally, I'm a freak of nature. You really shouldn't compare yourself to something like me."

"Hey! Don't talk about my best friend like that!" Mai says, scowling at me. I snort, shaking my head, and shoving her eggs at her.

"Tsukiyo, you aren't a freak." She tells me quietly, her face upset even as she shoveled food back.

"I really am, but I don't hate it. It's not something I resent, or wish otherwise. Normal has never really been my vibe" I tell her, amused but touched by her protests. I finish eating, making sure not to burn the breakfast for the last and littlest of our family. "I'm going to wake him up."

I leave Mai to get ready as I step back into my room, sitting on the edge of our bed to wake my little brother up. "Sora. Time to wake up, little brother. Up, Kiddo." I shake his shoulder gently, switching in between languages naturally.

Sora and I are orphans, along with Mai. Dad was Japanese, Mom Indian, but we were born where they met, in England, meaning we hold dual citizenship for Japan and England. We moved here when Sora was a toddler and things were good for a while. Yeah, I'm a reincarnated soul that dimension hops, plays with gods, and sees the future, but it's not like that is relevant to every life I live. Most of my lives are quite ordinary, and my extra… talents don't come up.

A few life times ago, I started seeing the dead. A side effect from being favored by a certain primordial, and remembering the Beyond. See, when you die, you can hang out with your loved ones in the Beyond and wait to be reunited with those still kicking. A part of you always stays there, because you become a part of those that you love and those that love you. Now, I'm a bit of a different case because I tend to fuck up the fates of everyone around me. So, while I do spend time in the spirit realm, the gods reincarnate me to plop me into various bodies to do what I do best; Fuck with everything and everyone, including fate. We've started a bit of a feud honestly, but it's half assed at best. I think she's resigned to me at this point.

As for the why, it's more like why not. I could refuse to reincarnate, but I can see the people I love when I die again, and even in dreams, so separation isn't really an issue. The gods just get bored. It's not that they necessarily need me to fix anything because they don't really think in those terms. What is, is, and that's just how things are. They just like watching the "human element," I guess. Apparently, a lot of people watch me like Netflix in the afterlife. My loved ones usually throw a party when I show back up there.

Honestly, I'm not displeased with my situation in the slightest. I think I'd get bored if I didn't go on these little adventure, and sure as hell not the only reincarnation around. I do get a few calm lives here in there, like this one. Or at least, that's what I thought. I'm starting to question if that's true anymore, "Come on, Sora. Rise and shine, Munchkin."

"Morning, Bahji." Morning, Big Sister. Big, brown eyes, nearly identical to one of mine open, He yawns, little hands reaching for a hug as I scoop the 7 years old up. Neither of us really got into that whole "I'm too old for cuddles" phase. Considering I've been his caretaker for the last three years, and a significant age gap, our relationship ended up more parental than that of siblings. For some reason, I end up taking care of a lot of kids in nearly all of my lives, and that's without including my own.

We have an older brother, Ryu. He was away starting college when our parents died in the accident. We decided that he would continue his education, (thankfully possible due to scholarships), and we would work when we could. Then, he could graduate and get a solid job by the time I enter college, at which point we would all move in together. For now, he's in England, working his ass off to send us a little extra money every month. While we weren't hurting too bad, this wasn't one of the lives I could make a shit ton of money in. No one deserving to rob, and nothing new to create, or plagiarize.

Unfortunately. I internally laugh, handing Sora his uniform and herding him to the bathroom. Multiple lives with different norms and standards leaves you a bit morally ambiguous. Whatever, I got a few investments that will pay off in the coming years.

I glance in the mirror to check my uniform, noting the single silver eye and the two sections of hair on either side of my face, nearly identically placed, that also lack melanin and retain a silvery color. Apparently, it's a rare genetic thing, and Sora has a chunk of silver in his hair too.

I asked Death once why that happened, why certain traits follow me into other lives. Part of the reason was that certain things imprint on your soul. Another reason was to give me a few lines of familiarity and limit the body horror that sometimes crops up when I don't recognize myself in the mirror, a way to stabilize my mentality a bit. For example, my eyesight is almost always shitty, although, personally I think that's just a "fuck you" from Lady Fate. I'm almost always racially and ethnically connected to a specific few cultures, and I generally look similar in all my lives, although not identical, like being brunette and short. The silver seems to be a soul thing that spills out.

I head to the front door. "I'm leaving!"

"Wha- wait!" Mai shrieks, and I snicker as I hear her crashing about. She come bounding out and past me. "Bye Sora!"

"Have a good day!" He laughs back, waving us off.

Mai and I head to school, chatting and laughing along the way. I'm quite glad I met the girl, she's very lovable. We were orphaned around the same time, and since we got along together, we decided to be roommates, making living expenses easier for everyone. She's become another little sibling, even though I only technically have a year on her.

I swing our hands playfully, letting my energy trickle out. Warm sunny sky, and tall grass in a field of wildflowers. Hot tea and biscuits, and the smell of lavender, rose, vanilla, and mint. I smile. That's my little sister.

School is boring as usual, and I fucking hate it. Too many lives learning the same shit over and over again. At least those scholarships are nearly guaranteed, and the repetition is honestly helpful for law school, my usual school path.

After school, I head to Mai's class we're we hang around with some of our friends, telling ghost stories and killing time before we can pick Sora up after his club activities. It's a common activity on the days we don't have work. While we do like these friends, we've never really told them about our extra paranormal abilities. It's not a trust thing so much as the fact that we don't want to get associated with a certain drama queen. Hell, I only told Mai because I could tell she had some kind of ability herself, and that was after a very long time of living together.

Someone approaches. A heart torn asunder, he who wears the shroud of grief. Angry power unbalanced and chaotic turns in on itself- I'm pulled back to the present when the girls start screaming, startled by the boy. I have to turn away to hide my laughter.

He wears black and his voice is smooth, but a slight accent on a word, more of a hesitation than anything, tells me he isn't native, not entirely. It's not something many would notice, but reading people is my talent. He's decently tall, and probably handsome based on the reaction of these little girls. I shake my head, slightly amused and fond of my friends' antics.

I nudge Mai, tapping two fingers on her inner elbow, a silent message for her to focus. Good girl, I think, watching her face twist first with confusion and then suspicion as the boy talks to our friends. The boy is a good actor, I'll give him that, but anyone with empathy could see it's all still a show. Dear Death, though, I really need to work with this girl on her subtlety. As it is, everything gets written across her face. Mai doesn't have a sneaky bone in her entire body. I sigh.

I blink, watching him leave. Fuck, what was his name. I missed the whole conversation. Goddamnit. I glance at Mai and groan because I can tell even without my abilities that we're about to get into some tiresome shit.


The next day, we're walking to school when we pass the old school house. It's the one our friend was telling ghost stories about yesterday. Mai, being the curious cat that she is, drags me to the entrance.

I peek inside, seeing only a dark dilapidated entrance. I touch the door, hearing an eerie creak, and my vision goes black, before another vision hits me. A scream rips through the air. Mai. A bookshelf falling. A bone breaking. Blood dripping. Crutches?- i rip myself out of it, eyes going big. I lunge for Mai, shoving her back towards the entrance and away from the bookshelf, before scooping up the camera and tripod, taking it to the entrance as well.

With a sigh of relief, I set them carefully on the ground. As I'm rising, Mai lets out a yelp and I'm tugged around rather roughly by the arm. I stumble, losing my balance, and catching myself on the door, letting out a grunt when something goes right through my fucking palm. Son of a bitch. I grit my teeth, looking up to see which asshole's about to get verbally eviscerated today.

The man is tall, dark hair covering one of his eyes giving mad emo vibes. He's a handsome Asian man, but not Japanese, I don't think. Angry, confused, surprised.

"Are you trying to steal our camera?" He asks, coldly, and I'm sure he'd have anyone but me quaking, but intimidation doesn't work on something like me. I know Death, Bitch. Hell, I'd even say we're friends. You ain't got shit on that.

"What the hell?" I hiss, more out of surprise than genuine anger. It pisses me off, but I get his position. I'd be wary if someone was touching my shit, too. That said, he really shouldn't have put his hands on me. "No, I was moving it so the bookshelf didn't break it. Asshole."

He recoils, looking genuinely taken aback. "Wha-what?"

Giving him a vicious look, I yank my hand out of its impaled position, ignoring the gruesome sound it makes, snarling a little. Mai squeaks, clumsily handing me a handkerchief. The man's mouth is gaping, stock still, clearly baffled by the sequence of events. Confusion, shock, guilt,… concern. Deciding to give him some slack as it was a genuine accident, I serve him a flat look, before walking over to the bookshelf, my hand cradled.

"The bookshelf." I deadpan, before nudging the thing ever so slightly. It rocks dangerously, and rather than collapse, it damn near explodes, hitting the ground with a frankly outrageous amount of noise. "Be careful where you put your things. We're leaving, Mai."

I head to the door just as the boy from yesterday appears. "What's going on in here?" I side step him, completely over the situation, and honestly kinda bored again. I ignome him, to call out to Mai.

"Mai, stop cussing the fool out, we're gonna be late." Dude looks shell shocked and was getting burned alive by Mai's very vocal wrath, as she had recovered from this turn of events much quicker than him, and was using him as free target practice.

"But he made you hurt your hand! He was so rough!" She yells, appearing next to me and trying to get a look. I shoo her off, trying not to drip blood on my uniform. I hope nothing vital was hit.

"She's right." I blink, surprised, turning around. The man has his head bowed, and genuinely seems remorseful. "I'll take you to the hospital."

I sigh, uncomfortable. "It's fine. Forget it."

"I insist."

"I don't have money for it." And that's actually true. It would be possible, but burdensome on our finances, even though Mai and I combine ours.

"We'll pay," the boy, (Kazuha? Kazuhiro? What was it?), states. Interesting, they're together. I eventually agree for two reasons. One, I need a fucking tetanus shot after my hand was impaired on an old ass, crusty nail, according to Mai, and two, I recognize them from my vision yesterday. The boy had the blue eyes. The man in crutches should have been this other guy. Guess I changed it. See what good deeds get me? No more! I shall be a happy, not impailed, shitty human being from now on!

We end up driving to the nearby doctor. Even though I can sense no bad intentions from the strangers, Mai comes along like the good friend she is. Luckily, it's just a few stitches and a shot, and I'm cleared with a bag of drugs all to myself. I give the man, a dirty ass look throughout most of it. Not because I'm mad still, no, I just find it entertaining. Mai knows I'm a menace and faking it, which is the reason she's restrained herself to only trying to set him on murder him with her eyes. Good ol' Mai. Always ready to defend anyone, especially her friends and the weak.

"So," the boy asks, "how did you know?"

I tilt my head, genuinely confused by what he's asking me. "Sorry, what are you referring to? And what was your name again?"

I hear a choked off laugh from Mr. Conclusion Jumper, but I ignore it. Mai just snickers openly. The guys fake smile apparently hasn't endeared him to her.

"Apologies. Kazuya Shibuya, Paranormal investigator. Lin Kojo is my assistant. Now, how did you know the bookshelf was going to fall?"

I consider telling him it was common sense, but my intuition chimes through me. Telling them will be good, not bad for me. I shrug. Sure, why not. "Some of us have certain abilities. I'm good at guessing what's gonna happen next." It's a gross understatement and oversimplification that leaves out most of what I can do, but I don't know these people, and this is how I'll test the waters.

Kazuya, (That doesn't feel like his name, not entirely.), actually sways back, excitement filling his aura. "Interesting. You're claiming to be psychic. And Mai here as well."

I shrug, "Not what I said, but sure." I get up with a stretch, feeling my back crack, before I place my hand carefully against my chest. "Look, we've already missed a few hours of school, so we need to head back now."

"How about a job?" I pause, turning to look at him in silent inquiry. "You and Mai lend my team your abilities on cases and let us do research, all of which you can decline doing if it makes you uncomfortable, and we'll pay you based on hour, with bonuses for cases, or any dangerous situation."

Is this what my instincts were guiding me towards? Good income? Odd, but definitely a good find as far as weird shit my instincts have gotten me into. I consider it. "Health insurance?"

"And dental." He agrees quickly.

I turn towards him, head tilted "How much we talking here." He types something up on his phone before showing me. "This much hourly, and this much for when we are on cases." I can feel Mai fidget, but she remains quiet and lets me deal.

I take the phone and bring it up to my face so I can see before discretely pinching the screen and zooming. I don't let it show on my face, but internally I howl my excitement. It's mad money. "Hmm, paranormal investigation can be dangerous and daring. And our personal skills can be very valuable."

Kazuya gives me a look like knows exactly what I'm doing and is both impressed and annoyed. He takes the phone back, alters the numbers and shows me. I pause, checking my instincts again, before noffing. "Acceptable."

"I'm glad," he says dryly.

"Mai, go call the school and let them know what happened and that we will be coming in soon." Mai opens her mouth, a bit peeved that I literally just made a life decision for her, but she subsides under the look I give her, hurrying off. I turn back to my new boss.

"Give me your hand." He startles, but hesitantly does so. I carefully put it into my injured hand, feeling the rolling energy just under his skin. Slowing I press my own energy through my hand and into his. He gasps, but doesn't move although I sense Lin suddenly moves to loom behind me. "I'm gonna calm you down a bit, okay?"

Confused, but curious, he nods. The dude was stuffed to the brim with very dense power. It was like a drop away from exploding. Slowly, I trickle a bit of my energy between us, filtering it through his. He inhales, but doesn't pull away. "Easy, just relax."

See, my energy is calm. It has discipline. I've had literal lifetimes of practice. Sure, they're kinda rusty since I haven't used them much in this life, but using my energy to calm someone is cake. I wind it into his chest where the center of his power sits and create a smal net, cradling the mess inside his body. Then, slowly I let my energy seep in, causing his energy to slow. Kazuya nearly slumps in relief.

"What did you do?" Lin asks stiffly. At least he isn't jumping to any more conclusions.

"Slowing him down. Ok, Boss. Follow me. I pull a thin strand of his energy and mine and began to circle it through him, slowly. With surprising skill, he follows. It's shaky, but not bad at all. "Can I drain some of this?" He nods, excitement and worry coming from both of my new coworkers. I bring the strand back through the hand I'm holding, but instead of taking my own back, I start to pull his magic into me. It's definitely powerful, but wild, like it's never been refined at all. Stagnate power is never good in my experience because it builds up and makes its own way out, which is why I'm helping him give it something to do. Luckily, I've always been good at energy manipulation.

I take a fair amount before I sense him starting to destabilize, so I drop a bit more of my refined energy into him and do a few more circles, to settle it, before pulling my hand back, wiping away some sweat. Shit, I haven't had to do anything that precise in literally a few lifetimes.

"Damn, mate, why are you walking around with a fucking ticking time bomb. Silly lad, don't you know better?"

"It was unavoidable." I blink, because I hadn't realized I spoke out loud. "You speak English?"

"Half British," I reply, feeling a little sheepish at my slip.

"Nevermind that. How did you do that? You managed to calm it, it's never calm. You even drained it without my body failing. You filtered it? Who taught you? How-"

"Whoa, there, calm the fuck down. Dear god. I didn't cure you, so you need to keep it together and keep cycling it, as long and as often as possible. We'll have to talk later, unless you want Mai hearing." I hesitate, "And also, I'm sorry for your loss."

His eyes go big, and Lin gasps, which I can already tell is incredibly dramatic for him, based on how stoic he is.

"I'm back!" Mai states, sliding into the room. "You guys ready?"

"Yeah, let's go."

I take Mai's arm and she guides me out. I completely ignore the dissecting stares aimed at my back.


"I'll pick you two up from the classroom after school. I'll bring the contracts." Boss man states.

"Kay, bye!" I wave cheerfully, ignoring the exasperation and intense curiosity he's leveling at me, and I do it gleefully. I drag Mai inside.

"Ok, explain yourself. I know insurance is good, but ghost hunting? And it could be dangerous. Why did you accept for me?" Mai isn't pissed exactly, but more confused.

"Firstly, do you trust me to keep you safe? I can't guarantee it, but I can promise to do everything in my power."

She waves it off. "I know. I'm not worried about that, not really. Heck, you proved that today."

"Good. You can always quit if it's too much, although it will be good for your growing abilities. The reason I accepted," I begin to grin maniacally, "is because the pay is at least triple what we're currently making, and it would have been written all over your face. Couldn't have that, could we?" I let out the cackle I've been holding in.

"You evil genius," Mai breathes, actually awe struck.

"We're eating meat tonight, Little Sis, " I yell, ignoring the creeped out students that are giving me a wide berth in the hall. Mai cheers and tackles me.


We're waiting in the class for Big Boss when Karuda shows up on her high horse. Look, I understand a desire for recognition from those around you, it's natural for a child, but her throwing her psychic abilities in everyone's face is the reason why Mai and I keep it to ourselves. I can sense that she has some ability like Mai, but I didn't want to reach out to her. Frankly, I'm not sure it would be healthy to push her farther along this path. Mai, however, is family, and she needs control over her growing abilities so she doesn't think she's crazy, or accidentally hurts herself. This girl seemed like she'd be fine if left alone based on my instincts, unlike Mai.

That being said, while I don't have anything in particular against her, her showboating pisses me off. She's claiming she sees all these spirits, that the old school house was a hospital from the war, blah, blah, blah. I have to redrain from rolling my eyes straight out of my fucking head. Please, I haven't seen jack shit.

The boss showed up and Karuda does her little song and dance, but he doesn't buy it. The other girls decide to leave without sharing their ghost stories because the vibe has been killed and Kazuya calls out to Mai and I.

"Mai, Tsukiyo, come along. Time to start working." We walk out after him, feeling our friends already reaching to blow up our phones with questions. I huff, deciding to make Mai deal with the group chat explosion. Oh my, my phone seems to have died. Tragic, I think, cheerfully pretending I've suddenly gone deaf as well as blind as beeps start erupting from my pocket.

We meet Lin outside when I realize I forgot to tell them about Sora. "Hey, Boss?"


"Listen, I need to let my brother know we're working tonight, and set him up at home. It's not something someone else can do. Would you like me to bring some food down since I'll already be making it for him, and Mai and I?"

"Hmm, you have to?" I nod seriously, "it won't be troublesome for you with your hand? You can actually cook?" I snort, nodding again. "Alright, be quick."

"You'll be ok?" I grin at my friend, her protectiveness cute, but carefully not overbearing. "Let me know when you get home safe."

"Why so worried?" Lin asks, quietly, "Is the neighborhood bad?"

I grin, showing as many teeth as possible. God, I love it when I get the opportunity to do this. The reactions freed my fucking soul. "Nah, I'm just blind."

"…What?" comes my boss after a long silence.

"Blind. Visually impaired. Not completely, but at least half." Mai has face palmed herself with extreme force. Lin looks horrified to find out he manhandled a disabled minor, and I take unholy glee in it. Kazuya just looks at me, jaw unhinged. I whip out my phone and snap a picture for posterity, or blackmail later before they can recover.

"Be back soon. Mai will explain more if ya want. Kay, bye!"

I take off down the street hearing Mai squeak in outrage at being thrown under that bus, Lin actually choke on himself, and the Boss's incredulous questions rapid fire launched at my poor friend. I only make it a block before I end up on the floor, cause I'm laughing so hard. I glance at the picture, and actually end you crying.


"You're such a gremlin. My biggest role model. Teach me your ways, Ahpi." I snort, serving Sora his plate, and packing up the rest. Kid took one look at the picture and cracked up so hard, he still hasn't managed to make it off the floor, and that was 30 minutes ago.

"In due time, you shall be a scoundrel as great as I. For now, eat your food and do your homework, Brat. Mrs. Nakigawa is next door and will be checking on you. We'll be home soon. Love you!" I kiss his head and scadadel on out.

I make it in pretty good time, so the Boss calls a break, so I pass out the munchies. I decided on some yummy, crispy fried chicken burgers with a special sauce rather than full bentos for convenience. But also because o wanted a fucking burger.

Mai tears into like a ravenous animal, and I'm starting to wonder how strenuous the work actually is. Girl looks like she's been through it. Kazuya takes one bite, before pausing, and then looking me dead in the face. "Cooking will be a part of your official duties. Keep receipts for ingredients."

I grin cheekily, "Aye, Sir." I hand Lin a second sandwich, which he sheepishly takes with a quiet thanks and compliment for the meal.

The rest of the night goes quickly, as the others finish the set up and I watch and learn because of my hand injury. Might have accidentally traumatized Lin, though, cuz he ends up apologizing at least twice more.

Besides running into Karuda and our friends, nothing else happens besides Mai dubbing our boss Naru. Something about that sets off an instinct, but I don't know why. Naru the Narcissist now lives rent free in my head and Mai and I started a betting pool on which one of us will slip first. Let's hope we don't get fired.


Morning comes and a bunch of people start rolling up. There is Ayako the Bitchy Miko, or Shinto Shrine Maiden, and Naru just about kills me with his petty comeback. Ayako calling him a little kid must have really hit a nerve, because he'd pointed out Miko are generally young and virginal and that she wasn't young and subtly insinuated she wasn't virginal either. Fuck, she deserved that. I think I'll like working here. I've found a kindred soul it seems.

Then, there is the monk, Takigawa Houshou, and Naru comes for his hair, too, just cuz he was standing too close to Ayako. A true petty queen. Karuda comes in, and Ayako uses the poor girl like target practice to take her anger out on. Getting called a fake legitimatly pisses, Karuda off though, and she says she'll call a spirit down on Ayako in revenge. That briefly makes me take notice, until I get a quick vision. What will happen won't hurt anyone so I decide to let it play out. A test of sorts for Naru.

"Where did you hear that?" I look up, feeling Naru's vibe shift. Surprise, suspicion, longing, grief. Ah, the name was special. Maybe the one who died called him something like that?

"You mean… you've heard that before? Of course! That makes sense. I can't be the first to come up with something like Naru the Narcissist. Ah, damn. Tsukiyo, you'll get your candy later, you greedy villain. I didn't even last a fool day before slipping. " I snicker.

Then, a very young exorcist rollls in. Now, this interests me. Exorcists have to be ordained by the Catholic Church. This boy is only 19, meaning he's definitely special. I'm gonna ambush him later. Wow, he gives off very sincere, gentle vibes. New friend, new friend, gotta catch 'em all!

Essentially, the principal went overboard, probably being pressured by the higher ups over the money being lost because construction is halted. Ayako screams from inside after literally 2 seconds alone and I'm not impressed. She says the door slammed shut on her. I know what happened, and Naru catches on almost immediately, which earns some solid respect from me.

The problem about this place is that I don't sense any spirits here. Not at all. Generally, my powers have to follow the natural rules of whatever dimension I'm in. I'm usually powerful, but not compared to those around me. I don't know this universe's rules, and that makes me genuinely nervous. Maybe spirits can hide from me. I don't actually see that many, but the ones I've seen have been very different then the ghost I knew a few lifetimes ago. Or even last lifetime.

I turn as a chick in a kimono shows up. She's a celebrity medium by the name of Masada Hara, and she feels legit, surprisingly enough. What the fuck is going on? It's like the first episode of an anime where they want to introduce the whole cast as soon as possible, so they start throwing characters at you at every goddamn chance. A vision hits me suddenly.

A tall man with a floor length black leather jacket stands holds a giant, gleaming scythe. His hood is pulled low covering his eyes, but his mouth is open wide, slightly too sharp teeth on display, in full blown laughter, his head tossed back as mirth racks his body.

I groan, turning to repeatedly smack my head into a wall. Don't fucking tell me….Goddamnit, Death! It's not funny! This isn't gonna be a slow like at all!

"Tsukiyo?" I turn to see Lin's head bent low near mine. "Are you okay?"

"Just a friend from Beyond messing with me, the Bastard." I shift to see the group all staring at me, "What?"

"What do you think about this place?" I blink, surprised my opinion is being asked for so quickly, but rather pleased. I'll make something extra yummy in thanks.

"Honestly, I don't sense any entities here either. That being said," I hesitate, "I'm still getting the feeling we shouldn't go off on our own. Like we should be cautious or something." I shrug, uncomfortable with the sudden attention.

"That last bit is interesting, but unnecessary." Ayako huffs before stating that she will get rid of the spirit herself.

"Didn't she just get locked in a room where she proceeded to scream for help?" I wonder out loud, getting several people to laugh.

Karuda shows up again, this time claiming she was attacked. As she's telling her story, Naru nudges me, silently asking what I think. False, I mouth, confident in that at least. He raises his eyebrow, and I realize I probably just gave myself away a bit since my empathy wasn't something he suspected. Oh well, he's my boss, so it doesn't really matter, but if he can't figure out my abilities on his own, he's a shitty researcher. I'm not telling him anything explicitly, though. That'd be boring.

The cameras are conveniently blank, the footage somehow erased, although Hara seems to be proving her skill by calling Karuda out. I start getting a bad feeling, and a vision hits again. Blood dripping. Ah, shit. That's not good.


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Bleach: The Invincible Slacker from Rukongai

Bleach: The Invincible Slacker from Rukongai Reborn in the world of Bleach, Uehara Shiroha wakes up to find himself in the chaotic streets of Rukongai. But unlike the countless souls struggling to survive, he has one overwhelming advantage—an absurdly overpowered Mission Task System! With every "effort" he puts in (or doesn't), the system rewards him with broken abilities. On day one, he stumbles upon his first bugged skill—the Shadow Clone Jutsu—turning even laziness into a superpower. By the time he reluctantly enrolls in the Shin'ō Academy, he's already leagues ahead of his peers. One simple task later, he earns an S-rank Stand—White Album, granting him control over absolute zero! From then on, Uehara Shiraha sets his sights on the easiest, most carefree path to ultimate power. Becoming a Shinigami captain? Too much responsibility. Protecting the world from destruction? Not his problem. Revering the Spirit King? Even a stray dog has more significance to him! All he wants is to complete some tasks, sip fine sake, and enjoy the company of beautiful women—all while becoming invincible across the Three Realms without lifting a finger. Because true strength isn’t about effort—it’s about mastering the art of slacking off in style! This is a translation and editing of Bleach: The Invincible Slacker from Rukongai 死神:从流魂街开始无敌的摸鱼佬 Author: 扛把子的熊猫

Garuda_Translation · Anime & Comics
35 Chs


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