
A Perfectionist of a Hero (Dragonball Z and Justice League Crossover)

What if Perfect Cell from Dragon Ball Z ends up in the D.C universe? Perfect Cell, a being created from the genes of the universe's strongest, smartest and toughest species. Perfect Cell is transported to the DC universe after losing to Gohan. He sees that there are a few strong beings in this new universe. Beings that can surpass his strength and rival his perfection. What will happen if Cell encounters Superman and the Justice League? How will he interact with the Justice League? Will he walk the path of redemption or will he terrorize the planet? Find out how his adventures turn out!

Triple_Sweet · Anime und Comics
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14 Chs

Episode Five: Conflicting Morals

When everybody was heading back to the Hall of Justice, Everybody carried their own protoges and Superman was forced to carry a teen with a similar build and looks to him bearing the crest of Superman in his white suit. This peaked Superman's curiousity. He kept thinking, speculating and theorizing whether this boy was a Kryptonian, a survivor perhaps?

Meanwhile Cell was ahead of the entire group flying, of course he could've gone ahead in an instant but he decided to relax and take his time. He could visibly be seen with a smirk and an evil mischevous grin whilst looking at Superman, who is understandably distracted at the appearance and curious at the origins of the teenager that looks exactly like him.

'Hm... that brat' Cell thought.

[Hey Junior, who is that kid Red Cape is carrying?] Cell asked to his kid telepathically, an ability he replicated from Chaotzu and the Namekian Kami.

[That's Superman's incomplete clone, I think. It's what the data says.] Junior replied.

[I see...]

'That kid, how strong can he get I wonder, will he be as strong as his progenitor? or has to be the potential to maybe even stronger perhaps?' Cell thought.

'This should be interesting, I can't wait to fight this brat, six weeks old huh? a bit older than Junior but nothing too special other than those factors. But for a different species, it is quite impressive.' Cell thought.

Cell: [So, how strong is he?]

Cell Jr. [ I don't know daddy, but he hits a bit harder than Red Tornado, when we fought.]

Cell: [Not bad for this world's standards, but still inadequate to pose a proper challenge. Although, he may get stronger, I hope that moment comes to pass.]


After 30 minutes of flying, Cell and the others got back to the Hall of Justice, They all then sit in a circular table after they dropped the teen heroes at the medical ward.

"Now, tell us what happened. And in great detail." Superman said

"Do not lie or omitt any details kid." Batman said right after Superman.

Cell Jr. was floating beside his sitting father, he glanced at Cell for confirmation in what Superman had ordered, after all he doesn't obey anybody but his daddy. Cell nods with a smirk.

Cell Jr. then begins to report everything from start to finish.

Everybody excluding Batman was visibly shocked, especially when revealed to what Superboy's existance was. Adding to the fact that a hero named Guardian was working with Cadmus.

"This requires further investigation promptly." said Batman.

"I agree, things could get dangerous." replied Wonder Woman.

"Who knew that such a large laboratory and facility was under our noses?!" exclaimed Green Lantern (John Stewart).

"Experimenting and containing such a poor creature, despicable." Green Lantern (Hal Jordan).

"And enslaving aliens too..." Flash said, with a hint of anger.

"Whatever it is, we'll get to the bottom of it." said Superman.

"Thinking back, you said you fired a beam at these Genomorphs and stabbed one of their leaders, is that correct Cell Jr.?" Batman said.

Cell Jr. nods happily

"So you killed them?!" Superman exclaimed.

Cell Jr. was visibly confused at this, he saw nothing wrong with annihilating the enemies. After all they were also quite fragile. Cell Jr. just shrugged it off.

"You took away lives! that's not what heroes stand for, this is not how the Justice League do their job!" Superman retorted.

"That's enough it was self defense after all, besides with those nuisances dead they shouldn't cause any trouble or be a threat any longer." said Cell defending his son.

"That's not the issue here, Cell!" Batman interjected.

"Don't tell us what to do, remember we joined the League for mutual benefits, and we also said we won't be taking orders besides recieving mission objectives. Besides, don't lump me in with the likes of you, I'm not soft nor merciful. They died because they got in my son's way." Cell said but this time with an angered tone in his voice and an angered look on his face as he crosses his arms once again.

The rest of the team let's it go thinking that while it was definetly not right, but his reasong wasn't completely wrong. Although Cell recieved a lot of glares due to his last remark with Batman and Superman looking at each other, seeming to be plotting something.

"We cannot do anything about the past, lives get taken in each battle, I am saying this both as an Amazon warrior who has experienced combat and has been through many battles. In battle, both sides must acknowledge the possibilitt of death." Wonder Woman stated.

After the meeting was adjourned, They all went to check on their unconscious and battle weary proteges, Cell and Junior on other hand went somewhere else.

Cell, with his Namekian hearing heard something...

"He's getting more wild and unhinged when battling, he has no remorse for killing. He is a major threat Clark!" said Batman to Superman in a private isolated room.

"I know, but we can't exactly just confront him justbecause his principles are different. And he technically hasn't broken any laws as of yet." Superman reasoned.

"I'm not going to wait around twiddling my thumbs waiting for something to go wrong. He is like a ticking time bomb, dangerous and waiting to explode! I am going to keep a close eye on him, and I'm going to create a contingency plan. But if things get complicated, he is your responsibility." Batman asserted.

"Of course, just...try not to antagonize him. Maybe it's just the difference in theur planets customs." Superman reasoned once more.

"Hopefully that's the case, and let's hope it isn't bloodlust, I don't want another Darkseid going around." Batman added.

'Oh, how treacherous of these heroes to speak behind my back...' Cell thought deviously.

'You might have the advantage in quantity and numbers, but I have the advantage in quality and power!'

"Well, Jr, looks like I'm going to have to create a new sibling for you." Cell said as Jr. gets exited.

Cell powers up by grunting. He huffed, puffed and spawns another Cell Jr. but this time its a bit different. The child looks a bit feminine.

The spawned creature's appearance looked a less bulky and had slender arms and legs with a smaller stomach and slightly wider thighs and hips although the height remains the same. She also has tinted lips that resembles Frieza's she also has longer eyelashes and a smaller yet slightly rounder shape of eye making her appear more feminine.

"Ah, it appears my assumptions were correct, thinking of appearance whilst in the process of birthing does affect the offspring." Cell mumbled.

"You will be named...Krilla!"

'Now with this, another ally has been added into my side.' Cell thought.

Cell Jr. gets closer to his younger sister and they stare at each other. After a while they giggle and give each other a high-five.

The family of three now then heads to their rooms where they meet Wonder Woman at the hall leading to Cell's room.

"Cell? who is that other kid?" she asked.

"Oh that? it's my daughter" replied Cell.

Diana is suprised that Cell refered to his daughter as IT but lets it go, they are alien to this world after all, so she thought they had a different concept of genders.

"You didn't tell me you had a daughter, who is the mother?" Wonder Woman asked.



"Your looking at the mother, it's me. I spawned her."

Diana was beyond shocked but she remembers that he was an unknown creature, an alien if you would, so despite being confused and was internally screaming, she decides to let it go.

"Since when?!"

"Five minutes ago"

A minute of silence passes, after contemplating the new information she heard she just decided to give up on logic and asked.

"Will she also join the Young Justice?' asked Wonder Woman.

"No. she's sticking with me. A sidekick." replied Cell.

"I see well, have a good night Cell." Wonder Woman says as she leaves.

The two then enter Cell's quarters.

'Now, why was she near my room?' suspected Cell.

Cell scanned the room with his eyes, he found nothing. Cell then rummages through the room, the two siblings then followed suit seeing their father trying to look for somsthing. After a while, Cell found a small black, round device and crushes it.

"Sly, bastards. They even had the Amazon in on their little plan." Cell mumbled.

"The two of you be on guard from now on. The Justice League doesn't trust us and is keeping a watchful gaze upon us." Cell warned.

"Daddy, is that what you meant by why she won't be joining Young Justice?" Cell Jr. asked

Cell Jr. after inspecting the room with his eyes and detecting that nobody is eavesdropping or close by, he decided to answer.

"Although I am extremely confident in my power, It would not be bad to have an extra pair of eyes to watch my back, I can sense that some of the League Members are plotting something regarding me, or us for that matter. And considering they bugged our room, that speaks volumes of their intentions.

I am pretty certain I can mop the floor and destroy the entire League, but there are still some unknown variables to be wary of and I intend to take such variables seriously." Cell explained.

"I refuse to be bested against a foe that is weaker! never again, my cockiness and overconfidence has gotten the best of me twice now. The same happened to Vegeta and Frieza too and since I have their cells in my body, it wouldn't hurt me to actually plan ahead and be careful. That said I don't intend to back away from a fight, even if it is to the death. I relish in challenge and battle I am part Saiyan after all." Cell continued to explain.

"So I'm like a body guard to you daddy?" Krilla asked his father.

"Correct. And since you possess the same level of intelligence,power and strength albeit a bit weaker I have great faith in the two of you, and since I know for a fact you won't betray your progenitor." Cell answered.

"Now, as for you Junior, your task is to keep an eye and gather any possible information from the Young Justice, I'll do my own digging at the Main League so you'll have to do it alone there." Cell commanded.

Cell Jr. salutes his father gesturing a confirmation and smiles.

"Be careful and descreet about it and try to get along with your teammates, so they do not suspect." Cell added.

"Now, follow me and let us all meditate, it'll help us with our Ki control and boost our Mental defences, especially against that Martian. He got lucky but I refuse to let him defile my mind once more!" Cell exclaimed.

They all meditated for 6 hours before getting some sleep, not that they needed to but it helped them pass the time, and sleeping actually felt good for them. Cell sleeps standing up and crosses his arms on his chest (like he did before the Cell Games), while the two children lay in the bed beside each other.

The next day, the three then decides to head for the newly updated training room.

"Alright Kids, attack daddy all at once physically." Cell said as he goes to his fighting stance of putting both hands infront of him (the same stance he used against Trunks and Vegeta).

The kids rushed at him, Junior gives Cell a kick to the stomach and Krilla gives him a punch to the face. Cell not moving from his position dodges them by tilting his body.

Junior and Krilla keeps punching and kicking Cell, doing some combo's and feints tp try and hit their father but it was to no avail, Cell just keeps tilting his body to dodge or steps out of his way for them to miss their attack. This continues for 20 minutes until Cell said that they can give it their all, after the initial warm up.

"Alright, enough warm up! Give it your all children!"

Hearing this, the kids give each other a nod and laughs. The other heroes who are also training stop their own training and stare in awe at the display of their martial prowess and power.

The kids power up to Super Saiyan 2 giving it their full power. Cell Jr. charges a Kamehameha while Krilla charges a Special Beam Cannon. Cell powers up but not in his Super Saiyan state, he uses regular Ki at first (the white one) but realizes that it may not be enough so he eventually goes up to Super Saiyan 1 as he tanks the blast.

Cell puts his forearms together inteding to take the blast but he is surprised when Cell Jr. uses Instant Transmission and fires the Kamehameha behind him like what Goku had done. This catches him off guard, as he is currently tanking Krilla's Special Beam Cannon up front when Junior got behind him.

Cell catches a glimpse before being hit by the Kamehameha.

"YOU SNEAKY LITTLE BASTARD!" he said before impact, his face and head gone as well as the rest of his upper body, being crushed by the two beams.

"Woah! he just offed his dad!" said a hero named Bowana beast who was spectating the fight.

Cell regenerates his wounds but before the happens his lower stomach is then pierced by Krilla's beam.

Cell jumps up to stand using his remaining body from the waist down. He then proceeds to regemerate all of his body. He then smirks and says "Good work kids, your strong. but you think you can handle this?!"

Cell powers up to Super Saiyan 1 and, teleports behind Krilla and fires multiple death beams from all five fingers from one hand. (Death Beam Barrage) and Krilla gets hit but survives, she is then finished by Cell's Masenko Ki beam.

1 down, 1 more to go.

Cell fires a Masenko ball at Cell Jr. which he deflects to the side but Cell predicted this and he rushes Junior with a kick from his chin sending him above, he then elbows his spine like what he did to Vegeta. But its not over yet, Cell then shoots a volley of Ki blasts at Cell Jr. raining down on him yelling "Take this!"

(Yes Masenko Beam and Masenko Ball is different.)

The fight is over, with Cell winning. Krilla and Cell Jr. regenerates after the fight.

"Great spar kids." said Cell but he then realizes that the spar they did broke the training room again, with the spectators evacuating to the room outside watching them with a monitor in another room connected to a surveilance camera that was in thsir room.

"Well, shit!" Cell mumbles

To Be Continued!