

[Picture Here]

Name:Yuka Wane

Age:21 Years Old


Nationality: Japanese American

Occupation:Works at a Cat cafe

Personality:Quiet, Shy, Introverted, Smart, Cute


Likes:Reading, being alone, quiet places, the color red, baths, hot tubs, animals,

Hates:Being touched by others, loud places, being disturbed when reading


******************LET'S BEGIN!!***************

{Yuka's POV}

Hi my name is Yuka Wane. I work at a cat cafe called mow oaks it's a nice place considering I love animals so I chose to try working there. I've been working their fire 4 years now starting from 18. I'm and orphan who was left on the orphanages steps at 3 months old. The only thing my parents left me were their last name and 6 million dollars to inherit when I turn 18 which was three years ago. I grew up pretty good at the orphanage I wasn't that bad. Except for this one girl named Adela who is a complete bitch, always steals my stuff, breaks things and blames it on my but half of the time I never got in trouble cuz Ms. Voni who is one of the Orphanage Mothers out of 4, would catch her doing it and punish her. She would also break my things as well. I hated her so much we were never friend and stayed away from each other. There's just something about me the bitch don't like but I don't care as I don't have to see her ugly face again.

I was walking down the street when the ground begins to shake violently. People scream in fear. Kids cry out for there parents. People trying to out run the black hole forming beneath us all. That's right a black hole is forming beneath us at this very moment but I didn't stay long enough to find out. I begin running for my life not caring if I bump into people considering this is a life crisis right now. I ran and I ran and I ran but I wasn't fast enough and before the black hole swallowed all in its path all I could see was millions of meteorites falling from the sky along with shattering sounds of thunder. I knew the world we once lived in was gone. And now we have nothing left. As I fell into the abyss of darkness everything went black. With only the sounds of screaming and wailing we're heard in returns.

By the time I woke up I could sense a lot of people around me. Some were awake while others were asleep like me. They were chatting, crying, and begging for someone to help them. To help us. But no one was coming because everyone in the world has fell into a black hole and there's no getting out. As I just sat up I didn't feel like talking to anyone. It seemed as though there was some sort of invisible wall because I saw some people leaning against nothing but air so I did the same. I scooted over to a somewhat empty spot and leaned carefully against ex the invisible force. I was able to relax a little bit. For a second I thought nothing else could possibly go wrong but my ass is so stupid I just had to say it in my head. Out of thin air a see through gaming holographic like screen popped up in front of me.

[Picture Here]

I got flinched for a second before eying the others around me seeing how everyone had turned their heads a little downwards to look at their screens which is indeed invisible to others except said user. I then turn my attention back to my holographic screen. Words then appeared above my screen along with a robot voice in my head speaking.

[Hello! And welcome to the abyss. Now I will not hold you here for long but we will tell you one thing. Your world is gone. The world you knew is gone. It has been destroyed. Earth the place you resided now no longer exists. And your only hope it on this new world named Novia.]

And when the voice said that a big hologram like screen appeared in front of me. Hovering there and showing a picture of a massive but beautiful blue planet in the middle of billions of stars swirling around it. That was even bigger then earth.

[You have one job. And that is to thrive on this new Planet. And you don't have a choice as your world is gone. You can do whatever you want. We do not care. But in order to thrive and survive on this planet full of dangers that no one on earth would encounter you can not stay human. No humans are allowed on this planet as they would die as soon as the stepped food into its atmosphere. To survive it depends on your luck, smartness, determination, strength, and power. There is treasure, Magic, magical creatures, many different species of beings like dragons or angels and many unknown things in this new world that you would only find in fantasy books and novels. You will also have a system to help you.  That's all the information we will give you. Farewell and good luck.]

And with that the voice was gone, the words disappeared to only to pop up again with directions.

[You will have a new status so to update it plz do the following orders. Would host like to see current status? {Yes} or {No}]

I click yes

Name:____ ____

Age:21 Years Old


Level: 1

Species: ____

Status: None

Tittle: None (Can only be gained by killing or defeating something stronger then you)

Mana/Energy: 0/100

Magic Attribute:____

Animal Companion: 0/2

Ability: None

[Plz compete you status


Rank: Easy(A)

[Name Selection[_]

Species Selection[_]

Magic Selection[_]

Ability Selection[_]]

When it said that I first click on my species. I felt as though I should get this done quickly as possible. When I clicked on the species selection. It showed a bunch of species that I knew from all of my reading of fantasy, reincarnation, isekai, supernatural etc stories. I looked through the list throughly.

















Forest silk


I really didn't know what to pic. I wasn't sure of how I was going to live in this new world. I didn't know who to trust. But all I knew was that I would be keeping to myself. I continued to scroll through the options until I came onto one that fought my eye. Elf. I clicked on it and options came up.

[What kind of elf would you like to be?

Nature Elf

Moon Elf

Dark Elf

Light Elf

Fire Elf

Water Elf

Earth Elf

Pixie Elf

Fairy Elf]

Are there that many different types of elves? I wanted to see what was so different about each elf even if their names gave it away. I click on water elf first.

[Water Elf:

Attribute: Water Related Only

Description: Water Elves are elves that live by water or in any place that has a decent amount of it. Their magic is based off water. Each has their own skills and abilities that they can do with water. Water elves are also solitary creatures. They are deadly once provoked. And they are stronger when there is a natural abundance of water around. They do not wish to kill unless necessary or for war or fighting. But they will kill and fight if the have to, to protect their eves(children) and families. If you were to stumble soon their home they will welcome you will open arms as long as you hold no malice. Their natural enemies are fire Elves. Other than that they will be kind even to the darkest of beings as long as they shall not hurt or harm in anyway shape or form. The level up and gain power by observing Magic water stones that could be found in any creature, animal, or person that has a water attribute. Which is mostly water creatures only found in deep waters.]

Nice. I thought to myself. I guess water elves are very peaceful people. So they won't harm you unless you have malice intent towards them or anyone they care for. Good to know. Next I tried the Moon Elf.

[Moon Elf:

Attribute: Moon Element and Dark Element only.

Description: Moon elves are elves known for their extreme beauty and strong moon magic and are deadly during the night. They are known to be the best archers, chain users and alchemists. They are stronger during the night when the moon is out. Moon elves also have the Dark magic element but some cannot access as it is not their affinity and their moon affinity is stronger then that of dark. Some who are lucky enough are able to use dark magic as well but they must know a balance between their moon and dark. The more one uses dark magic if it's not their high affinity can slowly succumb to the darkness and will become a dark elf in which most elves fear but not all. Like the Moon elves they do not fear the dark elves they are actually enemies. Every one believes that moon elves are only stronger at night which is why many wish to fight them during the day. But that is not true. A moon elf can become stronger even during the day. All they must do is absorb a magic moon stones from a moon Magic that could be found in any creature, animal, or person with the moon attribute. Which is rare as not many do. They can also grow stronger by eating magical herbs and elixirs made for Magic growing. The stronger their level means they are strong even during the day.]

After reading the information given I was really surprised. They are indeed strong and it just so happened that my favorite species of people from fantasy books are elves as they are all very beautiful and handsome. I decided to go with the moon elf species. Once done I notice popped up.


Status has been updated!]

Next I went to change my name. I though long and hard before I came up with the right one. Luna Edolas. I thought it was perfect.


Status has been updated!]

Next I went to the Magic selection.

[Host does not need to pick their magic as it is tied to their species]

So I just moved onto the abilities.

[Host can pick two moon related abilities.]

I already knew what I wanted from reading the description of the species. I picked Chains of Purple filora which is a deadly poisonous flower that belongs to the moon elves and only moon elves has the antidote to. I also picked the Speeding Archer ability. I needed to hunt for the mean time until I had a stable surplus of food.


Status has been updated!

Status selection is complete

Would host like to change character looks or leave it to the system? {Yes} or {No}]

I'll leave it to the system so I clicked no. Heh surprise me. My status then popped up in front of me again with my complete information.

Name:Luna Edolas

Age:21 Years Old


Level: 1

Species: Moon Elf

Status: None

Tittle: None (Can only be gained by killing or defeating something stronger then you)

Mana/Energy: 0/100

Magic Attribute:Moon Magic Dark Magic

Animal Companion: 0/2


Chains of Purple Filora(Level 1)

Speeding Archer(Level 1)


Task Complete!

Rank: Easy(A)

[Name Selection[✔️]

Species Selection[✔️]

Magic Selection[✔️]

Ability Selection[✔️]]


Reward Granted!

-Moonlight Bow(Level 5)

-Two Taming Stones

-300 Gold Coins

-Two Personnel Summoning Stones

-Two Sets of clothes

-Three flasks of pure water


After checking out my rewards they all go to my inventory until I get on the new planet.

[Once host is done plz step on the teleportation plate to be teleported to the planet Nova.]

And I did just that. As a bright light shone a teleportation holographic circle appeared. I stood up and as I did I saw people look at me as I walk towards it and step inside.

[Picture Here]

The light begins to swirl around me as I see people being frantic and loudly screaming to not go in but I already did. Everything went black after that.

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