1 A New Path

He opened his eyes and look around his surrounding, what greeted his sight was a view that not many

would had the chance to gaze upon, the view..of the outer space. What was puzzling was that he

felt nothing at all...as if everything was natural.

'Where am i?' Was the primary question in his mind right now.

"I shall be with you in but a moment child." Was heard, but our MC was unable to find anyone near him at all.



"Ah there we go, hello .... Jonas Tulle you died"

When those word reaches to Jonas, he still could not feel anything...

"You must be wondering why you feel nothing right? Well I had enough of those whining that you mortals

keep making and so l just simply remove your emotion at the start....do you want me to give it back now?"

..Jonas, ever the typical otaku that nodded to the being that the typical Isekai genre starts with.

"If you yell l'll toss you into deep space." With the warning given, God, Isekai Papa snaps his finger to presumably to return Jonas emotion.

As expected, Jonas emotion returns and ....strangely..felt happy and relief.

When God saw this, he was confused and so start to read his memories.

Jonas paid his respect to the God first for the only solace from his life was begging for God aid

"This one pays his utmost respect to God." Jonas said thou his voice was a little bitter

God who by now had an understanding of Jonas life waves it off.

"Ah the very few to show respect to us, I must say your life..sucks, well we are getting off topic,

Jonas, your death was cause by one of Gods due to the fact..." God was visibly troubled to continue

it's statement.

"Ah screw it, your death was cause by one of us who was raging over his collection of black keys" God said.

A distant Yorokobe Shounen could be heard....

"Ignore that...how l hate the fact that he managed to became one of us somehow...*Insert Clear Throat Sound*

Now due to his action, we are required to compensate your life like a cliche novel..you know the rest,

normally it would be a limit of 2 wish, l decide to lift the limit higher than the norm."

God said, for truly Jonas life was not a good one.

For Jonas he had grown up with minimal love from his parent, made fun of..bullied by and alone his entire life, not knowing the positive side of the world.

Jonas was never the popular one, he was fat and ugly which had cause him a lot of problem.

Jonas had never ate much and exercise much more than the typical athlete and yet..his weight

had never reduce much.

This in turn drove him to depression and despair, that led to him almost never stepping out of his home and putting a wider wedge in between his parent as well as they do not care nor realize it.

Ultimately his life was filled with depression and despair with minimal light.

Jonas..thought for a while and decide on....

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