
A Necromancers evolution

“well…i died.” A man named Isla gets revived through a system given by ———. As he starts his journey he levels up and unlocks a ability called necromancy? Watch him embark on his journey to uncover the truth of his world and get stronger to enter the domain of the Gods. {book cover is a visual representation of the mc} Volume 1: War of Odin (uncompleted) Volume 2: Volume 3:

Xen_1 · Fantasie
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22 Chs

The beastnoids appearance


A loud explosion could be heard from the explosive arrow one of the beastnoids shot.

" Protect the human and kill all the dimensional beasts!" Said a woman with a kinda deep and raspy voice still womanly though with light tanned skin like the rest of the wolf tribe.

" Are you ok human? my name is Lazla and these are my companions Aknal and Merva." Merva was a woman with long black hair and silver eye's matching the color of her fur i can see from her ears, with the same color tanned body Lazla has.

" Heya, nice to meet you!" said Merva with a big smile on her face. A man who looked to be around his late twenties or so also has Silver eyes but with a grayish hair color matching his fur with a golden ring on his ring finger probably indicating that he's married or stylish.

But before he could ask if he was Isla had to take care of the beasts running towards him

" Nice to meet you too Merva but let's get ready to fight, introductions later."

{ Main quest updated!}

> Defeat the dimensional beast horde

> rewards 5 level ups / shop function added / 1 free choice to pick an epic weapon from the shop

Unsheathing his blades Isla found comfort in using a dagger with a sword, lounging forward with the help of the beastnoids he starts to push back the beast horde.

Deciding that these are new people he couldn't fully trust he kept his necromancy a secret and used his own strength, which wasn't hard at all seeing his stats be of high number.

20 minutes past and he finally killed all the beast some of which was a higher level than him meaning he gained more xp than expected. He went from level 5 to 15 in less than one night.

{ Main quest completed rewards sent!}

> Shop unlocked

> Level up 5x

[Ding! the host has reached level 20!]

> unlocked New class unique skill

> Memory scan of the dead

I'll check these skills and stuff later that aside why did you people help me? " Well we needed some of the body of the beasts to build new armor for our tribe and then you so happened to be here so we decided to help you."

" Alright that's understandable let's set camp here for tonight and i'll help bring some of the bodies back, i have nothing else to do anyways." " Alright understood."

So they set camp for the night but Isla wakes up to his tent opening, who could it be?