
A Naruto Fan-Fic

Follow Ken, a man who was reborn to a new world thanks to a Black Ball. ... I don't own the cover. I found it on google.

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25 Chs

Chapter 9

With a huge chomp, the Yin Chakra of the Kyuubi that was held by the Shinigami in midair, the Chakra was consumed.

But because Minato and the Shinagimi were connected by their soul, a certain image flashed in Minato's brain the moment Ken's soul and the Shinigami made contact.

With that, the large ball of soul disappeared.


"What happened?!" Ken screamed in his head.

"Burp! that was satisfying. According to the contract, we will share everything I absorbed by 70-30. I get 70% and you get 30%. Now prepare yourself, a huge amount of energy will be transferred to your body." Gluttony said unwillingly. It was unwilling to share its first huge meal in a long time.

"What do I do?" His soul already returned to his body and Ken sat cross-legged under the moonlit night.

"Empty your mind and focus on your dantian. You need to circulate the Energy immediately, if not, your newborn body might not withstand it and explode." Gluttony.

"Can't you just withhold it first? I don't want to risk dying just for that." Ken was smart. He finally understood the concept of the so-called Energy. To sum it up, it was just similar to Chakra, Ki, and Chi from his previous life.

According to his teacher, one of the Ancient Clans in his previous life had the power to manipulate Chi to do the impossible. It could accelerate healing, increase strength and many more. So Ken already knew the basics.

"No. Everything I devour will be purified into the purest form of energy. So after a while, all the energy will be assimilated and I won't be able to share it anymore." Gluttony replied.

"Is that so." Ken pondered. He could easily achieve emptying his mind of he meditated. And Gluttony said that he could explode, not surely explode. "Then it shouldn't be so hard. Ok, Glutton, send it to me after a minute."

"Got it."

Ken then focused and started meditating. Although he had not done it in a long time, it was still quite easy for him to do so.

"I am transferring it now. Remember, don't stop circulating the energy until the pain stops!" As if it was smirking, Gluttony, the Black Ball inside Ken's stomach opened a small hole that connected with his dantian.


An explosion seemed to occur in Ken's Dantian as a surge of horrifying yet holy energy entered his Dantian.

Without hesitation, Ken commanded the incoming energy with his thought. It felt like his inside was burning and it was so painful.

"You... Are you trying to kill me?!" Ken screamed in anger. He did not think that the pain was even worse than the hunger he experienced before. Mixed with the scorching feel, Ken felt that it was even more painful.

Still, Ken did not want to die. With a rush of adrenaline, he endured the pain and controlled the Energy as it traveled through his Chakra Pathway System. Because of the enormity of the Energy and his small baby body, it went and returned immediately.

As it circulated, an almost tangible white aura surrounded Ken. He looked like a child bathing in a holy light, when in reality, it was just pure Energy.

As of now, Ken wanted nothing more than to dive into an ice bath. Maybe it could help and decrease the pain.

The Energy kept going on a loop as it traveled to and fro in his body. Ken would occasionally let out a grunt of pain, but at the same time, he could also feel his body getting stronger. The pain was also weakening as time passed.

After nearly an hour of suffering, Ken's eyes snapped open. But this time there was an ominous red glint from his eyes.

Unfortunately, although his body was refreshed, his mental energy could not keep up with his body and he collapsed.

Right at that moment, a shadow was also speeding towards his location.

"A kid?" It was a man masked with a porcelain mask that had a feature of a cat. But instead of the usually gentle image of a cat, it looked more menacing.

The man was part of the Konoha Anbu, the Special Assassination and Tactical Squad.

Without hesitation, the man went and carried Ken on his back. It was also then that he saw the crest on Ken's back.

"The Uchiha Clan?" The man contemplated for a second before he disappeared, appearing on top of a tree branch in an instant before speeding up towards the village, to be more precise, the Uchiha Compound.

After reaching the Uchiha Compound, which was reduced rubble, the man just left Ken in front of the entrance and disappeared without a trace.


A week passed by after the attack. The village calmed down a little, but the people were still in shock, fear, and mourning. The death of the Fourth Hokage was even more devastating since the Third Shinobi World War just ended.

But after hearing some murmurs and whispers, Ken noticed that the people did not seem to have the idea of what really happened with the Kyuubi. He realized that the higher-ups in the government-controlled the information. After all, few people only "knew" what "really" happened.

He heard talks about a child used by the late Fourth Hokage to seal the Kyuubi, but he did not hear anything about who exactly the child was. This led Ken to notice that politics and schemes run deep inside this village.

This reminded him of his previous world's politics. Not to generalize, but people involved in politics are dirty. They lie or not tell the public the whole truth leading to greater misunderstandings and conspiracy theories. No matter where you are, there are always people that have the so-called, Grand Plan or the Bigger Picture, the people that only see the benefit of the whole and the people that only see what can benefit themselves.

It was the same with his clan in his previous life, the Itoi Clan. Schemes and plans run deep. And Ken was sure that it was the same with his current clan, the Uchiha!

Sure enough, 2 weeks later, Ken overheard his parents talking about the clan being relocated. From the looks of it, it was even more isolated from the village.

Ken already knew that their clan runs the Police Force of the Village. And in order to function properly as the police, they should be in the middle of the village. That way it would be easier to respond to any possible accidents or attacks. Even an idiot would know that there is something fishy going on with the government.


One night, Ken sat cross-legged on his futon as he meditated. The clouds would occasionally uncover the moon, lighting up a small part of the room where Itachi and Sasuke lay asleep. The three not so normal siblings were left alone in the house, but they were used to it.

His father and mother went around helping around the village, most importantly, the clan.

Since they were getting relocated, their parents had many things to do. After all, Fugaku is the clan leader, then his wife should at least have some say.

Fortunately, Itachi was quite exhausted from the training he had with his new friend. You could tell from the bruises on his face and arms as well as the small callous on his fingers. Probably caused by shuriken and kunai training.

Ken was conversing with Gluttony in his head.

"Since you're a human, you have to open the 9 Restrictive Gates in order to fully unlock your potential. If you want to... what do the humans call it again... ahem... cultivate 9 times faster than usual, you have to unlock all nine of them. 8 times if you open 8, and so on.

"All of the strongest human I have ever met all opened 9 of them and they could rule the 33 Heavenly Planes. I have eaten many of them, and they were the most delicious."

"What do you mean? I don't understand a thing you said at all. Why don't you explain it to me in detail?" Ken felt lost listening to Gluttony. Never in his previous life did he learn how the universe worked.

"You don't have to know anything, just know that you are an ant in this whole Planes of Existence and there are countless beings who could erase your existence with only a single blink, never to reincarnate again. This world is probably under the lower planes. With its pathetic source of energy, it looks like you have great luck, encountering that wild beast. If you want to know more, then you will have to get stronger."

"Like I said, as a human, you will have to open the 9 Restrictive Gates. These Gates exist to prevent overexertion of the human body but also limits your potential. A human can still train, but compared to someone who unlocked them all, then your training would be slow.

"I have seen countless things, and I know countless information for I have lived for countless years. I am an eternal being that had existed... Uhm... a long long time ago!" Although there was no pride in Gluttony's voice, it only sounded as boasting to Ken.

"So, how do I open these so-called gates?" Ken asked when he noticed how the glutton never specifically told him.

"Don't be hasty. Although opening these 9 Gates bring benefits, it is also very dangerous. With your current body, you won't be able to withstand the power outburst, leading you to break your bones, tear your muscles and internal organs and even explode. So, right now, your priority is to grow and strengthen your body.

"As I said, I will help you get stronger. The energy I shared with you is the purest of all. There is no energy in all of the planes that can surpass its purity. It could help you grow faster, heal faster, and strengthen your body as time passes. This is just one of my abilities. Once I grow bigger, I will have more. Like I said, let your body adapt to your new energy. After that, learn how to control it. I am not a human, so I am unable to teach you how to do it. Go figure it out on your own."

"I need to assimilate the negative Energy I just absorbed. I won't be able to speak for a while." With that, Gluttony stopped talking, leaving Ken to digest what it just told him.

After a while of thinking, he went back to meditating, circulating his new energy so that his body could adapt to it.