
A Naruto Fan-Fic

Follow Ken, a man who was reborn to a new world thanks to a Black Ball. ... I don't own the cover. I found it on google.

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Chapter 3

It has already been two months since that night. As a child, there was not really much that Ken could do, he would either just sit on the back of the house and watch the birds fly or join his mother or Itachi to go shopping. Unfortunately, he was not allowed to watch Itachi and train.

After that night, Ken could not help but notice the changes in Itachi. He was surprised that Itachi's experience did not turn him into something else negative. He became more calm and more intellectual. Ken would often see him go out to train his shuriken and kunai. Sometimes, he would see Itachi just sitting on the floor deep in his thoughts.

The time he played with Ken also became limited and he did not have that perverted expression anymore. But, of course, Ken preferred that attitude.

With his years of experience, Ken could tell that his big brother is a genius, a prodigy.

As the days and months passed, Ken was also able to notice many changes on Mikoto. Her stomach was slow getting inflated and her choice of food also changed.

'Ah, she's pregnant.' Ken thought. 'I guess I am having a little sibling soon. I just hope that he won't be a cry baby.'

A 1 year and 2 month boy is already able to walk short distances and talk short sentences, much less Ken, who is an adult inside a kid. Of course he would be able to do so much more.

But of course, he would not be so dumb to show that he was an adult inside a kid. Ken knew that although this world was not advanced at all, if news traveled that there was such a smart baby then he could be kidnapped and be experimented on. Especially since the war is still raging.

Putting the enemies aside, there is always an enemy closer than you think. Schemes run deep in a war. With greedy people everywhere. There is no way that the village did not have a single elder who was corrupt or had grand schemes. There are mad people who would do anything just to get what they want, even to the extent of killing one of their own.


As the days passed, Ken would eavesdrop whenever Fugaku and Mikoto talked alone. And from the looks of it, Konohagakure and Iwagakure were signing peace treaties along with the other villages. It looks like the war is finally over.

And it did not take long before it was officially announced that the war is finally over. All of the shinobi and family were called out to mourn for the dead.

The war that took three years is finally over. But with the devastating effect would still not be over. The family of the dead who was left behind, the orphans, and the dead.

The aftermath of a war is pretty obvious. It would look peaceful on the surface, but under the veil is actually another battle. Revenge, bandits, and those organizations would again rise.

There was also another significant new, a man called Namikaze Minato was announced as the fourth Hokage.


The days and weeks passed and another 3 months passed by and the winter came. Ken again sat on the floor by himself as he waited for his mother to finish cooking.

"Come, Ken, it's time to eat." Mikoto called gently. Her stomach is already significantly inflated and she wore warm, loose clothes. She prepared the table and the two ate.

"Do you want to come with me to the clinic?" Mikoto asked. She was already used to her son being so smart that his decision had an impact on her. Everyone from the family knew that he liked being alone and would only go out with them if he was on the mood.

"Are you sick, mom?" Ken paused before he asked with his childish voice. But his tone was not childish at all.

"It's nothing like that. You see... you are going to have a little brother or a little sister. You are going to be a big brother too, just like Itachi." Mikoto answered gently with a smile.

"Mmm. I don't want to go, it's cold outside." Ken thoughtlessly answered as he swallowed the food.

"Is that so?" Mikoto could only look at her son speechlessly. She wondered how her sons are so different than the other kids. They were very mature, smart and there seems to be nothing that could surprise them.

Itachi is still okay, but Ken was too much. He did not give them a hard time growing up. The number of times that he cried could be counted with one hand. Seriously...

Mikoto subconsciously caressed her stomach and silently prayed, 'Please let my third son be more normal.'

"Ha~ Then wait for me here, okay? If your big brother comes home, tell him to have his meal. And don't go out without your clothes, it is very cold outside." She reminded, but she knew that even if she did not tell him to do so, Ken would still do it.

"I got it." Ken replied flatly and just focused on eating.

A while later Mikoto left for the clinic. And Ken, just stayed silent, went back to the room and slept.


Another 4 months passed. Inside the hospital, a baby cry echoed. Mikoto finally gave birth.

"It's a boy. Haha, thankfully it is not like the other one, this one cried." The nurse jokingly said. She was also the one that helped deliver the baby Ken.

"Mmm." Mikoto carried the child on her arms. After some time, the three entered. Ken walked with his baby steps as they approached Mikoto and the baby.

"It's a boy. You two, meet your little brother." Mikoto smiled and Fugaku took the child from her.

"Have to thought of a name?" asked Mikoto.

"Yeah... Susuke... Uchiha Sasuke." Fugaku said with a pleased smile.

"Ara... It's a fine name, but that's..."

"Yes, it's Lord Third's father's name. I've already asked Lord Third." Fugaku assured her.

"I see."

"Sasuke... We shall raise him to never dishonor his name." Fugaku smiled even deeper and raised the baby that he just named Uchiha Sasuke in the air.

As for the other two, they just watched silently. But Itachi kept his eyes wide open, as if he was thinking about something. After a while, his expression relaxed and he looked like he realized something.


Another two months passed. Inside the kitchen, Itachi is carrying the baby Sasuke while Ken let the baby play with his hand. They were teaming up not to let the child cry as their mother, Mikoto cooked.

"Hey, Mom... Is Lord Fourth going to have a baby too?" Itachi asked. Ken also paused, hearing the familiar address.

"Yes. I wonder what it'll be." She replied with her always gentle voice. "I'll be going out tonight, so you two go ahead and have dinner." Mikoto added.


"Mm." Ken and Itachi replied at the same time.

"Your father's working too, so please watch Sasuke."

"Uh-huh." Itachi nodded.


Somewhere in the village. A black robed man stood on a roof top. He had a mask that had black flame drawn on it. But strangely enough, the mask only had a hole on the right eyes.

A red flicker would occasionally flash from the hole as he stared at the beautifully lit village.

Suddenly, the space around his eyes contorted forming a spiral before the man was swallowed by the space and he disappeared without a trace.

The conversation was copied from the anime. Naruto Shippuden Episode 451.

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