


A man wearing a white mask and black robe fell on the ground. In front of him stood a 22 years old man wearing a Black trench coat with a long sharp black wand in his right hand. The man was handsome with a neatly trimmed thick beard with a sharp jawline, His cold grey eyes glowing a little bit. There were 10 corpses laying around him. Most of them had multiple burnt marks on them.

The man walked limply towards one of these corpses and plucked out a black wand with spiral design from his eyeballs. After that, he apparated away.

A few minutes later multiple Aurors apparated near the corpses. Every single one of them was vigilant, as if ready for a battle.

After few Minutes.

"FUCK, we were late. By looking at the condition of the bodies it was definitely him, I don't know what Crouch was thinking letting him go."

One of the Aurors said while hastily looking around as if expecting an attack.

"Well, at least he is killing these evil bastards. What else do you want Madeye" other Aurora said while examining the body "Self Defense was just an excuse, the Ministry is in a desperate need for weapons like him. These bastards have to think twice before attacking public places like this"

"Sign, How does he even know where these bastards are going to attack" Madeye signed.

Grindlewald's estate, Library.

Blair sat on his chair before taking a huge gulp of whiskey directly through the bottle. He was breathing heavenly. He took off his trench coat and tore his black shirt apart reveling his well-built body filled with scars. He took the whiskey bottle and spilled It over a wound which he just got in his last fight.


He grunted as the Alcohol began to sip into the wound. After a few seconds, he took his wand and waved it in mid-air. A needle with a white thread... attach came flying towards him and began to stitch his wound. Blair grunted and took another gulp from the whiskey bottle before looking at the photo on the table. It was the same photo that he used to hang in his Slytherin dormitory. After a few seconds, his eyes feel on the Daily Prophet besides the photo. There was a picture of him on the front page of the paper with the title.


He sneered at it before taking another gulp of whiskey. After completely stitching his wounds he went to his bedroom to sleep.

The next day he got up from his bed, wore a Black shirt, and a trench coat over it before apparating in front of the Leaky Cauldron. An Apparation ward was placed by the Ministry on the Alley to prevent attacks from the Death eaters on it. One must pass through the Leaky Cauldron to enter the Alley. The pub had fewer people compared to a year ago, Everyone was scared of the Death Eaters to even get out of their homes.

As he entered the pub every single person in the pub started at him in cautions, Apparently, the articles in the Daily Prophet has changed most of the population's view about him, To them, he was just some lunatic who loved to kill people.

After entering the Alley he went straight towards the Knockturn Alley. He entered a shop named Viridian Apothecary It was located right in front of 'Borgin and Burkes'

The shop was like any other Apothecary, The only difference was the ingredients displayed on the shelves. Most of then were in the grey area of magic. The shopkeeper was standing behind the desk, Looking at him as if he knew who he was. Pretty much everyone who read The Daily Prophet knew about him. As multiple articles were written about him By Rita Skeeter. Blair didn't say anything, Instead, he just took out a piece of paper and placed it on the table.

"Give me these ingredients," Blair said calmly.

The shopkeeper examined the piece of paper before going behind the shelves. After 5 minutes he came with a small bag in his hands.

"100 Gallons"

Blair placed 100 Gallons on the desk without any hesitation. Right now he didn't lack money, Turns out Bounty Hunter paid much more these days. There was no shortage of Bounties issued by the Ministry. You will be rewarded 1000 Gallons on every confirmed Death eater you capture alive and 500 Gallons for a dead one. Most of the time Blair would ignore the rewards as he killed the death eater for his own personal revenge and not for the rewards. After exiting the shop he heard something interesting from his left.

"Are you sure you are making the right choice inviting that lunatic into the order"

" Alastor, we need more members to fight against Voldemort. As his influence is increasing day by day"

"I know but still...."

" he came out of the shop, Let's go"

As he looked at the direction of the voices, He saw Dumbledore standing at the corner of the shop smiling, with Alastor Moody by his side.

"Hello Mister Bradley, It has been a while"

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