
A minecrafter in another world

Ok guy plays minecraft, guy gets moved to fantasy world, dude does minecraft stuff in that world. I’m not sure what the rest is yet Updates every Monday and Thursday of 1k to 1.5k words.

Snake_Orc · Videospiele
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16 Chs

Brother's trouble

"I guess choosing the farming would be best for right now" Raj started off with 3 points, Raj placed 2 points into farming and one into gathering. Raj saw that he got a new ability from it.

-fast growth-

-crops grow 5% faster in your presence-

-lucky roll-

-chance to gain double resources from gathered items-

"That'll be useful" Raj picked up the stone and headed over to his chest, opening it. "I should still have some dirt left" When Raj had made the floor he had to dig up some dirt. "This is probably a bad Idea." Raj mined the floor in a 3 by 3 area. Covering the outer layer of it with dirt.

In the middle of the dirt square he placed the water bucket. Taking the hoe he tilled open the ground. Making a single row in the dirt he took out the singular carrot, "how do you plant carrots" not wanting to mess up. Raj buried the entire carrot.

Raj watched for around 5 minutes staring. "Who am I kidding" 'there's no way a plant would grow that fast" Raj stood and walked to his bed. At this point it was still early morning. There was more light outside but not enough to go out safely.

Raj looked back over towards the carrot he planted. Noticing a green stem sticking out. "Huh?" raj thought for a second. "I know I have fast growth but isn't this a little stupid."

'So that's what it is' A minecraft day is 20 minutes and it takes around 3 days for crops to grow. With my fast growth skill it's 5% faster. So it should take 57 minutes for it to fully grow. "I'm so smart"

Raj smiled towards himself before laying back down. Laying on the old bed with probably millions of diseases, Raj smiled. Raj opened his inventory seeing if there was anything else he might've forgotten.

"Oh yeah that" Raj clicked on himself. 5 icons appeared. It showed his full body and 3 hearts next to each limb. "So that's how damage is counted"

There was a way to increase his health but raj did not remember at the moment. Raj looked back over towards the carrots. Which now had 3 stems poking out and seemed to be done soon. Raj looked outside, it was light enough for him to go outside at this point.

He grabbed his ax and headed outside to the nearest tree, Taking a swing he chopped it, cutting into it by a few inches. Raj continued to do this for a few more trees until he had almost 30 logs from chopping down trees. It had been around 2 hours at this point.

Raj walked back into his house checking on the carrots he planted. They looked to be all the way done. Raj walked up to touch them with his hoe. When he did the carrots instantly pooped out the ground.

Raj picked them up with his left hand. -carrot, poor quality- "what did I expect?" I grew the carrots in the dark with no sun and soil that probably was infertile. 'How they grew was honestly a miracle.' Not that I cared. "Food is food" Raj took a bite out of the carrot.

On his left hand 10 food shaped Icons appeared, after eating the carrot one of the hunger bars filled up. On the right side of my vision some words popped. -status- -satiated-. "Well that's good to know"

Raj set the rest of the carrots inside of the chest before planting some more carrots. "I'll need to find more plants to grow," Raj said. "Now it's time to get to work." Although the moat worked for a night it is nowhere near safe enough for me right now." Raj crafted his logs into wooden planks. Opening his crafting table, Raj made a wooden pickaxe..

"Well they say don't mine at night. So let's mine during the day" Raj went outside. Most people would probably go with the iconic staircase mine but Raj didn't. Digging a 10 by 10 hole. Before leaving the house he made ladders with excess planks.

Digging down around 10 feet he came around a stone. Raj being safe made a wooden platform every 10 feet. Making sure only to cover the edges and adding a fence. Doing this drained his wood nearly instantly but it was safe, and that's all that mattered.

Once getting to stone raj took out his pickaxe. Mining stone took near to no time. Just like minecraft the pickaxe only mined in a perfect square. "Lucky me" Taking a swing a bunch of crack marks appeared on a block of stone.

After 8 more swings the block broke. Instantly shrinking into a smaller block. "That's, convenient" picking up the stone block the first thing he noticed was it was nearly weightless. Raj put it in his inventory before going to another stone block. Once he got 3 stones he went to make a stone pickaxe.

He crafted a crafting table and placed it down. After making a stone pickaxe and the recipe appearing he went to mine some more. He held the pickaxe in his left hand seeing its stats.

-stone pickaxe- -durability 150/150- -quality, perfect- -5% faster mining speed-

"Yeah, I know i'm good" Raj took the newly made stone pickaxe and went back to his "quarry" Taking a swing with his new pickaxe he managed to mine a block of stone in 6 hits. After mining for around 2 hours he had made the quarry 50 feet deep.

Using the ladders he placed he climbed up. Looking at his 630 stone and 30 coal in his inventory he smiled. It took around 10 seconds per block. It should've been around 700 but he had to take a few breaks.

After getting to 30 feet deep, Raj started finding things like coal and granite. Ignoring the granite he just went after coal and stone. "This should be enough for my plan" Raj went back into his house.

Picking up the carrots he planted and planting a few more down. Raj crafted a furnace. Placing it down. After touching the furnace a screen popped up showing his inventory, the chest next to the furnace and the actual furnace.

3 slots appeared. Raj placed a wooden log in the fuel and a carrot in the one above. After 10 seconds the wood had disappeared.

Raj took out the carrot and smelt it. "Doesn't smell that bad" taking a bite of it raj realized it was more just mushy. Like carrot cake without any of the sugar or milk or anything really. "It's kinda like oatmeal, I'll need a bowl next time."

Raj went outside. His moat was around 60 feet away from his house. Raj looked at his quarry 40 feet away from his base. "It's still a few hours before noon so let's get to work. Raj went over to his wooden spike pit. Going right before his moat starts he builds up. Going 4 blocks high, or 3 meters/12 feet.

Raj stood on top of the stone tower. Looking down, he placed a stone block. "So I have the range of a minecraft player too?" Raj placed blocks down on basically air. Somehow they kept appearing exactly where he wanted them to appear though.

If anyone were to see what was happening they'd be shocked. Within 4 hours raj had managed to build 2, 12 foot walls surrounding the radius of his house. Not only making a wall but building 4 towers and a walkway in between each wall.

He had to go back and mine some more because to be extra safe he filled in each wall. Essentially making a stone fortress.

"Perfect now, hopefully nothing can get in, I'll add some improvement's soon though" Raj walked around his newly made fortress. Something that even the followers of DAKKA would have trouble getting into easily.

Because of Raj's ability to grow plants fast he planted some apple seeds in his compound. Every 2 hours he had a fully grown apple tree growing all the apple's he could ever want. "Now I can take a break" Raj went to his house taking a nice nap.

3 miles away.

"Thorfinn take your brother and go, I'll meet up with you after I finish with these monsters" A muscular man with long hair said after slicing a goblin in half. "But father" "GO!" an arrow hit the man in the shoulder. "AHH" the man slammed the but of his shield into a goblin before kicking another in the head.

The blond haired boy named Thorfinn grabbed his brother's hand, who looked to be no older than 9, and ran with him.

'What happened. It was supposed to be a simple hunt for some boars, so why?' The image of an arrow striking his father appears in his mind. 'Why did this have to happen.' He didn't realize how far he had run before he stopped.

Behind him his brother was barely with him collapsing after running so long. Thorfinn turned around to his brother. "Come on" his brother Gray stayed still breathing in deeply.

Thorfinn threw his brother onto his back before running faster than he ever thought he could before. Everytime he took a stride it felt like his legs would break. If it wasn't for his brother being here he would've helped his father.

'They must be almost all killed by now' Father wouldn't have lost that easily. 'I'll think after we make it to safety' thorfinn kept running till he came out of the forest. Even out of the forest he kept running. The little bastards were fast but without the forest for cover they wouldn't be able to hide from me. I kept running till I came across a wall.

"HEYY" Thorfinn yelled

-in the fortress-

"Huh?" Did someone just call me? Raj ran out of his house and climbed up his wall. Looking down he saw 2 kids across his moat. "HELP US" Raj grabbed some ladders out of his inventory and threw them down.

The children grabbed the ladder climbing up it. Out of the forest and onto the plains green specks could be seen quickly running towards them. Thorfinn seeing them went even faster. Putting his brother on the ladder before he climbed up. Raj helped them up when the green specks fully came into view. "Goblins?"

The goblins quickly started trying to get up the ladder. "Nah" raj let go of the ladder causing the goblins to fall into the pit of spikes. Raj watched as dozens of goblins came out of the tall grass running right into the spike trap.

The ones who fell on spikes were lucky. Those who missed the spikes had to deal with broken arms or legs. Even after they saw each other constantly get impaled they kept going. Raj watched as the last one fell in the pit. Raj turned towards the kids.

"So, what was that?" Raj turned towards the kids. Throfinn spoke up, "we were on a regular hunting trip but goblins attacked us, my father stayed back to fight them off but he- h" thorfinn struggled to say what had happened.

"You don't have to say it," Raj said to thorfinn. Even though he had only been in this world for 2 days he's matured greatly. Considering he's died twice, has had 2 jobs and built a castle, a lot has happened to him.

"Come one" Raj said to the boys, taking them off the walls and into his house. "Here" Raj had crafted 2 bowls and filled them with water. The boys quickly drank the water while taking deep breaths. "So where did you come from?" Raj said, turning towards them. Thorfinn turned towards Raj. "We came from the town west of here, Gillamoor." Thorfinn said quickly. "Ok, well do you know how far that is from here?"

"Yeah it should be 15 miles, or a day's walk." thorfinn said. "Can my brother and I get some more water by the way?"

"Sure" Raj took their bowls, filling them up with more water, where'd he get it from, 'it's a secret' Raj sat down listening to what they had to say. Noticing that the younger one, Gray hadn't said a word. After listening raj stood up.

"Ok well It's a little late for you to go back now so tomorrow morning you can head out." Raj said to them. "Wait" thorfinn. "Do you have a horse, or weapons we could use to get back?"

'That's not a bad idea." "I don't but if you want to wait for around a week I should have some weapons and a horse to help you guys out." raj said.

"Wait, how do you get your tools without a horse?" Raj smirked. 'This is the perfect time to see something mysterious. "That's where you're wrong," Raj said, tilting his imaginary hat down while placing his hand in his pocket. "I don't"

"I'm what normal people would call, crafter, a minecrafter" Raj said, striking a pose towards the boys. 'Epic' 'what the hell?' Thorfinn simply nodded his head towards the clearly deranged man. "Ok well do you have a place we can sleep." Throfinn said to raj.

"Yeah lemme just make it really quickly" 'good thing I got that bed recipe' Raj made a bed frame in his crafting table with a leaf and grass substitute for wool. How does it work? Well find out next time as our adventures journey continues.

can you catch all the refrence's? gotta catch em all. who ever names all the refrences get's to choose the next thing that happens.

Snake_Orccreators' thoughts