
w h a t a r e y o u ?

it was raining — hard.

you were walking without a umbrella in the pouring rain. your now ex-boyfriend just broke up with you, but you didn't just want to go home and eat ice cream all day.. crying it all out. you decided to just go outside even though it was raining heavily. you went to a bridge that was on a beach and the bridge stopped at the middle part of the ocean.

you viewed the moon and the stars while a tear rolled down your cheek. "i can't believe him.." you leaned more closer to the railing while staring at the stars. you closed your eyes as another tear rolled down your other cheek.

you heard a crack and the railing broke off and you headed falling into the ocean. "AAHHH!!!" you screamed hitting the water. you couldn't swim, which sucked really bad. water flooded your lungs as you tried to go up in the surface and say 'help me, i'm drowning!' but you just couldn't. you passed out going deeper into the ocean.


"AAHHH!!!" namjoon and the others heard. "did you hear that?" jimin asked him. "yeah, what was it?" he responded back. "it sounded like a girl.." jin said turning to namjoon. hoseok gasped, "what if it's a human girl?! we have to save her then!" hoseok said and starting to quickly swim away from them to find the human. he hurriedly swam towards the scream of the girl. jimin and jungkook started to swim after hoseok, "i'm going with hoseok to find the scream of the girl." jimin said.

"me too!" jungkook said while following after jimin.

it was quiet now. no one knew what to do. "what should we do know?" taehyung asked the others that we're left. "i'm gonna stay at the house, i don't want to deal with this shit..." yoongi said as he swam to our underwater house. probably to sleep again.

it was only jin, namjoon, and taehyung left. jin and namjoon decided to go into the house because they had stuff to do. taehyung decided to go with the others who heard the girl screaming.

the others found a girl falling into the abyss in the ocean. "look! over there!" jimin and taehyung said at the same time pointing at the girl. hoseok and jungkook swam really fast to the girl to bring here up to the shore for air. jimin and taehyung followed them again. when they reached the shore they put here on the sand. "how are we going to do this?" jungkook asked hoseok. taehyung went towards the girl. "i think i know how to do this..."

"go ahead then." jungkook said to taehyung. taehyung started to do cpr onto the girl. it actually worked, she started coughing. "woah, how'd you do that?" hoseok said very surprised by his actions. "i saw some humans do it to a drowning person. two times that i learned how to." taehyung replied. the girl looked at taehyung and jungkook. "huh..? who are you?" she said.


i started to cough violently, getting some of the water out of my lungs. i heard some people taking in some kind of language that i couldn't really understand that much. i think i've heard it before... i looked up at two people talking. "huh..? who are you?" i said. they both widened there eyes at me.

"uhh, w—we save y—you...?" the one said with blonde hair. another person in the back said something, "what if she doesn't understand us..?" the guy said with pink hair. i think i've learned that language before.. what it.. mermaid language? yeah, i think it was! "you know mermaid language?" i said in there language." they all gasped. "you know our language." the one said with brown hair next to the guy with blonde hair.

"yes, i've learned it before somewhere.." i replied. they all looked at each other in shock. "mind if i ask... are you a mermaid?" i asked them. "first, should we trust you?" the guy with the pink hair said. i turned to him, "you guys saved my life! i could not thank you enough, i guess you can trust me.." i said. "okay then, we are a merman not a mermaid." the one said with blonde hair.

"that's amazing, may i know your names?" i said sitting down criss—cross style. "i am taehyung." the one said with blonde hair. "i am hoseok, nice to meet you!" the one said with orange hair. i smiled at him. "hello, i'm jimin." the guy said with pink hair. "hi, i'm jungkook." the one with brown hair. "nice to meet you all, i'm (y/n) (l/n)! i hope we can be friends... even if your a merman." i looked at jimin's tail. "wow! jimin, your tail is beautiful!" i said touching it.

jimin lightly blushed and looked away. "thank you..." he said. "your welcome." i smiled at him. i looked the others tail. "they are so cool! i wish i had one." hoseok and me laughed. "anyway, we have to go back." jungkook said. "aww, okay! i hope i can find you again tomorrow." i said to him. "me too." he smiled at me. i looked down, "but how will i find you?" i asked jungkook. "just scream bts and we will know it's you, because no human has ever done it before." he replied.

"okay, i really hope to see you tomorrow. i'll scream the word at sundown, is that good?" you asked the others. "it's totally fine! be sure not to drown again though." taehyung warned me. i stood up, "i promise." i smiled at them. "well then, we will go now. bye (y/n) see you tomorrow!" they waved me a goodbye. i waved back, "bye bye!!" i yelled. i giggled and started to go back home.

finally, i was back home. i signed, today was a good day. even know my (ex)boyfriend just broke up with me, i guess it's a good day. i can't believe i meet mermai- i mean.. mermans today! tomorrow i'll probably go to the library and get some books about mermaids and mermans. i turned off the lamp that was next to my bed and closed my eyes.

tomorrow's gonna be a really amazing day...

i originally put this on another app... but now i’m putting it here because i have nothing to do. anyway, hope you like it and i’ll TRY to update more. :)

also, i type everything in lowercase because... AESTHETIC.

sorrowful_celinecreators' thoughts