
A made girl

Historical Romance
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What is A made girl

Lesen Sie den Roman A made girl des Autors Noor_Khan_Mehak, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel....


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4 o'clock

CHARACTER INTRODUCTION AMY was your typical unpopular, plain looking, loner girl. Growing up chubby and polar opposites with her beautiful sister, she deliberately distanced herself from becoming friends with anyone and chose to be invisible to avoid being targeted by bullies. Her only comfort is visiting this place during the magical hour 4 o'clock and expressing her love for photography having the sky as her favorite subject.  EDMOND on the other hand is Mr. Popular. The university heartthrob and mischievous by nature. Intrigue over Amy's loner nature and constant disappearance every 4 o'clock, he wanted to know where and what so was special about that hour. KEVIN is the second most popular guy in school. Good looks, hero by heart. He is most often misunderstood by girls because of his caring nature. SOFIE is your all around Australian bombshell, carefree, attractive and on the wild side.  Amy grew up having a perfect family. Well loved. Strong bond and adhering to values while Sofie's family was the extreme reverse - broken, narcissist and revenge oriented. SYNOPSIS It started as a love-hate relationship between a bored, teenage heartthrob intrigue over where a chubby, loner disappear to every 4 o'clock. In the process of discovering her world, he ended up realizing that her lonesome, laidback nature is actually filled with fun and excitement that turned out to become amazement and affection for her. As the love story develops, personal circumstances caused them to be separated and after five years, reunited once again. This time as mature, young, successful adults. Mending their past and rekindling their complicated love story, they ended up passionately in love.... So what could go wrong? What do you think could possibly turn a bright, happy love story into dark, menacing situation by just a flick of a switch? This love story is not your typical daily dose of fairy tale. It started as a teen romance that transcends to a mature story. It contains twist and unexpected circumstances that draws all emotions from personal well being to state of mental health. Along the process, it gives away love lessons not only for lovers but everyone who appreciates the magical hour 4 o'clock.

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