
Chapter 1 "The Clock"

In a city, there was a boy living rich but sad. His name is Daniel.

He is rich and intelligent specially in Math. He is the top of the class

and he is the campus crush in his university. He has a crush named Sarah,

but Sarah has a boyfriend so it's impossible to have a relationship with her.

One day Daniel and his parents go to their company, an accident happen.

While they are in the car, they were bumped by a 10-wheeler truck and they suddenly fainted.

"S-son are y-you a-alright?"—Daniel's father asked while catching his breathe.

"Y-yes father I am f-fine." Daniel replied.

Daniel's mother was not breathing anymore; his father was finding a way out.

Daniel luckily find a way out so he goes into.

"Father let's go!"—Daniel shouted.

"No son, go save yourself its going to blow!"—Daniel's Father shouted.

Suddenly the Firemen has arrived, and pull Daniel to the sidewalk and the car suddenly explode.

"FATHERRRRRRRRR! MOTHERRRRRRRR! ~"—Daniel shouted while crying.

That day, he wishes that if he could turn back the clock he will save his mother and father.

And something suddenly happens. His surroundings suddenly stopped from moving.

He is thinking what is happening,

He stand and walk around and he see a small vintage clock lying in the middle of the road.

Daniel grab it and suddenly his tears dropped to the clock, and something strange happens.

The hands of the clock are turned to 12, He was so shocked and a light appears.

He wakes up into a garden, just trees, beautiful flowers that he saw.

"Where am I?"—he asked to himself.

He's thinking that he was in the heaven but suddenly a guy appeared.

Wearing an old timed clothes, like in a fairytale story. The guy was so blue and the guy approached him. "Hey you, are you alright?"—The guy asked.

But Daniel suddenly fainted, and he was carried by the guy.

He wakes up in a house like houses in old times, the pillow was not that soft but comfortable.

"Where Am I?"—He asked again to himself. Someone answered,

"You are in the city of Shin".

"Shin? Are you joking?!"—Daniel shocked.

"Yes, I am not joking. By the way my name is Albert the Prince of the Moon."—Guy introduction.

Suddenly Daniel Laugh and Albert pointed his sword to Daniel.

"What are you laughing at?!"—Albert said.