
Chapter 6

AN: Well this is the chapter I promised. I hope you enjoy it and I will try to put more chapters.

Italics are thoughts.

I hate to say it but I don't own Life With Jungkook , but if there was a way for me to own I would totally do it, wouldn't you?

Jimin's POV

I stretched my arms out and tried to arch my back but I couldn't, something was holding me down?

I looked down, and saw a man's arm. What the hell! I looked up the arm to see the man that had me pinned down.

Gasp. 'So I really did pull Jungkook into the bed with me, I thought it was just a dream. Oh My Gosh! I had a dirty dream about the person next to me but I actually did some of the stuff. Oh SHIT! That stupid heat is getting to me, I never have any remote thought of any sort of sexual interaction.'

I looked towards my clock. It said it was frigging 12 in the afternoon! I didn't go to school today. God damn it, I had a test today.

I had to wake Jungkook up. Okay act natural, pretend that you don't care about the fact that he's in his boxers and you're in your underwear. Act cool.

" Jungkook wake up, we didn't go to school. What are we going to tell our parents, the school probably already called them about it." I said while shaking him. He just mumbled something unintelligible. God I was going to take desperate measures to wake him up. I leaned down and whispered in his ear, "Jungkook , get your hand off of my ass before I take off one of your favorite appendages." He then shot up in bed like a rocket.

"Wow Jimin, didn't know you had a mouth on you. Why have you been hiding it from me? If you would have shown me this sooner your life woulda been a hell a lot easier and you wouldn't be known as Klutzilla at school, but instead you would be the awesome new stepsister to Jeon Jungkook ." He said with a smirk on his perfect lips, wait no not perfect, horrible lips yeah that's what I meant to say.

"Well I wanted to keep that to myself, you know I'm not the good girl you think I am, my mom just asked me to act this way so that she wouldn't have any problems in our new home." I spit the last part out with disgust. I hated it when my mom told me to hide my real self for her own benefit, don't get me wrong I like it here, but I just wish I could act the way I want to act. In reality I actually act a lot like Jungkook, just more hygienic.

After a few moments of sitting there in silence, Jungkook broke the silence.

"Well I should probably get out of here before the parental units get home and see us in our underwear and assume the wrong things. Unless you want them to assume that then we have to actually do something if not it would be a lie. So you wanna do it?"

I felt like messing with Jungkook right now. I leaned in close to him and said, "Yeah, I wanna do it," in a low and sultry voice, "I want you... to get out of my room." I started laughing so hard the look on Jungkook's face was priceless.

Jungkook's POV

Oh man that boy is good, I definitely have to get him back for that one. Man Jimin's got some spunk, I love it, I wish his mom didn't make him pretend to be the keener that I thought he was before. I love the real Jimin, if he were a girl we could have some of the best pranks ever. Maybe I can get him to do some pranks with me now.

After he quieted down I asked him,"Hey Jimin , since you're now your true self, I was wondering if you could help me with something?"

He looked pensive for a moment before replying, "Sure, what do you need help with?"

"Well I have this idea for a prank at school, and I think you can help me make it the best prank is SJSTHS history!"

"Awesome, so what's the plan?"

Oh yeah, this is going to the best prank ever!

So tell me what you think about the new chappie. I hope you guys liked it.

So press the pretty button at the bottom and leave a review!

Love Y'all Bunches


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