
A Life Time Of Promises: I Will Protect You Each Lifetimes

Born with a mysterious bloodline ever since Ashtria was a kid her family background is a mystery for her.  She grew up without a father, only her beloved mother and grandfather were by her side. But one eventful day, one of the most terrible experiences happened to her that changed her view of the world. Her mother lying on the cold hard floor of the streets wet and soaked in her blood. Since then she had no one but her grandfather, and since then her view of the world has become different than before. Ashtria matured at a very young age, she become aware of many things that a kid her age shouldn't even be aware of. Years passed she grew up with her grandfather's care, she became an extremely intelligent youth with many talents and skills. She used these capabilities to strive, to reach her dreams along with her grandfather. But it seems like destiny has something reserved for her, many unexpected things happened, then just like her mother, her beloved grandfather died in a tragic death and it became the turning point of her life. This made her realize many things, this made her view of the world broader than ever before. Since then she started her journey of revenge to seek justice for her loved ones. During her journey she met many people, people who changed her, people who stand up with her in every moment of her life. And during her journey she stumbled upon mystery after mystery, particularly about her bloodline. She came to the realization that there may be a connected reason why these things happened to here because of her mysterious background. As she went deeper on her journey, she never gave up, she held her head high, and no matter what obstacle she faced, she continued her every step without fear. ... Maximillian is a man that every woman's dreams, he got both looks and power, he is also both intelligent and passionate man. But despite that he was still betrayed by his very own beloved woman, because of that her mother even died in a tragic accident. Since then he has become cold and distance towards women. Dreams, it all started with vivid dreams. These dreams are so realistic, that it become a mystery that bothers Maximillian. That's because no matter how vivid and realistic the dreams he can't see the face of the particular woman in his dreams. He became confused that it drove him crazy. But, he stumbled upon a certain girl, he unconsciously became attracted to her. He doesn't know why but that became another mystery to him. Despite being young, the woman is an extremely intelligent and capable person, and maybe that is one of the reasons why he slowly fell for her. At first he was full of denial, but slowly he saw himself always thinking about her, always wondering about her. It even added the strange feelings he will feel every time he looks at her. And another thing is this woman had the same features as the woman in his dreams, especially her eyes.

Elle_Tsukki · Fantasie
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13 Chs

Chapter 6 "Reunite With an Old Comrade" (2)

The next morning, Ashtria goes to school like usual, but when she arrived she felt that the atmosphere is unusual today. Upon arriving, she immediately received the eyes of the students whose full of

accusations and jealousy.

She didn't know why but she just ignored the students' eyes and walked towards the direction of her classroom. When she arrived, her designated chair was full of curses and ugly vandalism.

"Ashy!" Raign called her.

She also saw the ugly vandalism on Ashtria's chair. She can't help but worry about her dear friend.

"Ashy! Those bullies are so annoying!!! Besides spreading false

rumors, they also did this to your chair!!!" Raign said angrily,

"Rumors?" Ashtria said confused.

"Y-you don't know?" she then told Ashtria what kind of rumors are circulating in their school, someone said that Ashtria seduced teacher Ian, then they saw them at the neighboring town's park to date, and the rumor spreader also added that the two look sweet and flirty.

Now those rumors are currently circulating throughout the school.

Ashtria is a well-known person in the school, many knew of her because she is a young rising genius in their town. Many people didn't believe the rumors at all, that's because they all knew how outstanding Ashtria is. But because she's that outstanding many people are jealous of her, after all in human nature the more outstanding you are the more hate you receive from jealous people.

But there are still many people who just ignore the rumors because they knew that the rumors were merely created to shame her. Not only that but because of her young age plus Teacher Ian's professionalism as a teacher, many students didn't believe the rumors at all.

When Ashtria hears what it is all about she just sighs, placed her bag in her seat, gets some towel, and damps it in water, she uses this to remove the unsightly vandalism in her chair.

All of her actions are being watched by her classmates. Some were worried because, after all, it was their classmate being slandered. But some want to see her cower in shame, but to their dismay instead, she did all of these actions with a stoic face, as if she's not affected.

Well its true Ashtria isn't affected at all, for her there's no reason to

be affected because this rumor isn't true at all and for her this

rumors are only petty child's play.

That's how mature Ashtria is despite her age.

Days passed the rumors continued to circulate, to the point the

higher-ups finally called Teacher Ian for questioning.

There Ian explains it all, how his grandfather and Ashtria's grandfather

is an old comrade, and they just help their grandparents to meet each other again.


It's time for class A's math subject, not long after the bell rings their math teacher, Teacher Ian, arrives. He had just arrived from the school's main office. When he got into their room after placing his things on the desk, he goes in front of it and sits there like he usually does.

But his aura is different than before, he looks at all of the students in front of him with a serious expression on his face.

The room was filled with a tense atmosphere. Ian Arcken Rometrie rarely gets angry with his students, but today he just silently looked at his students for ten long minutes, while looking at them one by one straight in their eyes.

"How can you all believe in this kind of baseless and non-sense rumors?" he finally speaks, "And also, how can someone spread a malicious rumor like this," he adds.

"Tell me, how old Ashtria is?" he asked.

The room is filled with silence, all students can feel their teacher's displeasure, "Tell me!" Ian Rometrie shouts his voice loud.

"T-ten...eleven?" the students murmured, "How old am I?"

"T-twenty-four...five?" the students murmur feeling guilty.

"How can you all imagine that kind of thing? Is this what all of your parents taught you?" Teacher Ian scolded his students.

"The reason why Ashtria and I were in the park that day, is because her grandfather is an old comrade of my grandfather. After several years they only met again that day! The one who spread this rumor is probably a fool." Teacher Ian explains.

At this point, he doesn't hesitate to use hurtful words.

"Aren't you all feeling guilty, for tarnishing someone's name for this kind of rumors?"

"Sorry Teacher Ian....." said the class.

"Why are you all saying sorry to me? The person you all have to say sorry to is Ashtria!" he pointed his right hand toward Ashtria's direction.

"Sorry, Ashtria..." said Ashtria's classmates.

Ashtria is not affected by this rumor, since she knew what's the truth behind this, but she only secretly takes a glance at one particular person.

"Now for punishment, I will give all of you a problem-solving for

your assignment, a total of thirty problem-solving, if someone didn't

pass his/her assignment I won't give his/her a math test paper for

this upcoming exam."

Teacher Ian said loud and clear to his students. After that, he continues his lesson for the day. The examination day is quite near, then after that is the most awaited summer vacation.


After that incident no one dares to gossip about Ashtria and Ian anymore, days passed the examination day came, and as expected Ashtria is at the top again, after that, it was summer vacation.

During summer vacation like what she's always been doing, Ashtria goes

to the town's plazas to earn some money. Till now she's still doing that to earn extra income. She did all kinds of ways to earn money. At first, she's giving all the money she earned to her grandfather, but after some time her beloved grandfather told her to just save the money she earned for herself.

Now every time she needs money for school projects the money she saved was the one she used, she always refrains from asking for money from her grandfather as much as possible. She is aware of their family condition, she knows that the money her grandpa earns is only enough for their necessities.

She knows what kind of hard work her grandpa had been doing all this time just to earn money for the both of them, to live, for her to eat contently, and for her studies.

After that, when school season started again, the sad news was announced to all of the students. Ian Rometrie was going to resign.

The teacher explains to his students that a good opportunity was offered to him. It is a one-in-a-lifetime big-time offer for someone like him. And that is being a professional teacher for college students at Golden Collage University.

After informing all of his students he encourages them all to study well.

And if they want to meet him again they have to study well and apply to Golden Collage University.

After that, Ashtria's years continue to pass by...

Now Ashtria is already a second-year high school student, she's now

fourteen years old.

She's starting to hit her puberty stage, and even though some of her classmates were two to three years older than her, her looks were not inferior, because her youthful appearance lessened.

Slender waist and legs, jade-like skin, small and cute nose, refined and spotless face, pink plump lips. Now her hair is long, she had shiny raven-black hair that ends on her waistline.

She also became a famous student because of her intelligence and also because of her looks. She was given an alias in her school "The Genius Beauty". Because of her fame and beautiful features, many boys started to notice and approach her, but all of them were ignored by her.

But some of them are quite courageous, as some boys even tried to approach her while she was walking home from school. But all of them got scared because her grandfather would chase after them with a thick wooden stick in his hands.

Grandfather Famonte cherishes this one and only granddaughter of his.

He would never let any lousy boy covet his beloved granddaughter.