
Chapter 3: Test

Six years have passed and I recently turned eleven years old.

In these last few years my father finally started teaching me several things, the first one was hunting, from tracking it down, finding it and finally killing it or capturing it. This took me about two years of training and made me acquire the following skills.


Track E

Type: Passive

Effects: Increases your perception by 10% to distinguish creature and people trails across most types of terrain.

Rank: E [29%]

Point Blank Shot E

Type: Passive

Effects: Increases your accuracy by 10% in ranged attacks.

Rank: E [24%]

Rapid Shot E

Type: Passive

Effects: Increases your attack speed by 10% when attacking with ranged weapons

Rank: E [9%]


In addition, he taught me the basics of how to treat the prey's skin and meat, which herbs and fruits are edible or good to help in case of any unexpected illness. In short, I won't starve or die of any normal illness, even if I end up alone without my father or Fang around.

After what my father called "learning to survive", I entered the second phase of training, the "learning to protect yourself" where he taught me hand-to-hand combat. Esse período me consumiu cerca de um ano e meio, nele eu adquiri a seguinte habilidade.


Two-Weapon Fighting E

Type: Passive

Effects: Increases damage by 10% dealt when fighting with two weapons at the same time.

Rank: E [41%]


What made me curious about the skills is how exactly it works for you to acquire them, see for example Wild Empathy, which I acquired at about the same time as Two-Weapon Fighting. I believe that I got this skill after living with Fang and being with him most of the time. I don't know what the requirements are to get it.


Wild Empathy

Type: Passive

Effects: You can use body language, vocalizations and behavior to improve/understand an animal's attitude towards you.

Rank: -


What caught my attention the most is that this skill has no rank and after getting it my communication with Fang improved to a level where I thought it was impossible to happen.

I'm currently in the last part, magic training. Unlike the others, I can only say that I cheated. My father gets his magical powers directly from nature itself, it can even be classified as divine magic, where the god he believes is nature, something that for me, a person who came from a modern society and tends to think logically/scientifically, doesn't make much sense. Even more so after being reincarnated by an AI. So I often thought of a theory of how the spell works and when it didn't progress anymore, I use Get Creative to get it for about 80-90% less than the original cost. I hope arcane magic is easier to learn because relying on LP to learn magic is not very encouraging. The spells I've learned so far are: Create Water, Detect Magic, Light and Detect Poison.

Now I am learning Cure Light Wounds, I believe this is the last spell I will learn to complete my training.

Walking towards my father I ask something that has been catching my attention for some time.

"Dad, you told me the status goes from E to D, D to C and so on, so why did some of mine change from E to E+?"


Name: Victor

Race: Human

Age: 11 Years

Titles: Reincarnated

Alignment: True Neutral

HP: 400/400(50/min)

MP: 660/660 (95/min)

STR: E(19)

DEX: E+(21)

CON: E+(20)

INT: E+(22)

WIS: E(19)

LUCK: B(40)

LP: 287

DR: 1

Skills: Get Creative, LP Conversion, Editor, Observe D(Passive)[96%], Track E(Passive)[29%], Point Blank Shot E(Passive)[24%], Rapid Shot E(Passive)[9%], Two-Weapon Fighting E(Passive)[41%], Wild Empathy

Magics: Create Water Lv1[99%], Detect Magic , Light Lv 1[93%], Detect Poison, Cure Light Wounds Lv0[14%]


"Oh, it's true, all your stats that hit twenty or more went to E+." He speaks after using Observe on me.

'Seriously, I wish my Observe was as useful as his, I wonder what rank it's in so I can see other people's status'.

"This is what we call talent son". Haakon speaks to me again with a smile.

"Talent?" I look at him curiously, indicating for him to continue.

"Yes, as you know after your stats achieve a rank up there is a possibility that you will gain a skill related to that stat and it may or may not be related to other skills you have, right?" Says Haakon.

"Yeah". I respond like a student answering a teacher's question.

"This skill can have two ranks, let's use your case as an example, your status will go from E rank to D rank, so the skill you can get can be rank E or D. The plus signs can range from just one + to three +, where the greater the amount of +, the greater the chance of the skill being D''. Haakon explains patiently.

"I see, but what does all this have to do with talent?" I ask

"Well, a person doesn't choose when to rank up, it's predefined, that's why we call it talent" Haakon says, finishing his explanation.

"I get it". 'Reincarnated title banzai'.

"Dad, as soon as I finish my training I would like to explore the world, is that okay with you?" I ask him a little anxious.

Haakon looks into Victor's eyes and after noticing the conviction in them, he just sighs.

"Okay, but before you go, you'll have to pass a little test"

"Test?" I look to my father once more looking for confirmation.

"Yes, but we won't talk more about it anymore until you finish your training." He answers.



After that conversation, time passed quickly and I turned twelve.

"With this I believe the basics of your training have been done, the rest is up to you." Haakon speaks after I was able to use Cure Light Wounds without any troubles.

"Super, now dad, what we talked about before, can I go on adventures? I want to become an adventurer just like you and explore the world, what do I have to do to get your approval?" I ask my father.

"Initially my plan was for you to wipe out an overgrown goblin settlement, but recently some humans have made a base in this forest and I think they are exactly what I need for your test." He answers.

"Humans? But what relationship do they have with me? " I ask with a dubious look.

"Apparently they are bandits, about 5 people, I want you to see with your own eyes what you might encounter, in the form of a mission for example, in the future so you don't freak out." He tells me.

"Okay, what do I need to do?"

"Kill them". My father spoke to me in such a monotone, as if what he just said was 'go hunt our dinner'.

Looking at him with wide eyes, I ask again for confirmation. "Are you serious?"

"Yes, take Fang with you, but he's only allowed to act if your life is in danger, otherwise he'll be hiding in a place close to yours." He says this looking at the tiger beside me that signs that he understood.

"Ok, when it starts to get dark I will go, I believe it will be easier to go unnoticed" I reply to him, with some doubts in my mind as to why he gave this specific task to me and I start to prepare for it.

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