
A life Reclaimed

"A Life Reclaimed" speaks to the journey of overcoming hardship and reclaiming your life. It suggests that despite the traumas of your past, you have emerged stronger and more resilient. This theme of hope and personal growth is highly relatable and inspires the reader.

Amal_Moobin · Urban
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9 Chs

Foundations of Dust

Life is not good or bad. It is the same for all. We ourselves make it good or bad.

We make it difficult for ourselves by creating problems for ourselves and then leave everything to fate.

I also used to think that life is very difficult for me. In the end, why... Why does all this happen to me? But not everything is true, people who are happy, many bad things have happened to them. The only thing is that they can hide their pain and sorrow, and I can't.

Shakespeare has said that!, "There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so."

Life is much more than what we think about it. The best option is to be happy with what it gives. 


So I am writing this book that you are all reading so that I can share my experiences with you all.


Each grain of my life, once a promise of permanence, crumbled beneath the touch of time, leaving only a memory of solidity.

Grains of life, once held so tight,

Slipped through fingers, lost to light.

Promises, like castles grand,

Turned to dust in time's cold hand.

Solidity, a fading dream,

Leaving echoes, what once had been.

Memories shimmer, faint and frail,

Whispers of a life's exhale.

But though the grains may fall away,

The essence stays, it cannot stray.

Woven threads of joy and pain,

Form a tapestry, sun and rain.

So let the dust of moments fly,

Embrace the canvas, paint the sky.

For even fleeting, grains remain,

A constellation in life's domain. ~Amal
