5 chapter 5

Lucifer was unable to speak. He used three wishes for the sake of order, but he did not expect it to be this strong from the start, but after that he asked, "Is there a store system?" [Ding You have completed the hidden mission Content: Ask about stock Equivalent: Inventory - Starter Package _ Letter] He was happy that he was in stock because it would help him a lot, but when he saw the message he was wondering who gave him the message "System open the splash and message package" [Ding obtained: System Engineer job 5 system creation opportunities A special world of herbs and chemistry Memory of the King of the Universe]

The content of the message: I hope that these gifts will help you to become stronger. I cannot watch you anymore, but I want to leave the responsibility of the universe in your hands by the way. The job of the system engineer allows you to create a system according to its content that you can give to others or keep it for yourself and this is advice from me that this world is Not as simple as you think it is and I'm sure it will change your personality a lot

pov mc

I don't know why, but I started crying and I felt as though I had lost a part of me. After some time passed, I gathered myself up and printed his words in my mind
