
A Hunter Is Leaving

War is Life in the Great Tree village, Zune. Casualties is to be expected as battles break out almost everyday against the opposing village Fon. Monsters roam this world leaving very little civilized lands. While this war against the two villages has been raging for hundreds of years. Every boy is raised for that purpose. Given no name and taken from their Nurturer at the age 8, and trained until they are 13. Once they have completed this they go through “The Naming” Ceremony. Which names and titles are given too them, as they are added to the ranks of the army. Hunter is an elite title given too the most loyal and talented men in the village. They work in small groups spending most of the time outside of the village and camps. They specialize in recon, tracking, trapping, and killing monsters. At least that’s what The Officials will say. This world called Noon has so much to offer if it wasn’t for the other village. War propaganda is spread across the village. Everyone must do their part to keep their way of life safe. But is this way the right way? Classism, sexism, deceit, corruption, all within the reasoning of The Officials.

brownkaleal · Aktion
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8 Chs

First Drink

A young boy crept through the dimly lit training ground, the cold air sending shivers down his spine. The moon hung low in the sky, casting a faint glow over the old stone buildings. He tightened his grip on the flickering lantern, cautiously avoiding disturbing the slumbering guard dogs that patrolled the area.

His friends had been longing for a taste of something other than their usual fare, and this boy was determined to find a way to make it happen. Legends whispered of a hidden cellar tucked away beneath the training ground, rumored to hold rare and exquisite wines. This seemed like the perfect opportunity to surprise his friends and lift their spirits. Training had been hard this past year, and it's all because of "The Naming."

The heavy scent of dampness filled the air as our young, inspiring thief reached the cellar's entrance. His heart raced with anticipation as he gently eased open the creaking wooden door, wincing at every noise. The last thing he wanted was to alert the dogs to his presence.

As he descended the stone steps, the boy's lantern cast eerie shadows on the damp walls. The flickering light revealed row upon row of dusty wine barrels, their age-old secrets waiting to be discovered. He couldn't help but imagine the delight on his friends' faces when they tasted the hidden treasures.

Cautiously, he approached the first barrel, running his fingers over the rough surface. He wondered which one contained the finest vintage. The cellar was mysterious, and he knew he had to choose quickly. Each delay could mean the difference between success and failure.

His heart skipped a beat as he heard a faint rustling noise from the corner of the cellar. Panic surged through his veins, and he froze, holding his breath. Glowing eyes emerged from the shadows, and the boy's heart sank. It was one of the guard dogs, awakened by his presence. Thick brown and black fur covered it's body. Only stopping at the bronze shell on its back. They can roll into a ball, performing a tackle that can break bones.

With quick thinking, the boy withdrew a piece of dried meat from his pocket, hoping to distract the dog. He tossed it to the side, watching the canine's attention shift. As the dog eagerly devoured the treat, the new thief continued his search, trying not to make any sudden movements.

Barrel after barrel, he carefully inspected the labels, searching for the perfect wine. The aroma of aged oak and subtle notes of fruits filled his senses. Finally, he found an exquisite red wine known for its exceptional taste and rarity. The label shimmered under the lantern's light, a beacon of hope for his friends' enjoyment.

He placed the chosen bottle in a concealed bag with great care, his heart pounding with excitement and nervousness. He couldn't wait to share this newfound joy with his friends, to see their faces light up with delight.

He made his way back through the cellar, ensuring not to disturb the sleeping dog. His steps were lighter than ever before. He emerged from the hidden depths, the night sky greeting him with a soft breeze. The dogs remained undisturbed, and the mastermind sighed in relief.

With the bottle safely hidden away, the boy retraced his steps through the training ground, taking care to leave no trace of his presence. The journey back seemed faster, propelled by the thought of his friend's happiness. The anticipation grew with every step, fueling his determination.

A smile spread across the boy's face as he approached their gathering spot. The adventures of the night had been worthwhile. Little did he know that this night would be etched into their memories as a testament to their friendship, bravery, and shared moments of joy.

The silence of the night became a memory as the boy's last steps toward success were acquainted by a word,
