
The Journey Begins

It was a quiet morning, in a small village off the coast of Port Carrin. The men and women went about there bustling lives, in a mundane manner that brought tranquility to the mountainside. The Air was fresh, and carried the sent of the sea. The saltwater crashed on the cove, and the great ships bobbed in the waves of the ocean.

A cry lifted from the Mansion, as a child was born of the first wife of the Duke of Carrin. He held his son, and carried him into the view of the window. "I shall name you, Park. Heather, you have done well, he will grow to be strong." Richard, the Duke of Carrin praised his wife. She smiled through her tired eyes at his graciousness, as her child was returned to her arms. The Duke took his leave, and exited the room, as the nurses tended to the wife and child.

Richard exited his mansion to enter his carriage as the sea began to turn black. Rain clouds formed in the sky, and a soft rain began to envelop the mountainside. Richard entered his carriage, and began to make his trip.

Park moved his arms, as his eyesight cleared, a woman holding him in a towel looked down on him. He had no memory of this woman, though clearly she was his mother as he took into account of the situation.

He looked into his thoughts, but his undeveloped mind was unable to put his thoughts into words. He was self aware, and his memories of his past life washed over him.

His last moments were spent on the streets, and he had lived a long boring life. The cities were cruel and unfair. He was weak, Illiterate, he delighted in the use of drugs, and women. He was surely damned to hell for his actions in his previous life, however, clearly that was not the case. He moved his arms, and legs. they were not very stable. Nonetheless, he tried his best to look around the room he was in. He could see the rain, lightly hitting the windows, and the maids and nurses tending to his mother.

He had another chance at life, and he wasn't going to waste it this time. He would have to do his best to allow himself to grow strong, and develop a good mind if he was going to progress in this life. Park soon fell asleep in his mother's arms, in this way time passed for him. keeping close to his mother, he could be assured a safe and prosperous childhood.