
A High-level Solo Hunter Reincarnated As The Duke’s Son

A high-level solo hunter from his previous world died after his body failed to contain his mana. The next time he opened his eyes, he discovered he was in the body of a different person. Not only did he inherit this body, but also the memories of this new body. He learned afterward that his new body belonged to Klein Dorolt, the son of the Duke. However, he also learned that the previous owner was a bastard, who did some cruel things to other people. Because of his recent cruel actions, the academy punished him. He was sent into the Land of Trial where dangerous monsters were lurking. What’ll our MC do in his situation?

Fhrutz_D_Hollow · Fantasie
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16 Chs


Leaving the flabbergasted Nenet, he stepped forward to enter the entrance, however, *Aww!* he let out a short scream while stumbling backward.

Confusion hit him on the spot. "What the hell?" He let out a short cuss.

Touching his nose, he looked to the front, confused. It seemed his nose bumped into something hard that he couldn't see.

"I told you to wait but you didn't listen." He heard the princess's exasperated voice from behind.

He turned to the princess with a questioning expression on his face.

The princess immediately understood what his expression meant. She did not hesitate and immediately explained to him the reason for his confusion.

"The entrance is currently sealed to prevent the flow of creatures from inside to outside."

"Tsk, why didn't you tell me right away, dear princess?" Klein replied, annoyed as he massaged his bleeding nose.

"How dare you blame the princess?" One of her entourage shouted at Klein.

The princess raised her hand to stop them from arguing.

"Well, never mind. Listen carefully because I won't say it again. But before everything else, do you have any idea on how you can complete the trial?" Asked the princess.

"Don't I just have to survive inside?"

The princess sighed and shook her head slightly. "You, you don't know, haven't you?"

Klein frowned at what she said.

"So what, no one had explained to me."

Princess Layla looked straight at him.

"You have to find an important relic hidden somewhere inside. Find it and it will be the key to get you out of the Land of Trial."

"An important relic?"


"So that means I can't open the entrance without the relic?"


"What the hell! Does that mean I'll be locked inside forever if I can't find it?"


Princess Layla suddenly turned to the person beside her. It was a girl with slightly short blue hair. She is one of her entourage.

The princess whispered something to her and she nodded, then right after that, she walked towards Klein with a face resembling someone who was determined to go into a war. "Take it." She reached out to him in a harsh voice. He could see the annoyed expression on her face as she looked at him.

Just by looking at her, it was obvious that she harbors bad treatment for him. This means, for this girl, Klein is nothing but an annoying person like a pest.

'Is everyone in this place against me?' Klein thought. But he can't blame them because of what the previous Klein did.


He took the item she handed to him without saying anything.

"Hmph!" She immediately turned around and returned to the princess's side after handing the object to Klein.

'How unfriendly,' Klein said internally.

He looked at the thing that was given to him and noticed that it was a "push button".

"And what is it for? Don't tell me that I just have to press it to remotely open the entrance?"

"Press that if you want to give up. We will immediately send a rescue team to help you get out. However, it also means that your trial is a failure and the academy can expel you."

"I thought it was something useful."

"Don't underestimate the trial, Klein Dorolt. Maybe you'll regret it later."

"Nevermind. So how can it be opened?" Klein turned to the entrance.

Princess Layla signaled to the four senior students who escorted Klein to this place.

They immediately moved and each one went and claimed a totem. There are exactly four of them and there are also four totems surrounding the altar.

After applying their palm to the trunk of the totems, the senior student with black-framed sunglasses immediately shouted.


And right after he shouted, the others immediately responded.


Without a second thought, they released magical energies in their palms.

When they did that, the white carved patterns on the bodies of the totems suddenly lit up. The lights were amazingly crawling like living lights. They crawl towards the top end and back down until they reach the floor. But the creeping of lights did not end there. When the lights reached the floor, a large magic circle was revealed, and inside it was a square where what seemed to be ancient letters that Klein thought were runic patterns could be seen.

In the middle of the magic circle stood the altar and it could be seen that right on the altar the lights continued crawling until they reached the circling dark energy. And there suddenly appeared a flat object like a tombstone right in front of the entrance.


'So this is the one I bumped into earlier?' He didn't expect this.

When the seal was revealed the creeping lights also disappeared.

Princess Layla turned to her left.

"Nenet…" she called her name and Nenet let out a sigh in response.


She walked towards the altar. 

Klein noticed this and turned around. He saw Nenet walking towards where he was. Her walking steps seem heavy and strained. He also noticed that her eyebrows were crossed and her eyes were like the eyes of an angry cat.

He didn't know what she was planning to do but, was she just being forced?

When she got up the stairs, she immediately scolded him. "Stand aside, you're disgusting," she said angrily to Klein.

He couldn't understand what she was going to do, but Nenet faced the seal when she got up to the altar.

And then Nenet suddenly bit her finger until it bled. She applied her bloody palm to the seal and suddenly something like puzzle patterns appeared on the seal.

"The key to open the seal is the blood of a virgin noble young maiden."

He heard Princess Layla say that.

After saying that, he noticed that the seal gradually crumbled like mystical puzzle pieces.

The seal was completely gone after it crumbled completely.

"Don't waste my blood and do me a favor and don't show your face to me again. Hmph!" She went down the stairs brushing her hair away.

"Beautiful but dull," Klein mumbled.

"What did you say?!" She suddenly stopped and glared at him.

"Lady, I am talking to myself."


She left the altar with a furious face.

Klein grinned inwardly before he looked back at the princess.

"Is there a specific place where the relic can be found?" He asked her.

"No one knows where it is hidden. I have not yet entered the Land of Trial. So you have to find it."

"Sheesh. I thought I would only do something as simple as survival. Then there is an irritating mission."

"Don't whine like a child, Klein Dorolt."

"Wait, don't I need to prepare food, water, and other supplies such as weapon armor and so on?"

"Did you just think of that now? Well, there's no time."


Klein was forced to go inside. Whatever was waiting for him inside he didn't know yet.

Only one thing was certain, that it would not be easy for him.

Little did Klein know that when he entered the Land of Trial many were happy. The bastard son of the duke was finally gone in their sight.

They knew that there were only two possible consequences for Klein entering the Land of Trial. This could kill him or he would be forced to give up and be permanently kicked out of the academy.

These results could bring a lot of good advantages against his family.