
A hero in search of a harem! No retreat and no surrender! (18+)

If you're tired of CHINESE IMPOTENTS, Wretched YAWNERS, and DARK ORS, then this is the place for you! The main character was just an ordinary guy, but he has a unique life ahead of him! Full of adventure and action. Well, and the harem will be replenished. (A SUPERMAN who travels in the worlds of the anime. Gg will not leave other worlds behind. He will live in all worlds at once!) [WARNING!!! FANFIC IS DESIGNED FOR DISCUSSION, RELAXATION AND ENJOY!!!] IN SHORT!!! THIS IS ALL BULLSHIT!!!! READ FOR YOURSELF!!!!

diniskei · Anime und Comics
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38 Chs

Chapter 18! I'm Uzumaki Tilla-Genin and the Bells!

It's been two years since then... And in the Shinobi world, the Blich world, and the Fairy Tail world... In short, in all worlds, I'm now, like, 12 years old. (I'm confused myself!)

I've developed relationships with all of my fiancées. We've had lots of dating and romance.

Over time, I fell in love with all of them and so did they! I felt their tenderness, embarrassment, care and love, and I in turn showered them with my love and attention. Ha ha ha! You're probably thinking along those lines right now:

- "Oh, those calf tendernesses."

But I don't mind it at all. Heh...


All of my brides got along with each other, too.

Tsunade now teaches her "little sisters" Irieninjutsu and all the tricks of kunoichi. And Alice and Kurama are teaching everyone how to cook, especially my favorite platinum blonde.

By the way... All my sisters have a stronger brother complex...! I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing?

Kushina, nowadays, doesn't hide her feelings and shows them in every possible way. In general, like all girls.


Not much has changed in the world of Bleach. Except for better relationships with friends and family.


There have been changes in the world of Fairy Tail...

The other girls, once they found out that Mira and Lysanna had taken their first steps and moved in with me, were shocked! But when they saw the Strauss sisters and I getting closer and closer, they wanted to move in too and showered me with attention. Hehe...

Anyway, now I'm really like a sorority girl.


All the girls got stronger. And so have I. Now, all my Superman powers are available to me! That means I'm the coolest guy in the worlds! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

All right! Stop that evil laughter!

Oh, yeah, one more thing. Congratulations... I, too, am now the Elder Wizard, even though I'm very young! Dr. Fate would be proud.


I'm slowly following the canon and changing it when I need to. But the story hasn't changed much.

Now, I can rest in these two worlds the way Canon won't start until a few years from now! In the Shinobi world, on the other hand, it's already started.

You can congratulate me again! I, now, am Genin! Yes! Even though Genin's status loses out to the Elder Wizard, it's still something to be proud of. And how happy my mother was, I can't tell you... I feel like I graduated from kindergarten... Ha-ha...

By the way! You probably know who Mizuki is. Well... If not, I'll explain. He was the one who tricked Naruto into stealing the Hokage scroll. But I still managed to change his mind and talked him out of the whole thing. Now, he thinks being a teacher is his calling! And rightly so, judging by his students.


We were assigned to teams and given a Jonin sensei...

Grandpa Hiruzen completely gave up his place to the Hokage, my father, and after that he looked as if he'd thrown the sky off his shoulders.

And my father, he adopted Tsunade's policy and, now, each team has its own medic, or at least someone who can bandage you after you're wounded. That's just for now. Soon they want to adopt an Iryenin-related course as compulsory. Every shinobi should at least know how to clean a wound and bandage themselves. But, we got carried away... Let's move on.


I'm on Team #7! (Who would doubt that?) My comrades Satsuki, Naruko and Sakura. And our "Sensei-Captain"... Warning... Kakashi Hatake! (Unexpected isn't it? ))))

And now, me and my new team, waiting for our captain and having lunch...


- Say: Ah-ah-ah..." said one side of Sakura.

- Open your mouth, little brother. - smiled Naruko, on the other hand... I was pinned!

- Satsuki, please help me! - I said pitifully, but Satsuki turned away from us and said...

- Pfft... It's your own fault.

- You shouldn't have been so..... charming..." she said the last word very quietly, but I heard it!

- Thank you, of course. But save me, though!

Satsuki realizes that I heard her, blushes, and turns away! Ehhhhh... What a cutie.

- But still... Where's Poop-sensei?


The poo-sensei didn't show up until an hour later and saw me full of goodies and two satisfied girls with a small pile of dishes behind them.

- Okay kids... Everybody on the roof. Quickly! - Poop said and disappeared into the shunshine.

And when we arrived on the roof, he was sitting reading a book.

A minute went by, a minute after that... And when I got tired of waiting, I directed a little bit of Bloodlust at him.

His eyes widened in fright, and he looked around for the source of the Bloodlust.

And I stepped forward and said

- Can we start already?

- Mma... Oh, yes! Sorry, I got distracted. - he muttered, thinking he was imagining things.

- So let's get to know each other..." Kakashi said and immediately continued:

- My name is Hatake Kakashi. Head of the Hatake clan. Jonin... My dreams and goals are none of your business.

- Yeah... What a gray man you are. - I remarked, but Kakashi-sensei didn't fall for it.

- Now you.

Kakashi-sensei pointed at Satsuki.

- Uchiha Satsuki. Sensor, close and medium range combat. Aim to surpass her sister! Dream-" She squinted her eyes and looked at me, then

- None of your business.

- Well... Next. - the teacher nodded.

- Haruno Sakura! Ninja Medic. Close Combat. Love my sisters and Tilek! My dream, to have many children.

- Kha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

At this point, I coughed really hard! Kakashi had a sympathetic eye. How does he do that?

- And finally..." Kakashi turned his attention to my little sister.

- Namikaze Naruko! Support and close-quarters combat. Love my family and friends. Goal: To surpass my parents. Dream: To marry my brother! - Naruko said with a smile, and Satsuki and I did a facepalm.

That's so... Shit... Uh... It seems like Kakashi knows about her brother complex and has nothing against it... What a strange world...

- And then there's the last member of the team.

- I'm Uzumaki Tila. Universal. Love my family, girls and friends. And of course having fun. Goal: To make my women happy. Dream: To live with those I love until the end of time. - I said and noticed how the girls smiled... Even Satsuki a little bit... And Kakashi nodded his thoughts and said...

- Hmmm... Okay. Be at the 7th range tomorrow at 07:00. I want you to take my exam. Oh, yeah... Don't eat breakfast... You'll throw up. - he finished and used the shunshin and went to finish reading the book. Yeah...

- Okay, ladies... 10:00 tomorrow. And you can have breakfast, he just wants us to take the exam on an empty stomach. - I said and got up.

- But he said he had to be here at 7:00. - Satsuki said.

- He'll be late, I know that. Just trust me, Satsuki! - I said and smiled, which made the girl blush like a tomato.

- O-okay. - Satsuki replied and saw Naruko and Sakura looking at her with a twinkle in their eyes.

- Shut up! - Satsuki.

- But we didn't say anything. Hee-hee..." Naruko and Sakura giggled at the same time, and Satsuki...

- But you were going to say something! - Satsuki replied with a growl, and I laughed.

So we went our separate ways.

The next morning, we all gathered at 10:00 a.m. and went to the range.

There was no one there... Well... At first sight.

In fact, Kakashi was sitting in a tree, giggling over his book. And he had three "legendary" bells attached to his belt.

- While Kakashi-sensei goes, I think I'll play a little. - I said and turned the ring into a mini piano and started playing it.

All the girls sat down in silence and enjoyed the music, and even Kakashi took his eyes off the book and started listening. So, they got into my genjutsu.

I used telekinesis to draw the real bells to me and attached the "special" bells I made yesterday to Kakashi's belt! When I was done, Kakashi decided to lavish his attention on us too and appeared in front of us.

- Sorry I'm late, I was crossing my grandmother's path. - Kakashi smiled with an eye.

- It's okay, we just got here too. - I said, and the girls nodded.

- Shall we get started, then?

After that, he explained to us the rules of his exam. It's just like in the canon, only there are three bells...

- You see... There was one more on our team, so I decided to fix that. Whoever couldn't get a bell will go back to the academy. - he said and set the alarm for 12:00.

- Here we go. - Kakashi said, and we immediately scattered and hid.

- Hmm... Alrighty. - Mouthed a pleased Kakashi and took his porn out of his pocket. Yeah...


Kakashi walked leisurely forward in the forest and Naruko and Satsuki jumped out to meet him.

But Kakashi didn't even look away from his damn book, which made the girls very angry.

- "Element of Fire: Big Fireball!" - Satsuki folded her seals and released her technique at her opponent. And right behind her, Naruko used her technique.

- "Element of Wind: Air Flow!"

A powerful gust of wind appeared, which amplified the fireball heading toward Kakashi in every way.

And Kakashi himself was pretty surprised! Not only did the girls immediately use quite powerful techniques, but they also combined them!

- "Not bad." - he thought, narrowing his open eye and when it already looked like the ball would hit him... Kakashi managed to get out of the attack trajectory by making a big jump to a more open area, but suddenly...

- "Earth Element: Stone Spikes!"

Kakashi saw Sakura appear next to where he was supposed to land and put her hand on the ground...

Well, in the next second big stone spikes appeared out of the ground, about to pierce many holes in Jonin's body.

Kakashi realized that Naruko and Satsuki had driven him here on purpose, and at the last moment was able to use the "Substitution" (Substitution) technique and the stone spikes, pierced just a log...


And Kakashi himself suddenly appeared over a small lake... Which I was very surprised about... And this happened because I put up barriers that isolated him and Kakashi had no choice but to fall into another trap I created.

I purposely waited for him here and used my technique...

- "Element of Lightning: Thunderstrike!"

I put my sparkling hand in the water and the whole lake became electrified.

A shocked Kakashi, at the last moment, created a shadowy clone underneath him and used it as a springboard to leap beyond the lake, and his clone was toasted in the lake and disappeared in white smoke.

- Shit... That was close. - I said, shaking my head disappointedly.

- You're right... You almost got me. - Kakashi-sensei said in a serious tone, and then sighed.

- You really are strong and smart. - He added, but when he saw me reach into my pockets, he quickly used... Genjutsu!

I cried out and fell to the ground... And when Kakashi came close to tie me up... I grinned and muttered...

- Art... It's.....

- What?



A clone stuffed with explosive seals exploded and engulfed the Copy Ninja, but it wasn't enough to incapacitate him.

- Clever. - Kakashi said, as he flew out of the cloud of smoke.

Just then Sakura and Naruko popped out of the forest and went into close combat! They were both trained by Tsunade, so... I think they can fight back even Rock Lee, Neji, and Chunin in close combat.

But Kakashi-sensei... Jonin! And that says it all. He was able to block both of them and was about to put the girls into an illusion, but...


- "You can't do the same trick twice." - Kakashi thought as he plunged underground using the ground technique, but suddenly... He came across... an Explosive Seal there.

His eyes widened and...


Kakashi literally flew out of the ground, but looking closer... You could see his "Earth Armor" shattered.

- "Hmm... Defended myself using the Earth Armor technique." - I thought and saw a shabby Kakashi

- I see you've prepared thoroughly. But it's still not enough. - Kakashi-sensei said, looking in the direction where we were standing...

- I'll give you credit, sensei. You're tough. - I said, clapping my hands.

- I can't believe he's still alive. - Satsuki muttered.

- As alive as a cockroach. - Naruko added.

- And I wanted to get it over with and go for a walk. - Sakura sighed.

- You girls are so bloodthirsty. I like it. - I smirked, and Kakashi was in mute shock.

- "What kind of kids I got..."


- Kakashi sensei, what do you think art is? - suddenly, Thiel asked, pulling Kakashi out of the land of shock.

- What...? - Kakashi remembered that Tilya already wanted to say something about it, but couldn't... So, thinking that it was important for him, Kakashi still answered...

- Art... It's paintings and books by Porn... Ahem, ahem, ahem... Jiraiya-sama! - He replied, clearing his throat.

- You are right. We all have our own understanding of art. - I smiled.

- And what is your definition of art? - Kakashi raised an eyebrow.

- It means a lot of things... But still... My favorite version...

- Art... THIS..... - spoke quietly by Tilya, but his voice seemed so loud that the birds flew up in the air and under Kakashi's shocked gaze...

- EXPLOSION! - Thiel snapped his fingers and a bright light blinded him.

- BOOM!!! - The bells on Kakashi's belt exploded!

Not expecting this, Kakashi couldn't do anything and covered his hands, expecting the incredible power of the explosion, but... He was only thrown backwards and crashed into a tree normally, but it hardly hurt him...

In a second, he was on his feet and staring at us.

- You didn't take your chance. I still have the bells. - he muttered, but I smirked.

- Oh, really?" I asked, and took the bells out of my pocket.

- Kakashi-sensei, we won! - Sakura and Naruko said, and Satsuki snorted happily.

Kakashi was surprised and looked at his belt, then... I dispelled the genjutsu and he saw that the bells were gone...

- Genjutsu? When? - Kakashi asked.

- Since the beginning, when you were sitting in the tree. - I answered and smirked.

- You were under genjutsu from the beginning, but you weren't using your Sharingan, so you didn't notice how I switched your bells after your explanation.

- So... So I lost from the start. - Kakashi muttered in surprise, and I replied.

- Next time, don't let your guard down and don't underestimate your opponent, even if you're fighting against children. - I said, covering my eyes and twirling the bells between my fingers.

- Eh... You're right. - Kakashi sighed and shook off the dust.

- Okay... Now, the most important thing. Girls... Here you go! - I said and threw all the bells to the girls.

- Tila... But... You're... Satsuki.

- But what about you? - Sakura asked.

- Brother, what do you want to do? - Naruko.

I turned my back to them and put my foot on a huge boulder (which appeared out of nowhere), looked into the distance and began to rant...

- In the shinobi world... Anyone who doesn't follow the rules is garbage..." I said sadly, noting that everyone was looking at me with concern.

- But he who abandons his comrades is even worse than trash! - turning around with a dazzling smile, I said and showed my thumb...

Geez!!! What a shame!!! And Kakashika... Ugh! Kakashi is shocked! Well yeah... I did repeat the words of his best (former) and dead (dream on) friend (now shit).

- N-but... Tila..." the shocked girls muttered. Naruko was about to cry, and so was Sakura, and Satsuki was a little short of breath. Wow... What a reaction!

- Don't say anything. You're worthy to become great ninjas. I'll wait a year at the academy. There I will rest all day and look at the clouds while drinking pomegranate juice! - I waved my hand. with a dreamy smile.

- W-w-wait you passed! - Kakashi extended a trembling hand and stopped my stream of pathos and coolness... Heh...

- All of them? - I asked.

- That's it! - he nodded tiredly.

- Hooray! Let's celebrate and go on a date! - Sakura suggested happily.

- Yes! Let's celebrate, what do you say? Tila? Satsuki-chan? - Naruko seconded and looked at us.

- That sounds great. - я.

- Um... What's that got to do with me? - Turning away, Satsuki said.

- Oh, would you stop it? Everyone in the village knows how you look at Tilek and he was the first to figure it all out himself, so stop it Tsundere and let's go on a date! - Naruko grudgingly let out, shocking Satsuki.

- Wha... Wha... Wha... Wha... Wha... Wha...? - Satsuki asked all red, and Sakura and Naruko nodded.

Uchiha looked at Kakashi and me worriedly. And we synchronously turned around and whistled and began to assess... What a beautiful range it is after all!

- WOW! - Satsuki said and took her head and sat down on the ground.

- Well, well... That's even better! Now, you won't have to pretend to hate Tilek. - Sakura said.

She and Naruko picked up Satsuki's arms and walked forward.

- Why don't you come with us? - I suggested, to sensei.

- No... I'm wounded and I want to rest. Besides... I don't want to interfere with your date.

- Suit yourself.

I sighed, then smiled and followed the ladies!