
The King part. 2

Lenny's POV:

I heard a knock on the door, "Who is it?"

"It's William love." He said in the other side of the door. "May I come in?"


"Good answer." He walked in the room and said, "Come it's time I show you to your new room."

I was getting up and I felt a pain in my head which made me scream, I passed out.

I woke up in a forest with the starry sky and looked around to take in my surroundings. I started to walk around and heard some water running. I started to walk towards the sound to see a lake it look like aqua, sparkling and glistening in the moon light. I had a white gown on with a flower crown.

I soon woke up and felt a soft mattress underneath me. I opened my eyes to see where I was and saw William with a worried look on his face.

"Are you okay?" I could tell that he was worried. "What happened?"

"I-I was in the forest and it was night," he listened to my words carefully. "I was walking and there was a lake, I was wearing a white gown with a flower crown, it was so peaceful."

He hugged me tight, "Shh, it's okay." Petting my head, "You're safe now." I didn't realize that I was crying, but I guess that's what happens when you have a panic attack.

"How long was I asleep?"

"Only about 6 hours." William answered me but when I looked up at him he was looking at me in the eyes. And I fell asleep and he pulled me closer to him with one of his hands around my waist.

When I woke up again it was around 1 AM and I was tired, but I felt a pair of arms around my waist again. I tried moving no budge, I tried to scream but one of the hands went over my mouth. Then I realized who it was, it was William.

Williams POV:

When Lenny fell asleep on me again I placed her down on the bed gently, and brush my hand through her hair gently. I wanted her so bad but I laid right next to her and pulled her closer towards me and fell "asleep" right next to her and when she woke up at one I pretend that I was asleep and when she tried to scream she would wake the whole hall. And I wouldn't want that.

"Shh, it's okay it's just me." Petting her head trying to calm her. I got up and left her going to the kitchen to make her some food. I made her some soup to make sure she eats well. When I came back to the room I knocked and got no response, I knocked again and got know response again. I opened the door and walked in to see Lenny asleep on the bed with the covers over her.

I placed down the soup, and went to wake her up. "Lenny," whispering to her, "Lenny it's time to wake up."

"Mmmm." She moaned.

"I have some food for you." She sat up rubbing her eyes and looked at me.

"What is it?" She asked me with a soft tone.

"It's chicken noodle soup." Picking it up and handing it to her she ate it slow as I feed it to her, making sure she got every last drop of it.

"Did you cook this?" Raising one of her eyebrows. I nodded in response. "It's good."

I smiled at her words. "Thank you."

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