
A gate to another World

James Lee is a younger how lived in poverty and bulliedby other one day he find a new door to his basement he started his new adventure in another world and find a last Kingdom and rebuild it's starts from the scratch slice of life .... adventure.....harem.... system...slow story building first few episodes will be fast forward..... Rag to Riches, Building a harem in another world and becoming a king

007_Black_Knight · sci-fi
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6 Chs

Ally way

Jonathan was seething with rage. He hurled a few curses and stormed out of James' house. James, feeling overwhelmed, locked himself in his room for the entire day. The next morning, he hesitantly opened his door. Peering left and right, he found his house eerily silent, devoid of any presence.

Determined to bring some order to his chaotic surroundings, James embarked on a cleaning spree. It took him four laborious hours, but eventually, he stood back, admiring his now spotless home. Exhausted from the effort, he succumbed to a deep, almost trance-like sleep.

Upon awakening, James realized it was time to replenish his supplies. He glanced at the clock; it was 5 PM. After a strenuous evening working at the convenience store, he left at 9 PM with his earnings. With groceries in hand, he embarked on the long walk home, his only company being the music streaming from his mobile phone.

James preferred shortcuts, weaving through alleys to hasten his journey. But that night, as he crossed a narrow alleyway, a distressing scene unfolded before him. A young woman was being harassed by a group of drunken thugs. Her cries for help pierced the night, yet this desolate area offered no saviors.

James witnessed her plight but felt powerless. He wanted to remain uninvolved, yet her desperate pleas reached his ears. "Please help me!" she screamed. One thug, noticing James passing by, saw an opportunity. His eyes gleamed with malicious intent as he planned to overpower James and rob him.

Unaware of the thug's sinister thoughts, James kept his gaze low, attempting to pass unnoticed. But suddenly, he felt a sharp blow to the back of his head. He crumpled to the ground, blood gushing from the wound. As he lay dazed, he noticed the thug rifling through his belongings. In a moment of desperation, James spotted a beer bottle by the roadside. With all his might, he grabbed it and struck the assailant's head.

The impact resonated through the alley—'Boom…' The thug collapsed, unconscious. The noise alerted his accomplices, who rushed towards James, intent on retaliation. Seizing the moment, the woman grabbed her mobile phone, dialed the police, and alerted her family to her location.

Engulfed in the chaos, James didn't see the other thugs approaching. 'Boom…' They surrounded him, their blows raining down mercilessly. Darkness encroached upon his vision, his consciousness slipping away. But just as he was about to succumb to the darkness, the piercing sound of sirens filled the air. The thugs scattered, leaving James battered on the ground. The girl provided a detailed account to the police, ensuring they understood that James had tried to help her.

Olivia had been longing to converse with James, but he seemed oblivious to her desires. With a singular focus, James collected his groceries and treaded the path to his abode, unaware of the intense scrutiny from two onlookers whose stares could have scorched him on the spot. Yet, James remained ignorant of the drama unfolding behind him.

The girl he had rescued was none other than Olivia, whose father's affluence and prominence in the city were well-known. To ensure James's safety, she had discreetly dispatched a bodyguard to shadow him, ready to intervene should any miscreants dare to assault him.

Olivia's concerns, however, were unfounded. James arrived at his sanctuary unscathed and proceeded to tend to his wounds with medicinal care. The hunger pangs were setting in, and although he had intended to prepare a meal with the groceries he had purchased, the clock had already struck 11. Resigned to his late-night cravings, James opted for a quick fix. He heaved a sigh, resigned to his fate, and tore open a packet of instant noodles. As he slurped the modest meal, a sense of frustration washed over him.

Post supper, James splashed water on his face, and the reflection that greeted him in the mirror was a stark reminder of his current plight. The urge to shatter the glass surged through him, but he restrained himself, fully aware of the expense such an act would incur.

His attention was then captured by a decrepit wooden box tucked away in the corner of the room. It was so worn that it seemed it might crumble to dust upon touch. Driven by curiosity, James approached the box and discovered two golden keys inside. He recognized one as the key to his basement storage, but the purpose of the other remained a mystery.

With keys in hand, James descended into the basement. The door creaked open to reveal an assortment of items: swords, spears, bows, and long swords.

Intrigued by the myriad of items strewn across the room, James's gaze landed on a sword that seemed to beckon him. Despite its formidable weight, he felt a surge of confidence – "It's heavy, but I can manage," he thought to himself. Grasping the hilt with both hands, he hoisted the sword, feeling its weight. He swung it twice, the effort sending a jolt of pain through his arms, leaving them throbbing with soreness.

Undeterred, James reached for another artifact, a spear this time, and attempted to wield it with the same fervor. The result was no different; exhaustion washed over him like a wave, leaving him panting, his energy sapped as if he were but a child after a spirited play.

His attention then shifted to an assortment of masks, each with an eerie aura. He tried one on, but it didn't fit; it hung loose, adding to the room's unsettling atmosphere. As he turned, a door caught his eye,

His gaze was drawn to another door, majestic and adorned with carved symbols. He reached out, touching the door, attempting to unlock it, but it was secured. On a whim, he tried the second golden key, and to his astonishment, it clicked into place, and the door swung open of its own accord.

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