
Baba yaga

[Main Pov]

Here I am, running to my house after a hunt, the mission this time was quite far from my residence, I will have to go back a long way, luckily I can run very fast, not as fast as the other vampires, but fast enough to be considered superhuman.

As a hybrid, I'm not affected in the same way by other vampires' weaknesses, such as I can feed on human food, and thanks to this ability to eat human food, I only need to feed on blood a few times, but now the human food doesn't taste the same anymore, it doesn't look as tasty anymore.

But at least it's edible, the sun is also another thing that affects me differently than other vampires, so when I'm in the sun I only emit a small glow, so small that with the right clothes I can easily avoid this problem, thankfully. I'm not a brilliant club like the others.

Another aspect that differs from other vampires is my hybrid brain, which is better than most of the great geniuses that ever lived, my brain is so strong that I can learn languages in a few weeks and to top it off I even have an eidetic memory. And it was only thanks to my brain that I was able to learn most of the Greek dialects, I learned Aeolian Greek, Arcado-Cypriot, Attic-Ionic, Doric, Locrian, Pamphylian and even the still uncreated Homeric Greek.

And only after understanding all this about Greek, I was able to learn too, the epic Greek not yet created. In my old life I was a fan of epic poetry, and now here I am the only living being on this planet who knows how to create epic poetry, in the future I intend to capitalize on this knowledge and start making money from it, money and poetry will help me to create my sphere of influence.

Money and influence are the greatest powers in the world. But being a hybrid doesn't just bring benefits, compared to other vampires, I'm physically much weaker, for example, I'm driving home at a speed of approximately 60 miles per hour, a surprising speed in the eyes of humans.

But among vampires I am almost a snail, as they are capable of running at over 100 miles per hour, a speed that surprises me. But even though I'm physically weaker than them, I still believe that I'm much stronger than most, during these 7 years my powers have evolved impressively.

Nowadays my powers have evolved to a point that surpassed Shoto's a long time ago, because of my much stronger body, I can wield very powerful ice control powers, I can freeze large spaces and even almost reach absolute zero. Maybe if I used more fire powers I would be even stronger.

even not using my fire powers as much, they also had a great evolution.

I may not be able to do such great things with my fire powers, but my control over him is amazing, I can control him even better than my ice, I always had to deal with him in a hidden way and in the most limited situations, and that contributed so that I can have a great deal of control over it, like lighting a flame inside someone's mouth, and controlling by calling them to slowly burn the individual, or even being able to leave my body completely covered in fire without burning me.

But I need to be careful that my secret weapon is not discovered, so I only use my fire powers on missions far away where there is no one around, except in these situations, I only use my ice. Thanks to my ice powers, people call me the ice emperor, a cool nickname even. I notice something that pulls me out of my thoughts and I speak.

"Shit" I just realized that I'm lost, this keeps happening, I'm a very distracted person, I start thinking about life and future plans, and I get immersed in these thoughts, and in the end I forget that I'm running at a surprisingly fast speed, luckily, thanks to my super sense of smell, I manage to find my way back and head home, which will be the home of the Volturi clan for a while, but that's talk for the near future.

After running for a while I managed to get home, for a while we lived in the villages, but because of my rapid growth, every few months we had to move, and it was with that in mind that we chose to live in the forest at a distance safe from the villages.

We live in a beautiful house in the middle of the forest, the house we live in manages to satisfy my refined taste, in fact satisfy my good sense of the future. The house was built entirely of stone, just like medieval castles, an idea that came from me, by the way.

The house was very beautiful, more like a castle than a simple house, it was fully planned to have secret passages and be efficient in case we were attacked by humans, vampires, Children of the Moon and Shapeshifters.

Me, my dad and Marcus built the house entirely ourselves, Aro was a good carpenter while Marcus had knowledge of working with stone, putting all that together with my knowledge of the future and the fact that we are all vampires, it was very easy to build.

But even with all of us working together, during the day and night it took over 1 year to fully build, probably because, my architectural model was unheard of at the time, and many of the things I ordered from them, were new items for them, so they really had to spend a lot of time making these objects.

As I think about it, I enter the castle and am surprised by a female voice.

"Hi Morpheus, you've been gone so long that I started to get worried about you, you can't take that long on these trips, your aunt and I were worried about you, your father should stop sending you on these dangerous trips, you may seem an adult, but you're only 7 years old, so be careful and please don't delay on these missions" I look at the woman who said that and I smile wryly, and I say looking into her eyes.

" I'm fine Sulpicia, I've told you hundreds of times it's going to be okay, you and my aunt shouldn't worry too much about it, I'm big enough to be able to protect myself" at the end of my words, the air turns cold and my eye right starts to glow blue, along with the twinkle in my eyes the room starts to cool down, this was like a little demonstration that i'm strong.

She realizes the situation, and doesn't mind my show of power, the same power that a few hours ago was enough to make a psychotic vampire shudder in fear, wasn't enough to make a young human girl 5'6''' time to step back even an inch, in fact she became even more confident. She looks at me and speaks.

She realizes the situation, and doesn't mind my show of power, the same power that a few hours ago was enough to make a psychotic vampire shudder in fear, wasn't enough to make a 5'6'' young human girl back down, true Let it be said, she became even more confident. She looks at me and speaks.

"You may be strong, but even if you were the strongest person in the world, I'm sure I would still worry about your safety you idiot" her response was cute, her response combined with her natural beauty was fatal, but that's where danger lives, and because I don't think much about Sulpicia.

"I understand your point my dear, and I know we have had this conversation many times, and precisely because I have had this conversation so many times, I will have to ignore it again, a thousand pardons and until next time" I walk away from her using my super speed because she is still human, she can only see a blur, she is still standing in the same position with an angry face and in the distance i can hear her yelling at me.

"MORPHEUS GET BACK HERE NOW, I KNOW YOU CAN HEAR ME" I pretend I didn't hear, and I start to smile, and I walk even farther away from her, until I reach my room.

I take advantage of my escape and Didyme's absence to lie down, given the absence of her scent, I assume Didyme has left for the nearest village. Over the years, my aunt stopped being so annoying and became overprotective, and that's why she keeps fighting with Aro, she hates my missions, it annoys her a lot.

And don't want to see my aunt angry, even the gods submit to her fury, imagine a simple vampire like Aro. I only continue on these quests because I want to see the world, increase my skills and also because staying at home is so tedious.

But unfortunately, after I get home from my missions, I always have to put up with a lecture from my aunt, and now that Sulpicia is here I get one from her too, Sulpicia is a nice person, but very troublesome for me. My dad came here with her a few years ago, she was a 15 year old orphan, she was very pretty, had dark blue eyes and brown hair, in my old world she could have easily been a model.

I really liked talking to her, in fact I only had her or my aunt to talk to, and for a long time I preferred to talk to a demon instead of my aunt, glad she stopped being so annoying, but because of all the time I spent with Sulpicia we became very close.

And that was very good, for a while I was very happy, my powers developed a lot, my relationship with everyone was good, and Aro didn't seem so evil, the situation was so good that even my aunt became a reasonable person, and so that reality remained until a few months ago, until something happened that changed everything, which is why I try my best not to think about Sulpicia.

A few months ago I realized that the way Sulpicia treated me had changed, a subtle change, but I did, and it only got worse until my aunt told me what was going on, my aunt told me that Sulpicia was in love with me, maybe my aunt was hoping that after she said that, I would try something with Sulpicia.

A serious mistake on her part, after she told me this, I almost went crazy, a beauty on the level of Sulpicia in love with me made me a little happy, but just thinking about Aro finding out I had something with his future mate makes me scared, but what scared me the most is the fact that Aro probably knew about his feelings, and yet he didn't do anything.

The uncertainty of this whole situation left me with a bad feeling in my mouth, and because of this situation I stayed away from Sulpicia as much as possible, I started doing different things and going out a lot, one of the things I started doing was hunting vampires and humans who k*lled children or r*ped women.

Luckily because of that I was able to clear some of the rubbish from the land, it was 1000 BC. the number of shit people was so great that I would find one of these anywhere. Because of my hunts, a legend even started, which said that if you dared to hit a woman or force a woman to act with you, or do it with a child, the infernal cold would come after you and freeze you to death. . .

I used Aro's techniques to help the most helpless people, he taught me some good things during these years, and one of them is that "nothing controls people better than fear" I don't pretend to be a hero, in fact I prefer to be something better than a hero. I want to be a baba yaga.

I hear a noise and I'm going to see what it is...

To be continued.

"[ N/A ] If you've read this far, thank you very much, and as I don't know how to handle compliments very well, please curse me please."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Josef000creators' thoughts
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