
You’d look good as a mother

Yuuki sped into the bedroom and lifted the little baby out of the cot. She cradled him in her arms. The baby still cried.

"Yuta, are you hungry?" Erika and Kahoru followed Yuuki into the bedroom. They didn't expect Yuuki to unbutton her shirt and lift up one side of her bra.

Yuuki's motherly instincts were natural as she already had experience in taking care of children. She carried the little boy towards her chest and he naturally latched into her breast, hungrily.

Yuuki giggled. As she cradled him he gently patted his head. Erika sat beside her as she watched the baby feed.

"Yuta is such a cutie! I can't wait to have a child of my own!" Erika beamed at the baby, smiling. Since she was still an actress and model, she still had a long way to go in her career. She had to wait until the time was right.

"I know right? I love squeezing his chubby cheeks." Yuuki was happily smiling at the child in her arms. Her smile was shining bright as the sun.

She had always wanted a child ever since she was a little girl and that dream had come true. The girls chattered as the baby was being fed. After the baby finished feeding, he slowly went back to sleep.

"Erika!" A faint voice was heard from downstairs.

"I guess it's time for me to go home. I start filming a movie tomorrow." Erika excitedly got up of the bed and skipped out. As she got to the bedroom door, she turned and waved at them, then closed the door quietly.

"The last movie Erika starred in was amazing."

"I didn't know she chose acting as a career."

"When She was in a theatre club in university, they scouted her after one of the managers went to see their child perform. What a twist of fate. I thought she was going to take over her parents' flower shop."

"Me too."

"Kaho, do you want to hold Yuta?"


"Of course you! You're the only one in this room. I'll help you."


Yuuki showed her where her hands were supposed to be. She then carefully placed the baby in Kaho's arms. Kaho was in a daze. She did not know what to do. She had never held a baby before.

The baby was too fragile for her to move.

She eventually adjusted and was comfortable holding the small baby that was sleeping soundly in her arms.

"Kahoru. I'm surprised that you haven't held a baby in your four years of being a doctor."

"I'm a general surgeon, not an obstetrician. I specialise on the abdominal areas."

"Oh I see."

Kahoru gazed at the baby's round chubby face and slowly rocked him. She felt something trigger her motherly instincts. Although it was not her child, she felt a need to protect him.

"Yuuki! Can you come down?"

Jun called Yuuki from downstairs.

"I should see what Jun wants. Stay here." Yuuki whispered. With a smile, she took off."

"Mm." Kaho stayed seated with a sleeping infant in her arms.

"You're really cute. You know that?" Kahoru tenderly smiled at Yuta.

"You'd look good as a mother." A deep voice spoke.

"Takahiro? A m-mother?" Kahoru's face felt hot.

"We should get going now."


Takahiro ignored her response. Kahoru carefully put the baby down in his cot and headed out. Takahiro went ahead of her.

"Yuuki, Jun, thank you for tonight."

"It's no problem." Yuuki replies.

"Wait doesn't Takao own this cafe?"

"Yes he does, but we kinda all own this place. Whoever leaves last, has to lock it."

"How trusting."

"Wait Kaho! I forgot to ask for your number."

"Oh I'll give it to you now." After they exchanged numbers, Everyone said their goodbyes. Takahiro and Kahoru walked outside towards the Maybach that was parked not too far from here. Takahiro remained silent and ignored is surroundings. Kahoru though felt something unusual.

Was she being watched? Takahiro hurriedly hopped into the car. As Kahoru opened the door, she felt something move. She turned around to look, nothing was there.

"Oi! Hurry up, unless you want to be left here."

"I'd like to go home in all honesty." She hopped into the car and Takahiro drove away from Takayoshi.


As the car drove further away, a man creepily smiled to himself.

"Hehe, what a sexy woman."


In the car, Kaho suddenly felt shivers run down her spine. She made a weird face.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Erm... nothing. Oh wait,"

Kahoru paused and turned to the boss who was focused on the road. She took a deep breath.

"T-thank you for today. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't have cleared the misunderstanding."

Kaho moved her head downwards in a bow.

"No problem."

He was back to his quiet self. Although Kaho felt a huge gap in between them, it felt like the distanced between them became closer. He talked a bit more than usual.

As they arrived home, Kaho went upstairs to take he first bath and Takahiro went into the kitchen to make tea. He went to his study and worked.

Kaho jumped into the bath after her shower and thought about today. She was back with her childhood friends of nineteen years. She felt very happy to see everyone doing well in life.

She thought about how Risa tricked her into thinking about how useless she was. Even ignoring Yuuki when she should've given a chance to listen to her dear friend.

"How stupid of me." Kaho sighed. Kaho wasn't the person she was four years ago, her cheery self had become reserved and quiet. She became stronger and so much more prettier.

Regardless of her past, what was in the past, was the past. She could not do anything about it.

She then thought about what had happened earlier. There was definitely someone following her. All she could do was find a safer route home.

Kaho then climbed out of the bath, drying herself with a large towel. She changed into pink silk shorts and a pink silk button up shirt and put on her slippers as she exited the bathroom.

She went to get another towel and wrapped it around her head so her hair wouldn't drip.

Kahoru then went downstairs and walked towards the Study room. She knocked and peeped her head in. Takahiro was still typing.

"The bath is ready."


"How can you work on the weekend? You should be relaxing you old man!"

Takahiro stopped typing. The atmosphere suddenly became the Arctic and his gaze turned into a glare.

"What did you just say to me?"

"I uhh..."

Takahiro stood up and stomped towards Kahoru. Kahoru suddenly shut the door in a panic and ran to find a hiding spot.

She ran towards the bedroom and into the wardrobe. There were many of Takahiro's suits and she hid behind them. She remained silent and listened carefully to his footsteps.

Thump, thump, thump!

His footsteps were so close and then they faded away. Kahoru assumed that he went back to the study and let a sigh of relief.

She walked back out of the wardrobe and from the corner of her eye was a figure leaning on the wall.

"Where are you going little lady?"


Kahoru froze on the spot. And slowly turned her head towards Takahiro.

"B-big boss... what a coincidence."


Did he just click his tongue? That meant something bad was going to happen.

Out of thin air, Takahiro grabbed Kahoru's arm with his hand and using the other twist her other arm.

Kahoru kicked his shin and his leg faltered. She then jumped and tried to headlock him but he was too tall.

Takahiro moved forward pushing the little lady onto the bed. His nose was close to touching Kahoru's nose. They were tired and in the silence was panting.


As kids, Takahiro and Kahoru often fought, whether if it was over food to over a toy. They would often play fight too. In the end Kahoru always lost and cried.


They glared at each other and suddenly, Kaho's phone started to ring.

"You can get off now."

Takahiro walked off into the bathroom to take a bath, since he was already in the bedroom. Kaho rushed to her phone and picked the phone up. It was an unknown number.


There was a silence on the phone for a few seconds.

"Hello? Is anyone there?"

Then there was a deep whisper. "Just you wait. I'll have you in my arms soon."

Then he hung up. Kahoru froze in her place. Who was the man?

How creepy!

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