
A Father

Act one.

4 pm, inside a house, the father was seating on a chair while watching tv.

(sounds of door opening)

(he looks in that direction and sees his daughter)

Daughter: (with a sad look) Pops, I'm s-sorry(dramatically said)

Father: (He gives his daughter a warming smile) it's okay, princess. No matter the result your pops is always proud of you. (He hugs his daughter and pats her back)

Daughter: Thank you pops, I never want to disappoint you but to think your daughter is so stupid that I got I perfect score on the exam.

Father: oh you know that I will never be disappointed in you~ wait what?!

(the daughter pulls away from the hug and shows him his test paper)

Daughter: Pops, I got the scholarship!!!

(the father was so speechless and happy that he pulls his daughter into a hug and repeatedly kissed her forehead)

(the father pulls away)

Father: this is calling for a celebration!!! But before that— (he pinched her daughter's cheek) you silly child, to think you will make a fool out of your father (a sad look and he puts his hands on his chest and dramatically said) you hurt your pops, where did you learn that.

Daughter: (rolls her eyes) you are the only role model I have who else would I get that from?

Father: (reminiscing face and sadly smile) Your mother will throw a tantrum if I didn't buy him treats every time I come back home from my job.

(the daughter sees his father's fate and pats his back)

Father: enough with the drama, since you did great today I will cook you your favorite curry.

Daughter: but dad, that's your favorite.

Father: I'm just joking, so stay here first I will buy the ingredients.

Daughter: I will go with you.

Father: No, just rest I know you put a lot of effort to get that scholarship, so let your hand'awesome father do all the work.

(he says as he brushes his chin with his thumb and an index finger while raising his eyebrow repeatedly with a smug smile on his face)

Daughter: yeah yeah, just go away already.

After buying the ingredients the Father and daughter duo have a great feast together. The daughter gets the scholarship, while the father gets a high-paying job.

Everything is going well for the two, they will exchange gifts at Christmas, and bring flowers and chocolate to each other on valentines day, and then on June 18, Father's day. The daughter went home early to surprise his father and give him a letter.

Daughter: Pops will surely be happy, I'm done with the letters, now I'll just need to wrap his present.

The Daughter prepares to wrap the gift but she forgot to buy a gift wrapper.

Daughter: There's no gift wrapper. (she looked at her watch and it showed 2:34 pm)

Daughter: Pops will finish his job at 4 pm so I still can make it if I buy the wrapper at the mall.

Before she leaves she placed the letter and the gift in her drawer.

(4:00 pm Ross family house. )

The father, Genrhal Ross enters the house but he got strange out by the deafening silence echoing the entire house. He thought that his daughter might be hiding to give him a father's day present like she usually does every occasion she thinks is required.

Half an hour passed. The father is sitting on the couch but with a palpable worried and pale complexion.

Father: She should be in here now. She's not answering my calls. What if... No, no I can't be a pessimist. Maybe she is just busy with something.

The father stands off the couch and then back and forth walk while looking nervous.

His body is trembling while he keeps on fidgeting with his phone and he repeatedly looks at the screen waiting for his daughter to call or reply to his messages.

The dusk passed and the stars dominate the night sky.

While the majority of people are readying to take their sleep, a particular house with a frantic father in it can't grab his rest.

Father: No I can't just wait here.

The father puts on his jacket and flashlight to head to the police station and report his daughter is missing.

But before he could grab the doorknob his phone suddenly rang. He felt so relieved that at last, his daughter calls him.

He places the phone on his ear.

Father: Miss Diana Ross!! Where are you?! Do you know what time it is?! You should prepare your explanation!

But instead of his daughter's voice, a guy replied to him.

Person on the phone(PP): Hello sir, are you the father of Diana Ross?

Father: Yes, I'm her father. But why do you have my daughter's phone?! Who are you?!

P.P: Sir, I'm from Manderson Medical Hospital, your daughter got caught in an accident.

Father: Is she okay? Sir, Is my daughter okay?! Can I talk to her?

P.P: Sir, It would be better if you see her yourself. I'm sorry for your loss.

Father: What do you mean, sorry for what?!

P.P: Bye sir.

Father: Wait tell me—(beeb-beeb* call ended)

The father hurriedly go to the hospital while his mind was expecting the worst but denying it at the same time.

At the Hospital.

The father walks straight to the receptionist.

Father: Miss, which room Diana Ross is in?

(Receptionist checking the log)

Receptionist: it's in the basement on the lowest floor.

Father: (frowned) Basement? Why would she— miss are perhaps mistaken?

(checking the log again)

R: She's really in the morgue sir. My condolence sir. (the receptionist slightly bows to the father)

The father was shocked and dumbfounded looking at the receptionist.

Father: What are you saying? Condolence? For what? For whom?

The father shivers as he steps back while continuously looking at the receptionist. His leg weakened and he fells on the floor.

Father: (blankly staring at the floor*) No... It can't be. That ain't her, it was just someone with the same name who coincidentally have my daughter's phone.

The receptionist got near and pat the father on his back.

Father: Tell me, this is a nightmare right? this is just a dream, right? I will wake up from slumber and get out of this hell, right? right?!! Tell me! This is just a dream!! This is not true... She is the only one I have.

(The father loses consciousness)

In The Morgue.

The Father enters the door and sees a body of a woman lying on a table covered by a white blanket.

The Father slowly walks to the corpse and forcefully raised his trembling hand.

As he uncovers the head tear burst from the father and he hugs the corpse.

Even with the pale and full of violet bruises face of the corpse, he can still recognize that she's the child he raised and makes him sacrifice many things just to ensure she has a good life.

His grief wants to deny everything but the reality is already in front of him.

He gently caressed his daughter's face.

Father: What have they done to you?

He knows that the bruises on his daughter did not come from a normal accident, he is sure someone killed his daughter.

Father: You have a bright future ahead, why does it have to be you? You don't deserve any of this.

Father: I don't care if it's an accident or not. If it's intentional or not. If they have family waiting for them or they are like me. I will make them pay (caressed his daughter's face) with dare insignificant lives ( kissed his daughter's forehead) no matter what.

One month passed and the investigation went on, the police identify the suspects, it was the gang in that area. But when they arrive at the gang's den.

What they saw would give them nightmares for the rest of their lives. A hundred lifeless bodies, it's not just a simple murder or massacre, it's total carnage.

At the House of Ross Family.

A man with bloody clothes holding a gun enters the house.

The man reached out into his pocket and pull out a letter. (the letter written by Diana for him before she went missing)

(caressed the letter)

Father: I finally avenged you, you may now rest in peace. You might not be proud of what your Pops did but I regret nothing if I will be regretting something it would be the idea of not being able to meet you and your mother in heaven. The saying really is true. There's no scarier than a person who has nothing to lose.

The man closed his eyes, point the gun onto his own temple and shoots himself dead.