It's all started when James hurt his admirer way back 7th Grade. That clumsy, fat admirer confessed her feelings in the middle of court where James and his teammates having a practice. Not to mention the popularity of those basketball players, crazy fans, and stalkers. James hated girls doing the first move so he humiliated that girl, he said a lot of unforgivable things to her that made her life miserable. But the saying 'What Goes Around Comes Around' is really true. 20 years after that unforgettable disaster moment, they meet again. Things are really different now. She's not that clumsy fat girl anymore. She's not that irritable admirer/stalker anymore. And worst of all, she's no longer a GIRL ~ she's now a TOMBOY, arrogant tomboy. Credits to Luizclas and King Siberia on Pexels
Everybody is busy on the set because in a few minutes they will be starting to film the first episode of NeoTV's magazine show entitled 'Inspirations'. They are going to feature different inspiring topics that could truly touch the hearts of people. And for their first episode they are going to feature the life of the famous sport magazine writer, Danielle Torres.
"Are we all set?" the director wears the headset to begin filming.
"Alright, lights... camera... and action!"
"Good evening! I am Lara Sandoval and welcome to the first episode of the show 'Inspirations'. As we all know, inspiration plays a great role for an individual to become successful. So, we will feature different topics, stories, places or anything that's inspiring. And for this evening, we are honored to feature the story of the famous sport magazine writer. Let us all welcome Ms. Danielle Torres!'' the host opens the show with the spiels. Everybody is applauding while Danielle is making her way to the seat provided on stage. The host welcomes her with a bouquet and a kiss.
"Good evening. Welcome to the show. Please have a seat."
"Thank you."
"Oh by the way, how do you want me to call you, Mr. or Ms. Danielle Torres?"
"Just Dani."
"Okay. As we all know, you are now a famous and respected sport magazine writer. What can you say about it?'' the host is asking with a great smile on her face.
"Well, what can I say?..." Danielle pauses with a smile.
"I uh, maybe I am so blessed after all the pain I've been through. And if you are dedicated on what you're doing, you'll become successful," she continues.
"You're such a humble person. Would you mind if you tell us what you've been through?"
"It's a sad long story of my boring love life. Not that interesting," Danielle tries to change the topic.
"So sorry to hear that. Now let's talk about your inspiration."
"Well, I don't have much inspiration aside from my family for their never ending support."
"How did you get into this kind of profession?"
"Why it seems the answers of all your questions are related to one person?" she chuckles while her face can't hide the bitterness of her heart.
"Oh, really?" the host looks puzzled.
"Well maybe, this is the right time to tell everybody the real Danielle.''
"That's really interesting!" the host seems excited.
"When I was in the darkest moment in my life, I hired few people to act my story because I was so devastated that time. It's a sort of a movie showing all that happened in life from the day I began to love a man, not actually a man because we're too young at that time. I supposed to give it to the person I love but I lost courage to do it...'' Danielle pauses while taking the file from her purse.
''Well, here is the file. It was taken five years ago and I always bring this wherever I go. It will tell you everything about me," she extends her hand to give the flashdrive to the host.
"Whoa! This is intense. Alright, let's watch this. Hang on there, people."
For Lara Sandoval's story it's available on Dreame and Wattpad entitled My Native Wife 1&2 which have almost 4M reads.